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New World Order (conspiracy theory)

New World Order (conspiracy theory)
Related:  ONE WORLD

Mark of the Beast : Obama's Healthcare Mandate Mar 2013-Dec 2017 RFID in Right Hand (Aug 28, 2012) BBC | Português | BBC e Você U.N. Chief: ‘Global Governance' Solution for Problematic 'National Interests' on 26th June 2020 @ 11.00pm © press U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said the world is need of an overarching level of multilateral governance that can sideline problematic “national interests." As the world body commemorates the 75th anniversary of the adoption of the U.N. “We need a networked multilateralism, bringing together the U.N. system, regional organizations, international financial institutions, and others," he said. "And we need an inclusive multilateralism, drawing on the indispensable contributions of civil society, business, cities, regions and, in particular, with greater weight given to the voices of youth,” Guterres said during a virtual press conference. Guterres claimed governments are no longer the only political and power reality in the 21st century. Have your say - ⇓ Hit the comments below ⇓ "We need an effective multilateralism that can function as an instrument of global governance where it is needed," Guterres stated.

North American Union Map showing the theoretical union located in the world map. Some form of union has been discussed or proposed in academic, business, and political circles for decades.[1][2][3][4] However, government officials from all three nations say there are no plans to create a North American Union and that no agreement to do so has been signed.[5][6][7] The formation of a North American Union has been the subject of various conspiracy theories.[8][9][10][11] History[edit] Since at least the mid-19th century, numerous concepts for a union among Canada, Mexico and the United States, some including Caribbean, Central American and South American countries, have been proposed, such as the North American Technate. Later, amid a push for greater integration and concerns about the impact of heightened security on trade relations following the September 11 attacks in 2001, an effort was organized in 2003 by the Canadian Council of Chief Executives, U.S. Claims of implementation[edit] Features[edit]

Teorias da Conspiração James Corbett: "The Great Reset Is The New World Order!" - We're Almost Out Of Time The Great Reset to the New World Order is almost here. We are just about out of time. Wake up now, while you still can! Most readers already understand what’s going on and that this entire system that’s an illusion is being taken down so they can erect the New World Order prison around us. If you haven’t figured out that the government (all of them) is in on this; you are not awake. James Corbett recently discussed The Great Reset to a New World Order system of totalitarian enslavement with Spiro Skouras. Trending: CDC & Fauci Confirm COVID-19 Scamdemic Was A Hoax “The Great Reset is nothing more than the New World Order,” says Corbett who has been speaking out against slavery (including the enslavement of government) for decades. I agree with Corbett. Everything done to us has all been to manipulate us into believing we need a ruler and a ruling class to dictate our lives. Manipulating The Masses: Edward Bernays &; Why The System Needs Your Compliance “This is it.

Nióbio Minério Brasileiro: Brasil privatizado e desnacionalizado Adriano Benayon * 05.03.2012 Cada vez mais, o nosso País vai sendo enredado na trama da oligarquia financeira e belicista imperial, cujo programa, no tocante ao Brasil, é evitar seu desenvolvimento, mantendo-o fraco, alienado e desarmado para sofrer, sem reação, o saqueio de seus recursos. Apontei, em artigo recente, algumas das razões pelas quais é muitíssimo enganosa a comemoração de o Brasil ter, agora, o sexto maior PIB do mundo. os minérios extraídos de nosso subsolo são, em sua esmagadora maioria, destinados ao exterior, onde entram na produção de bens cujo valor agregado, em termos monetários, é maior que o dessas matérias-primas, dezenas e até centenas de vezes. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Até há pouco, o balanço de pagamentos vinha sendo “equilibrado” pelo ingresso líquido de capitais estrangeiros, um pretenso remédio, que, na realidade, aumenta a doença estrutural da economia, algo como drogados sentindo alívio ao ingerir mais tóxicos, incrementando sua dependência. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

The NWO Propaganda Machine is Hard at Work to Remove Your Way of Life | News Pushed George Soros and his beloved New World Order are hard at work, trying to end the American way of life. Globalists have the propaganda machine running at full speed and the “open societies” are using the violence they manufactured in response to the George Floyd murder as an excuse to disarm the American police. The NWO way of life As hard as they’ve tried, they can’t pry guns out of the hands of Second Amendment loving citizens. It’s the conservative American way of life. That won’t stop the New World Order. They can use their Saul Alinsky toolkit to take weapons away from the police. After weeks of quarantine lockdown, we learned that all the models were wrong. Despite our best efforts, Covid-19 will be with us to stay. Even the Vatican thinks that globalist forces of evil are behind the “children of darkness” rioting in streets around the world and looting upscale shopping malls. The New World Order is attempting to inflame and exploit the division between police and the citizens. Share this:

Goiânia » Blog do Planalto Quinta-feira, 19 de março de 2015 às 15:05 17h06 – Está encerrada a cerimônia. Confira em instantes a cobertura completa. 16h59 – Presidenta anuncia início de obras no pátio e na pista do Aeroporto de Goiânia. 16h43 – Começa o discurso da presidenta Dilma. 16h30 – De acordo com o ministro das Cidades, Gilberto Kassab, as milhares de pessoas que vão utilizar esse transporte vão poder se dedicar mais aos seus filhos, mais ao lazer, voltar mais cedo pra casa porque vão economizar tempo de deslocamento. 16h17 – “O BRT Norte-Sul é moderno e eficiente porque é um transporte focado em atender as necessidades da população com excelência”, disse Paulo Garcia. 16h15 – Em seu discurso de boas vindas, o prefeito de Goiânia, Paulo Garcia, destaca as parcerias existentes entre o município e o governo federal. 16h02 – A presidenta Dilma Rousseff acaba de chegar ao local do evento. 15h10 – O BRT Norte-Sul vai beneficiar cerca de 120 mil usuários após a conclusão das obras. Imprima: Leia o artigo completo »

Are globalists using coronavirus crisis as battering ram to destroy, remake world order? | Blogs April 17, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) – In February of 2017, I was inspired by a Remnant TV video on President Trump’s inauguration speech titled “Here’s why they hate him. I followed up by writing “The surprising real reason for the hate against Donald Trump” that was one of our most viewed articles of 2017. I suggest you read it to better understand the significance of the new video, Covid-19: Globalism’s perfect storm, presented below and my deep concerns about a larger, world-wide agenda that is definitely going on in conjunction with the Wuhan virus pandemic. (Note: I call it the “Wuhan virus” because the general norm has been to use the location from which a pandemic virus came in the name of the virus whereas the corrupt WHO, in response to pressure from Communist China, has insisted we all use the innocuous “covid-19” nomenclature.) Don’t believe me? Watch the video. Coronavirus: A gift for globalists Note that there are some death and infection statistics in the video. It can be done.
