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LBCC - Memory Tricks

LBCC - Memory Tricks
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fluentu Ah, the old vicious internet cycle. Too many of us end up trapped here. Heck, you might even be trapped right now. Ready to put all that screen time to good use? Then it’s time to learn French online! Contents Download: This blog post is available as a convenient and portable PDF that you can take anywhere. 1. The French for Beginners G.U.T.S. It will give you great materials for building and reinforcing your foundation in French. Individual lessons are constructed as acts within a play where learners are asked to participate in the different scenes, talking only about the material included in the individual act. It focuses on beginner grammar and makes everything very accessible, enabling you to easily make it a part of your learning routine. G.U.T.S. provides each learner with a new set of flashcards for every lesson, complete with a set of vocabulary points. 2. 3. Because the lessons are listed individually, you get to decide which topic or skill you want to work on, at your own pace. 4.

Why we forget Changing the way you learn How to Build a Memory Palace - Memory Techniques Wiki A Memory Palace is an imaginary location in your mind where you can store mnemonic images. The most common type of memory palace involves making a journey through a place you know well, like a building or town. Along that journey there are specific locations that you always visit in the same order. The location are called loci, which is Latin for locations. Welcome! You can also download our free ebook, Learn the Art of Memory. How to Create a Memory Palace Step 1: For your first memory palace, try choosing a place that you know well, like your home or office.Step 2: Plan out the whole route -- for example: front door, shoe rack, bathroom, kitchen, living room, etc. (Here's a detailed how-to on creating palaces/journeys) If you want to commit the items to your long term memory, used spaced repetition, and they will stick in your memory. Step-By-Step Example According to Roman legend, the memory palace technique was invented by Simonides of Ceos about 2,500 years ago. Placing the Memories

Le programme du FLE (Français Langue Etrangère) Les ministères français de l’éducation nationale et de l’enseignement supérieur proposent une large gamme de certifications en français langue étrangère pour valider les compétences en français, depuis les premiers apprentissages jusqu’aux niveaux les plus avancés. L’offre est adaptée à tous les âges et tous les publics. Les diplômes DELF et DALF sont indépendants et sanctionnent la maîtrise des quatre compétences langagières. Ils sont valables sans limitation de durée. Validées par une équipe de psychométriciens experts en évaluation, ces certifications sont internationalement reconnues et fréquemment utilisées par les ministères étrangers en charge de l’éducation. Pour connaitre les dates de passation en France pour l’année scolaire 2015-2016 c’est par ici ! En bref : Niveau A : utilisateur élémentaire (= scolarité obligatoire), lui-même subdivisé en niveau introductif ou de découverte (A1) et intermédiaire ou usuel (A2). Niveau A1 : à la découverte du français

What do polyglots do differently? frenchtoday Learning French, like any other new language, implies a lot of memorization, and often, as adults, our memory is not what it used to be. These 12 tips will help you memorize new information longer, and learn French more efficiently. 12. Let’s start with one that many people don’t realise but is a key if you want to do more than just read novels or French magazines… Written French and spoken French are almost 2 different languages. There are many silent letters, glidings, liaisons etc… and they are everywhere, including in French verb conjugations and grammar. For more info, read my article on why you should always Learn French with audio. Picking the right audio tool though is essential: a French beginner will be discouraged with a French movie. At that stage, French movies should be seen as a recreation, not a serious study tool. Picking the right French audiobook is your first challenge, and from your choice may very well depend the success or failure of your French studies. 11. 10. 9. 8.

How to Improve Your French with French Movies - Learn French Lots of students seem to believe that watching French movies is a great way to improve their French. It can be, but only if you have the appropriate level of French. You should be ready to "work" with the movie, not just casually watch it with the English subtitles on. Audio Player I mean, watching a film in French with English subtitles and relaxing is not going to be bad for your French, it will certainly not harm it, but it is a mistake to think you are going to significantly improve your French by doing so. There is however a way to work with French movies: it’s a lot of work, it’s tedious and time consuming, but you will learn a lot. And check out this article about French movie vocabulary and expressions Here is what you should do: How To Learn French With Movie – Pick an Appropriate French Movie a – Sound Quality and Enunciation Matter Many people think they don’t understand the movie because they don’t know the vocabulary. b – The Movie Doesn’t have to be a French Movie

frenchtoday Many beginner and intermediate French students are looking for French movies easy enough to understand. It's quite a challenge, so I asked my students and ex-students to help me put together a list of French films they found easier to understand, and these were the most popular results. Please keep in mind these are not the most famous French movies, nor the classics, but they are listed here because they are somewhat easy to understand for French learners. Understanding movies in French is a BIG challenge, so don’t feel bad if you cannot do it. Just use the subtitles and enjoy the movie :-) Most of these movies are all available on Netflix, and you can definitely find extracts on YouTube. You should also read my post on “how to improve your French with French movies“. And if you have suggestions on other EASY-TO-UNDERSTAND French movies, please add them for the benefit of all in a comment below. 2 – Kirikou et la Sorcière (1998) 3 – Monsieur Ibrahim et les Fleurs du Coran (2002)

5 sites internet pour tester votre niveau de français Tester votre niveau de français dans un centre d’examens officiels est encore, bien entendu, le meilleur moyen. Certains centres proposent même ce qu’on appelle des examens blancs, c’est-à-dire des simulations, ce qui peut être une bonne idée pour connaître votre niveau. Évidemment, tout cela coûte assez cher… Alors que propose internet pour vous tester vous-mêmes ? Je recommande de tester votre niveau de français selon les degrés européens, de A1 à C2. Bref, j’en ai essayé beaucoup… et voici les 5 sites que je peux vous recommander ! 1. Le site officiel de ces diplômes de langue française offre en ligne des exemples de sujets. Tous les niveaux (de A1 à C2) sont disponibles mais c’est à vous de les choisir avant de commencer le test. On peut regretter seulement que le site ne propose qu’un seul sujet et que des vieux PDF à télécharger… ⇒ Exemples de sujets DELF (A1, A2, B1, B2) ⇒ Exemples de sujets DALF (C1, C2) 2. Les questions sont de difficulté croissante. 3. 4. 5. À vous !

TEST : Suis-je plûtot visuel, auditif ou kinésthésique ? - Blog de Mme Radenac Par Pascale Radenac (Collège Saint-Exupéry, Vélizy Villacoublay (78)) le 11 septembre 2009, 06:26 - documents - Lien permanent Extrait de l'article paru dans ça m'interesse Il n'y a pas deux personnes qui apprennent de la même manière. « Ceux qui ont le plus de chance de réussir dit-il sont ceux qui s'interrogent sur leur propre façon d’apprendre et cherchent d'autres moyens de faire pour être plus efficaces. Notre mémoire se spécialise en fonction de nos sens Chacun de nous utilise les trois systèmes de perception (ouïe, vue, ressenti) mais consciemment ou pas, privilégie l'un d'entre eux. Le test d’André Giordan (noter vos résultats au brouillon, par exemple 1b, 2c .....) à vous de jouer ! Vous devez monter un jouet lego :a. Maintenant, il faut voir les résultats du test puis lire les commentaires ! Commentaires Faites le total de ronds, carrés et losanges. Vous avez une majorité de Losange : Votre démarche est essentiellement visuelle Vos points forts Vos points faibles Référence
