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Web Interface · Image Optimization Mode offers several optimization modes The mode you select should depend on your specific requirements - such as the type of image that you are compressing, and the target audience of your images. Lossy Our intelligent lossy optimization typically produces savings of at least 60% of the initial file weight; with savings of 80% to 90% occurring frequently. Our default intelligent lossy algorithm has been specifically designed to always produces images of outstanding quality, and never of unacceptable quality degradation. In most cases, you will not be able to tell the optimized result from the original, even upon close inspection. Lossless This mode will save as much file weight as possible without altering a single pixel, hence the name "lossless" - meaning no information is lost whatsoever. Expert Expert view is designed for users who are already familiar with image processing and optimization.
March 10, 2007 Lightning and Night Photography Edit: A reader noticed something worth pointing out and thought that I should do so. When I say I change ISO settings, I'm doing this on my digital camera....if you use film, to do this you need to change your film to a different film speed(by purchasing a faster or slower speed film). Night Photography Section I'm typing this up for a couple tips on how to shoot lightning or night shots, as well as just so the unknowing can maybe get an idea why/how night shots look like they do. There's really not much to either, so I probably shouldn't even call it a tip deal. Some folks that don't shoot much at all may not get it, so I figured I'd try here. If you don't get things at all and have no grasp of exposure and cameras, I'd read the January 26, 2007 entry before this one. Shots during the day are much brighter and therefor don't need the shutter to be open long to expose. This is obviously at night. Now what happens if I'd try to do this same shot with an ISO setting of 100. Photoshopped?
Cuatro opciones para reducir el tamaño de imágenes en Internet Aún hay muchas personas que comparten capturas de pantalla en BMP por email, y muchos que publican esas mismas imágenes en las redes sociales y blogs, imágenes que ocupan varios megas sin necesidad. Existen varias formas de reducir el tamaño de una imagen (y no me refiero al ancho y alto y sí a la cantidad de kbs), y los recursos que os voy a comentar ahora ayudan bastante en esa tarea. No se trata solamente de respeto hacia quien tiene que bajar la imagen, se trata de ahorrar recursos (el espacio que ocupa una imagen en un servidor, así como el tráfico de datos cuando es bajada, no es gratuito) y de mejorar el tiempo de carga de nuestras páginas, por lo que usar estas herramientas es algo más que un lujo, es una necesidad. - Permite la entrada de cualquier archivo de imagen y, después de especificar el nivel de compresión, genera un jpg bastante reducido en lo que a tamaño se refiere. Como veis, no hay escusa que valga.
Minify Javascript Online / Online JavaScript Packer Free Bootstrap Themes and Website Templates | BootstrapMade Free Image Optimizer - Compress and resize photos Using this free online service, you can resize, compress and optimize your image files. Using the service is as easy as clicking of button! Optimized images are better! Optimize Now Your Image Optimization Download Free! You can now download image optimizer on your computer and resize and compress your images with a single click! Why should I download? It's super fast! From the Creators of Image Optimizer Learn More The Amazing Holographic Universe By Michael Talbot | In 1982 a remarkable event took place. At the University of Paris a research team led by physicist Alain Aspect performed what may turn out to be one of the most important experiments of the 20th century. Aspect and his team discovered that under certain circumstances subatomic particles such as electrons are able to instantaneously communicate with each other regardless of the distance separating them. Somehow each particle always seems to know what the other is doing. University of London physicist David Bohm, for example, believes Aspect's findings imply that objective reality does not exist, that despite its apparent solidity the universe is at heart a phantasm, a gigantic and splendidly detailed hologram. To understand why Bohm makes this startling assertion, one must first understand a little about holograms. To make a hologram, the object to be photographed is first bathed in the light of a laser beam. Imagine an aquarium containing a fish.
Testez les performances d'un site Lorsque l'on code un site Internet, on pense aux graphismes, à l'ergonomie et au temps de chargement. Mais certains aspect sont trop souvent négligés, notamment les performances javascripts et CSS. Pour cela, il existe 4 bookmarklets simples et pratiques pour trouver et corriger les principaux défauts de vos fichiers JS et CSS. C'est quoi un bookmarklet ? Pour ceux qui ne connaissent, pas, un bookmarklet est un favori (ou marque-page), sauf qu'il s'agit en réalité d'un javascript. Quand vous cliquerez dessus, il ne va pas charger une nouvelle page, mais il effectuera sur la page actuelle certaines actions. Pour mes différents tests et exemples, je me suis basé sur le site pour lequel je travaille : Bien et Bio, notamment spécialiste du déshydrateur. CSS et performances Holmes Holmes, The CSS Detective Markup. Une fois activé, ce premier bookmarklet entoure les éléments de votre page à l'aide de 3 couleurs: Les erreurs (en rouge)Les warnings (en jaune)Les éléments dépréciés (en gris) Dom Monster
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