Bizarre Websites On Which You Can Kill Time With Style - Smashing Magazine addictive Flash games ( posts about addictive Flash games Typing Karaoke Oct 25 2012 With Typing Karaoke, instead of singing the songs, you type along to the lyrics and get points for lack of errors and how well you keep up. Bloody funny game: Happy Wheels Apr 04 2012 Don't know why exactly, but I am loving the hell out of Happy Wheels. Cool Flash game: Constellations Apr 03 2012 Been a few months since we've had one of these. Axon Mar 23 2012 Oh, have plans this weekend? (via Noah Gray) Wonderputt Aug 25 2011 Wonderputt is a wonderfully inventive mini golf game. Kingdom Rush Aug 19 2011 Ok, if you don't want to be playing this game for the next 20 hours straight, click away now. A tower defense word game Apr 08 2011 That's how Clockwords bills try words containing the available letters to shoot badguys coming your way. The game of Love Feb 04 2011 Forgive me Internet for I have sinned. Z-Type Jan 12 2011 Clock Blocks Sep 17 2010 A little Friday fun: Clock Blocks. Solipskier Aug 24 2010 Oh, man.
MetaFilter | Community Weblog Kubikfoto³ - Interaktive Fotografie und Web-Produktionen - Bremen uncontrol | A collection of experiments using fancy shmancy code GNUSim8085 - 8085 Simulator for Linux and Windows SwarmSketch The Wheel of Reincarnation This is a story told by Ivan Sutherland. It is fun to tell the story and I will try not to embellish it. The story serves now as an interesting review of early display technology and also the best description of a design pitfall that afflicts modern software design practice even more. I now have the reference:On the Design of Display Processors T.H. The time was the early 60’s. Then as now there was a continuing decrease in hardware costs. The program was most likely to want to modify part of the image while avoiding the cost of recomputing, or even copying the entire display list. It soon became evident that some patterns were repeated at different parts of the screen. A common pattern was the line segment. With conditionality it was discovered how to plot a circle if only the hardware had one more register. At this point it had become clear that the display hardware design had grown to become a general purpose computer.