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Présentation des méthodes agiles et Scrum

Présentation des méthodes agiles et Scrum
In this part, we will give an example of application of the Scrum method as it is implemented on some projects in companies. Of course, that present such rituals may vary from a company or organization to another (or even from one project to another in some large firms) and are not necessarily all relating to the Scrum method although often implemented in an agile context (this is including the case of the approach of the "Test Driven Development" that we present later). The different stages of the initialization of an iteration (or sprint) are animated and under the responsibility of the scrum master. II-C-1-a. The sprint backlog is a set of user stories selected and prioritised (each story must have a priority level) by the product owner. The backlog does not necessarily an application module in particular, but may cover functional aspects of several potentially completely unrelated modules, but part of the perimeter of the project. II-C-1-b. The people who attend this encryption are:

Mind mapping pour la gestion de projet Il existe 4 types de raisonnement : 1 – “En chaîne” = séquentiel : étape par étape . Il s’agit d’un raisonnement séquentiel. 2 – “En étoile” ou “radial”= ex. le “SON” est le seul point commun à tous les concepts, d’où appellation de connaissances cloisonnées. 3 – “Arbre hiérarchique” : décomposition en sous parties comme pour le cas de l’analyse d’un problème à travers sa décomposition en sous-parties pour pouvoir les étudier plus facilement. 4 – “En réseau” : interconnexion (prise en compte de la complexité).
