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Cliché - The largest collection of clichés or cliches, phrases and sayings with definitions and explanations.

Cliché - The largest collection of clichés or cliches, phrases and sayings with definitions and explanations.

Cliche List — Definition, Meaning & Examples of Cliches Transitional Words and Phrases Robert Harris Version Date: December 16, 2013 Transitional words and phrases provide the glue that holds ideas together in writing. They provide coherence (that hanging together, making sense as a whole) by helping the reader to understand the relationship between ideas, and they act as signposts that help the reader follow the movement of the discussion. Transitional expressions, then, can be used between sentences, between paragraphs, or between entire sections of a work. The two kinds of transitions are those of logic and those of thought. Each of these kinds is discussed here. Transitions of Logic Transitions of logic consist of words or phrases that convey "logical intent": that is, they show the logical connection between two ideas. Transitions of Thought Transitions of thought consist of words that help maintain the continuity of thought from one sentence or paragraph to the next. Pronouns and Possessive Pronouns. Fido is asleep. Keyword Repetition. Many cities are overcrowded.

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