How to Find Anything Online: Become an Internet Research Expert Einstein once said, “The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources.” The same could be said of intelligence. What they don’t tell you is that the “smart” people of the world are, in most cases, just better at researching and learning things than everyone else. But researching is a learned skill, not something you’re born with. And while some people might be predisposed to learn things more easily than others, it’s generally not enough to make a measurable difference. By learning how to research, you can quickly and fairly easily become knowledgeable about just about anything. It’s all there, online, for free. Start with Wikipedia Whenever you try to learn something new on the Internet, start with Wikipedia. The main reason to start with Wikipedia is that it gives a good overview of most topics. Sure, any given page is bound to have some inaccuracies (as is the case on most user-generated websites), but most of the content is generally reliable. Move on to Google Go Multimedia
Brevet des collèges 2017 : quatre sites pour réviser Pour les élèves de 3e qui passeront le brevet jeudi 29 et vendredi 30 juin, voici une sélection de sites et chaînes YouTube pour réviser. Vous êtes collégien (ne) et vous avez envie de trouver une plate-forme pédagogique efficace et gratuite pour réviser votre brevet sans payer de cours particuliers ? Vous avez des lacunes dans une matière ? Vous êtes angoissé(e) par le brevet des collèges, qui débute jeudi 29 juin ? « France TV éducation » France TV éducation a lancé un programme de préparation au brevet grâce à des cours en ligne appelés MOOC, accessibles à tous, dans les matières suivantes : le français, les mathématiques, l’histoire, la géographie et l’éducation civique. Les vidéos sont disponibles sur leur site Web ainsi que sur la chaîne Youtube Révisions Brevet. Regarder un exemple de conseil de méthodologie (ici, pour l’histoire) Points positifs : Le fait que le site soit spécialisé dans l’examen du brevet est un atout car cela promet une parfaite préparation. « Les bons profs »
20 Websites To Free EBooks Ebooks have revolutionized the way book enthusiasts engage with literature. With the ability to read on ebook readers or mobile gadgets, the convenience is unmatched. Moreover, the internet is flooded with platforms offering free or discounted ebooks. For those in search of the finest sources to download free ebooks or even market their ebooks online, here’s an exhaustive list detailing their respective formats and downloading procedures. 20 Places to Sell and Publish eBooks 20 Places to Sell and Publish eBooks "If you are good at something, never do it for free" is the most famous dialogue from movie... Project Gutenberg More info: Genre: VariousCompatible with: Kindle, .epub, .htmlSign-in required? Project Gutenberg is an esteemed online library offering complimentary public domain books. Hart’s inspiration for this library sprouted when he discovered the print copy of the Declaration of Independence was priced at $1.50, which he deemed excessive. ManyBooks Free-eBooks eBookLobby Smashwords
The Nominees - 134 YouTube channels that will make you smarter The 60 YouTube channels that will make you smarter were selected from this master list. In here you can find many captivating channels that for some reason or other didn’t quite reach the shortlist. That shouldn’t take away from their standalone awesomeness though! In addition, you’ll find some totally new categories of channels for your enjoyment. So go and get smarter! Spark your curiosity Vsauce — Amazing answers to questions about our world In a Nutshell — Animations that makes learning beautiful C. Crash Course — Bite-sized science and learning in many subjects Scishow — Indispensable science news, history and concepts HowStuffWorks — Your daily curiosity dose that explains the world Brit Lab — Smart-ass ammunition that’s guaranteed to impress Mental Floss — Where knowledge junkies go to get their weekly fix of trivia THNKR — People, stories, ideas that will change your perspective The Good Stuff — Great all around inspiration from PBS Hello Internet — A podcast. Experiment with the sciences
Organizers Forms, Templates, Documents The Organizers sub-category contains forms that can be useful when planning daily schedules or organizing personal information. These forms include Event Mailing Organizer, Address Book, and a Weekly Planner. Teacher’s Attendance and Roll BookThe Teacher’s Attendance and Roll Book is designed for keeping classroom attendance records on a monthly basis. Next Page » Écosystème des outils collaboratifs Si vous recherchez un «outil collaboratif» dans Internet, vous serez assurément submergé par le flot de propositions : plusieurs centaines, avec chacune leurs caractéristiques imbattables. Certains services ne font qu’une seule chose, comme le partage d’écran, la présentation en 3D ou la vidéoconférence, alors que d’autres intègrent plusieurs fonctions différentes allant de la communication à la gestion de projet en passant par le dépôt de documents. En intégrant plusieurs services complémentaires, des géants comme Google et Facebook ont littéralement fait disparaître la plupart des services de petite taille. Qui utilise encore une application dédiée de chat ou de messagerie instantanée ? Certains services, comme la navigation partagée ou le partage de signets, se sont trouvé des niches mais la plupart, même excellents comme EditGrid, sont disparus. Choisir Pour s’y retrouver, voici quelques critères simples pour préciser les besoins. L’activité Le flux La durée Communication Organisation
25 Free People Search Engines to Find Anyone I’ve been in this people search industry for over 3 years now and while researching, I found many free, high quality free people search engines to help you reconnect with friends, family, school friends or any other person from your past (or, in other words, find anyone for free online.) So I decided to put them in one huge list. Here they are: Free People Search – Check if the Person is Online 1. eVerify (great for searching people from the US) What does it do: eVerify filis also one of my favorites free people search engines. 2. What does it do: This is a pretty new and neat people search service. 3. What does it do: Facebook is free to search and also free to register (yeah, I bet you didn’t know this ). 4. What does it do: I found this new and extremely useful resource several weeks ago. 5. What does it do: Search for people on Twitter by name, profession, religious background and many other criteria. 6. What does it do: Spokeo supports locating individuals by name and username. 7. 8.
Publier une frise chronologique interactive et collaborative - Les élucubrations de @lvighier Présentation d'un outil permettant la publication d'une frise chronologique interactive et collaborative, accompagnée de propositions pédagogiques. Présentation de Timeline KnightLab Timeline KnightLab permet la publication de frises chronologiques au double avantage pour l'utilisateur : la frise peut intégrer différents médias : du texte, des images, des hyperliens, du code iframe (vidéos, diaporamas...) ; l'utilisateur peut manipuler et varier l'échelle de temps : en effet, il est possible de "zoomer" sur une période très précise (mois, année...) comme il est possible d'avoir une vue plus générale (sur plusieurs millénaires, par exemple). Voici un exemple de frise chronologique générée par Timeline KnightLab (vous pouvez aussi suivre la visite guidée). Pour générer une frise, il faut saisir les données dans un tableur créé sur Google Sheets. Pour commencer, je vous conseille de vous servir du modèle de tableur proposé par Timeline KnightLab (image ci-dessous). Pistes pédagogiques
100 Amazing How-To Sites to Teach Yourself Anything Learning new skills and expanding your knowledge doesn’t have to cost you an arm and a leg. There are loads of free resources on the Web that can help you find instructional videos, tutorials and classes to learn a wide variety of skills from fixing basic car problems to speaking another language. With 100 sites to choose from, you’re bound to find something here that will help you learn just about anything you could want. General Tutorials These sites offer a wide range of tutorials and videos. Around the House Want to know how to fix that broken cabinet or hang up some great wallpaper? Business and Management If you feel like you’re seriously lacking on business and management skills at work, no need to worry. KnowThis? Language and Writing Those who want to learn a new language, improve their writing skills or just learn more about literature will be well-served by these instructional sites. Technology These tech-focused sites offer help to both technophiles and beginners alike. Math S.O.S.