Request a Review – iPhone App Reviews - Honest reviews of the latest, greatest, and lamest iPhone apps Developers, please click the link that applies to you: We know… getting reviewed by sites like IAR can be really frustrating. So what exactly do we look for when selecting apps to review? A well-polished app with quality artwork is much more likely to get reviewed than one that looks like crap! This does not mean that pretty app gets reviewed… so if we don’t choose to review yours please don’t take it personally… but, generally speaking, looks do matter. Yeah, originality is hard to come by when you’re competing with so many other apps! Niche apps are great, but if it’s niche then your only hope is that one of our reviewers happens to fall into your target audience. And a note to small developers: IAR is on your side!
Fresh iPhone Apps - Fresh Apps 京都 夏 : 京都の写真・ガイドアプリ。撮影場所へ遊びにいくことだってできます。1238 京都 夏 : Kyoto Summer iPhone Clock 京都: 夏 はプロフェッショナルな京都の写真と時計、そしてその写真が撮影された場所の地図リンクへとジャンプすることができる、というアプリです。最初に流れる音からして素敵ですよね。 もちろん観光にも使えそうだし、素敵な写真が撮影された場所を見つけに行くことができる楽しみがありますね。 起動! おお、この写真を保存することができるのか。 もう一つがこちらの「地図」 そのまさかです。 写真と時計画面で上部から下になぞるとこのようなメニューが表示されます。 「手動で見る」を選択して、下部分をタップするとこのようにサムネイルが表示されます。 どの写真も素敵すぎですね。 実は、この京都アプリ、iPhoneを横にするとまったく別の写真がもう50枚用意されています。 このシリーズ、これから秋、冬、春とリリース予定とのことです。 販売会社リンク:京都 夏 参考価格:230円写真(Photography) appbank の最新記事 【新商品】「マックスむらいの生写真セット(マミルトン入り)」がほんとうに発売されました! パズドラ攻略「橙の華龍」ヘリアンタス、後半までは回復ドロップ作ってくれるのだが。 [朝刊] 今日はむちゃくちゃ寒い。
iPhone 'App' Of The Week : If Found Web: -- E-Mail: 7/08/2008 – iPhone 'App' Of The Week : If Found Anyone who has lost their mobile phone knows the frustration of wondering if someone will find their phone, and then will they be able to find out who owns the phone to return it. We increasingly keep our lives on our phones, the numbers we call, the schedules we keep and with the iPhone the music we listen to and some movies we watch. The iTunes 'App Store' has a great free 'App' appropriately named "If Found." "If Found" is now my screen saver because quite simply this 'App' tells anyone who finds your phone who the phone belongs to and how to return it to them. “If Found” allows you to list your general contact information, as well as a specific phone number to call and e-mail address to contact if you have alternate contact information. There is no flashy gimmick to "If Found.” Below are three images of the iPhone with "If Found." Happy Flying!
iPhone & iPhone 3G News Blog - Apple iPod + Mobile Phone 21 Sites Your App Needs To Be Reviewed By Or Listed On | Daily App Show - Video App Reviews for iPhone and iPod Touch Users May 11th, 2009 at 3:55 am - Rating: 5.0/ (2 votes cast) There are many and by many I mean countless websites that review and discuss iPhone Apps. This is the best way to get exposure for little or no cost. Most of these websites offer free reviews as long as you cover the cost of your app which you can do by giving them a redeem code to download it from iTunes. Some of the more premium websites that have higher traffic ratings may charge a small fee for placement on their site. Having your app(s) listed on these websites will help your App and Development company get listed higher in search engines. Reviews of your app are also good because a review will consist of a few paragraphs mentioning your app again and again by name. Of course I am going to plug my own website but before you cast the first stone think about this. Website: Submit Your App: Suggest An App:
appsfire: easily share your favorite selection of iPhone apps with anyone. ToneShop - Download All That Can Go Wrong … All The Rejection Reasons @ Dr. Touch This is an overview of reasons why Apple has rejected apps temporarily or permanently. Not some theoretic reasons that might be construed from the SDK Agreement, but real instances of passed judgement. For each rejection reason the original paragraph written by Apple is included. I made it as non-judgemental as possible. Originally this article was written for the Cocoapedia but I am publisizing it here for added exposure because I am hoping for comments informing me of missing reasons. For a reason to be included it must be documented on your blog or website and the link given. This list may serve as a checklist to help guide the general design principles such that fellow developers can avoid the temporary pitfalls which might delay their apps for two weeks. User Data Privacy Encryption If you make a public claim that your app encrypts data then you have to provide your CCATS document upon submitting it. Downloading Data from iTunes Connect Unfiltered Internet Access Damaging Activity Demos