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The dark celebration of Gehard Demetz

The dark celebration of Gehard Demetz
You have stolen my silence, 2006, © Gehard Demetz wood, 167,5x55x38 cm Courtesy Galleria Rubin, Milano Photo by Egon Dejori Gehard Demetz is a mystery artist, the only thing that we know about him is that he was born in 1972, Italy, and that he currently lives in the mountains of Selva Gardena. Maybe this is the only thing that matters when you set an eye on his absolutely marvelous wooden sculptures, since you forget everything you may have in your mind. Why lie, this is not wood, this is the material of the dreams. (left) Gloomysunday, 2007, © Gehard Demetz wood, 173 X 44 X 40 cm Courtesy Galleria Rubin, Milano Photo by Egon Dejori (right) Your sweat is salty, 2005, © Gehard Demetz wood, 172 x 38 x 35 cm Courtesy Galleria Rubin, Milano Photo by Egon Dejori Their sad expressions come as a contrast to the almost porcelain aspect of the wood. Gehard Demetz is represented by Galleria Rubin, Milan // Italy discover Demetz's talent through the pictures that follow: image credits // clockwise:

5 Ways To Hack Your Brain Into Awesomeness | - StumbleUpon Much of the brain is still mysterious to modern science, possibly because modern science itself is using brains to analyze it. There are probably secrets the brain simply doesn't want us to know. But by no means should that stop us from tinkering around in there, using somewhat questionable and possibly dangerous techniques to make our brains do what we want. We can't vouch for any of these, either their effectiveness or safety. All we can say is that they sound awesome, since apparently you can make your brain... #5. So you just picked up the night shift at your local McDonald's, you have class every morning at 8am and you have no idea how you're going to make it through the day without looking like a guy straight out of Dawn of the Dead, minus the blood... hopefully. "SLEEEEEEEEEP... uh... What if we told you there was a way to sleep for little more than two hours a day, and still feel more refreshed than taking a 12-hour siesta on a bed made entirely out of baby kitten fur? Holy Shit!

Steampunk Sculptures&|&Elma+Alt+Shift Belçikalı sanatçı Stephane Halleux’tan muhteşem Steampunk heykelleri. Daha fazlası sitesinde. Gorgeous collection of Steampunk sculptures created by Belgian artist Stephane Halleux. For more images click here. via Related posts: Before I Die & Candy Chang - StumbleUpon What matters most to you Interactive public art project that invites people to share their personal aspirations in public. After losing someone she loved and falling into depression, Chang created this experiment on an abandoned house in her neighborhood to create an anonymous place to help restore perspective and share intimately with her neighbors. The project gained global attention and thanks to passionate people around the world, over 1000 Before I Die walls have now been created in over 70 countries, including Kazakhstan, Iraq, Haiti, China, Ukraine, Portugal, Japan, Denmark, Argentina, and South Africa. 2011, New Orleans, LA. Cordoba, Argentina. Najaf, Iraq. Brooklyn, NY. Almaty, Kazakhstan Savannah, GA. Pohang City, South-Korea. San Francisco, CA. Johannesburg, South Africa. Cordoba, Argentina.

An Artist Who Literally Screw His Artworks Feb 25, 2011 / Category : Art / 5 Comments Meet Andrew Myers, one of the most patient modern-day sculptors around. He starts with a base, plywood panel, and then places pages of a phone book on top. After that he draws out a face and pre-drills 8,000 to 10,000 holes, by hand. As he drills in the screws, Myers doesn't rely on any computer software to guide him, he figures it out as he goes along. The young artist didn't always work with screws, the idea just came to him one day, while working on a church's bronze relief depicting the life of Saint Catherine. One of the most challenging parts is getting rid of the flat drawing underneath because he then has to paint over each of the screw heads, individually, so that in the end, the sculpture looks like an actual portrait. Although Myers sells his work for as much as $35,000, he's not doing it for money.

National Geographic Photo Contest 2011 - Alan Taylor - In Focus - The Atlantic - StumbleUpon National Geographic is currently holding its annual photo contest, with the deadline for submissions coming up on November 30. For the past nine weeks, the society has been gathering and presenting galleries of submissions, encouraging readers to vote for them as well. National Geographic was kind enough to let me choose among its entries from 2011 for display here on In Focus. Gathered below are 45 images from the three categories of People, Places, and Nature, with captions written by the individual photographers. [45 photos] Use j/k keys or ←/→ to navigate Choose: Many people pilgrimage to Uluru, but what is seen there often depends on where you've come from. Eruption of the Cordon del Caulle. Beluga whales in the arctic having fun. This is a streetcar in New Orleans traveling back towards The Quarter on St. This image captures almost 6 hours of climbing parties on Rainier going for the summit under starry skies. Russia, polar region of West Siberia, Tazovsky Peninsula.

Real People Painted To Look Like Paintings That's a real-ass live human woman right there! You see, DC artist Alexa Meade paints people to look like they're in paintings. Maybe art isn't dead! But you know what is? The opossum on the sidewalk right outside my apartment complex. It's true, I even poked it with a stick when I was walking the dogs. I paint representational portraits directly on top of the people I am representing. Whoa -- that was a little deep for me, Alexa. Hit the jump for a ton more of worthwhile amazingness, as well as the link to even more in higher-res. Hyper-Realistic Acrylic Body Painting [mymodernmet] Thanks to Momcilo, who paints paintings to look like people. Mark Jenkins // Street Installations - StumbleUpon Kristiansand, Norway London, England Montreal, Canada Cologne, Germany Besançon Rome Rio de Janeiro Tudela London Dublin Moscow Winston-Salem Seoul Royan Bordeaux Puerto del Rosario Barcelona Malmö Washington DC Washington, DC

Steampunk Sculptures by James Corbett, The Car Part Sculptor James Corbett takes used card parts and, using them like pieces in a puzzle, creates amazing steampunk sculptures. Corbett showed artistic talent ever since he was a little boy. Colleagues at his Redcliff school would always tell him he’d grow up to be an artist. But, at 36 years old James was running a motor wrecking business. James Corbet says he makes these original sculptures because he can and it would be a shame to waste his God-given talent. via John Davies Gallery Reddit Stumble

Cartoon Characters Mixed - What an ART - StumbleUpon “Cartoon Characters Mixed”… The man behind this awesome idea is Chan Hwee Chong, an art director working at Kolle Rebbe GmbH, Hamburg (Germany). Artist – Chan Hwee Chong Portfolio Tip: USE RIGHT AND LEFT ARROW KEYS ON YOUR KEYBOARD TO MOVE PAGES Tags: Cartoons, Chan Hwee Chong, Germany Newspaper and Book Sculptures in New York Newspaper and Book Sculptures in New York Posted on 10 October 2010 Crni The New York inspired artist Nick Georgiou from Queens has managed to use something as simple as newspapers to create art, more precisely sculptures. He has placed most of them around in New York City, but some of his collections are for the indoors like the ones that look like paintings because of the frames.
