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Feed Your Soul: the free art project

Feed Your Soul: the free art project

Amy Butler Design Please enjoy these patterns. Just click on a link below to download the pattern of your choice. For best printing results, please print from Adobe® Reader®. To download Adobe® Reader® go to Amy's Holiday projects featured in "Mary Engelbreit's Home Companion" magazine, December 2008. The Beer Hunter | Roteiro No post anterior (aqui) já vos tinha deixado no ar a minha visita recente a um bar, no meu novo programazito de fins-de-semana - The Beer Hunter in Oeiras. Inicialmente estava reticente devido só haver uma fotografia da entrada do bar na net, mas acabámos por ir à descoberta. Queríamos explorar mais o que o nosso concelho tem de bom para nos oferecer. E assim foi, maquina na mão, enfiamos nos no carro e ... Chegamos. Entramos numa vivenda com front yard cheio de folhas e mesas abandonadas à-noite-dará, por umas escadinhas, subimos. As bebidas e comidas não são de todo caras, para o sítio que é, um sítio agradável para se ir pela primeira vez com o companheiro/ a companheira e depois ir com um grupo de amigos. Uma música agradável, um espaço romântico, um ambiente divertido! lá está o sr.

Blog 12 sided calendar Download a 12 sided calendar Download a dodecahedral calendar. You may choose between PostScript and PDF format. Choose PostScript format if you want to mark holidays and birthdays. The PostScript file explains how to do it. *) Week numbering follows ISO 8601 **) PostScript software is available from Calendar on a regular dodecahedron Once upon a time I made a PostScript program to print templates for generic polyhedra called I've made a few changes to Andrew Rogers' deskcal, and wrapped it into a script to make it more available for people without knowledge in PostScript. Hints for calendar on a regular dodecahedron Regular printer paper (80 g/m²) will be fine, but heavier paper (100-120 g/m²) will result in a more robust calendar. Calendar on a rhombic dodecahedron I have reused Andrew Rogers' calendar generator, so you can get calendars on Nick Robinson's rhombic A4 units, and make a rhombic dodecahedron calendar.

Blog de moda, costura y diy: Oh, Mother Mine DIY!! Holaaaaa a tod@s!!! Qué tal estáis???? Yo estoy aquí de nuevo. Este año tengo la suerte de ser tita por primera vez, y por partida doble!!! Para que sepáis más o menos el tamaño real de este bolso para guardar pañales, os dejo esta imagen gráfica para que os hagáis una idea: Mildly Crafty: Cushion cover tutorial ETA: I made some more of these and revised a couple of things here. I made these cushion covers and liked em so much I wrote down the steps in case anyone else is interested. Some of the photos have "notes" on them in Flickr so click on them to see the notes. Start by cutting out your fabric. Overlock (serger) the edges. Put your front and back pieces right sides together. Draw a line 2cm from the bottom edge of your cover (the zip will go in this edge). Put a mark 8cm from each edge. Now we're going to sew along this line and then unpick part of it after we've put the zip in. Using your normal stitch length sew from the edge to the first mark 8cm along. Stitch backwards for 3 or 4 stitches and then forwards to the mark again. Change your stitch length to the longest you have and continue sewing to the next mark 8cm from the other edge. Change your stitch length back to your usual setting and sew forwards 3 or 4 stitches then back to the marker and then forwards again to the end of the fabric.

Free mechanical 3D puzzles | FREE PROJECTS By its definition puzzle represents a problem or situation that is difficult to understand and to solve. Puzzle is a very broad term that can occur in a form of question, game or a toy and it represents a mental challenge aimed to find the solution. Solving the puzzle is testing our knowledge, intelligence, capability, patience and ingenuity. Puzzles are often confusing and at first they offer an easy but false solution, so for the correct solution a man needs logical thinking and intelligence. In a form of toy, puzzles consist out of separated parts, its assemblage is complicated and requires logical thinking, intelligence and patience in order to put the parts together correctly. At a first glance, puzzles are fun and entertaining, but they often consist out of numerous mathematical and logistical problems, so by taking in consideration how many skills they require to be solved, they are an ideal educative tool that develops and sharpen the logical thinking.

MOOREASEAL: Peeks em Moorea Seal Jóias: Inverno 2013 Busy busy busy... Sorry for the quiet around here folks! I'm on a crazy busy schedule wrapping up lots of projects before the Holiday sales season begins! Would you like a peek at some of the new jewelry for Winter 2013? Don't worry, you won't have to wait until 2013 to grab one of these goodies. They will be available in my shop in the next week or two! The High Heeled Hostess Glue² chronicle - Paper doll concept Joint movable paper doll Full length : About 13㎝ A4 paper use : 2 sheets Work time : 3 hours - 4 hours Notes : Although it is a simple structure, manufacture requires fine work. A new type of life which proliferates a number of individuals by being downloaded and reproduced. In the process reproduced, change may appear (pattern etc.) in an individual part. The signs are remarkable in especially a face. Generally, the phenomenon of resembling man's downloaded face can see. ··· very suitable.don't care. I move. What is he doing? Biohazard? I was tired and will sit down. That fellow is whom? A suspicious fellow Dooooon!! Two persons who gaze for a while. wrestling? Completely congenial temper. What is this? (answer : bottle of adhesives) It sits down too. how to play I prepared two kinds, no color white model and colored alternative parts, as a drawing. I think that the variation of dress will be increased by drawing a texture on the upper half of the body from now on. Terms of use white model

Reside | Se sentes que queres dar este passo e estás motivado em participar de uma forma mais comprometida com o Luzio o desafio que te propomos tem três passos: 1º passo - Colaboração. 30 dias (podem ser alternados). Este primeiro passo começa com uma visita à Quinta, conhecer a Equipa e ver o que fazemos e queremos fazer. De forma voluntária e colaborativa esperamos pela tua ajuda nas mais variadas tarefas e actividades. Queremos que experimentes viver numa quinta em permacultura e conheças de mais perto como funcionamos. Nesta temporada queremos garantir que os visitantes interajam com todos os membros e participem em todas as tarefas e actividades. 2º passo – Residir à experiência. 1 mês seguido (mínimo). Depois de nos conhecer-mos melhor e de teres colaborado os 30 dias, o próximo passo será uma temporada à experiência e com uma presença mais comprometida. - as razões e objectivos porque pretendes residir no Luzio - como podes contribuir 3º passo – Residência definitiva.
