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Create the perfect design portfolio: 30 pro tips

Create the perfect design portfolio: 30 pro tips
How much time do you spend improving your portfolio? Be honest - does it showcase your best stuff? Whether your design portfolio is physical or digital, read on to discover how to create the perfect portfolio today! There's nothing more important to your career than presenting your best work in an attractive, professional and accessible way. We've divided the tips into physical and online portfolios - let's start with the physical... Physical portfolios Physical design portfolios are one-off paper creations, so they can be tailored to the job you are applying for. 01. How many examples should a design portfolio include? 02. Only include design portfolio examples for a full-time position that are appropriate to the role. 03. Illustrators and designers aren't just employed for their style but also for the clarity with which they interpret a creative brief. 04. That doesn't mean, of course, that your design portfolio must only include client work. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. Online porfolios 11.

Design and branding news: idsgn (a design blog) Skin & Ink Magazine | Tattoos & Tradition How a few online portfolio tweaks can get you more work | Career If you think that your portfolio website is underperforming, don't wait around. Now is the perfect time to hit it with a big hammer labelled 'OPTIMISATION'. Here are some quick and simple fixes; for more detailed look at portfolios, both online and off check out our feature Create the Perfect Design Portfolio. 1. Set up the right website for you There are several ways that you can set up a portfolio website. Set up a hosted blog at Create something a little more advanced using Squarespace. 2. By baking your talents into a site's DNA, it's an ideal way to show people what you can do before you even get around to telling them. So if you're a web designer, have a beautiful, quick-to-load online portfolio that showcases your coding and design talents. 3. Potential clients don't need to see EVERYTHING. 4. When showing your work, consider the sort of briefs that you'd like to tackle in the future. 5. 6. Clearly label the work. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Who is this person? 13.

10 Essential Tips for Creating that Killer Portfolio A warm welcome to you dear reader! If you have not already, why not subscribe to The Design Sojourn Newsletter and get my latest thoughts on Strategies for Good Design conveniently delivered right to your inbox? It's free! You can also follow me on Twitter and Facebook as well. Thanks for visiting and please keep in touch? It is actually a perfect time to update your portfolio! Not only are we somewhere in the middle of the year, we are right smack in the middle of summer and it’s blistering out there! I have therefore compiled a list essential and useful tips (I hope!) 1) A portfolio is a story about you. A lot people say a portfolio is a selling tool. 2) Have an intro page. This might be a no brainer, but a well-designed introduction page sets the tonality of your portfolio presentation. 3) Keep the number of projects in your portfolio to between 8-10. As time goes by, you are bound to build a drawer or a hard drive full of design projects that you have played a part in. 6) Who did what?

Inked Magazine : Tattoo Culture. Style. Art. Top ways to get your work noticed on Behance | Career So you've set up your Behance portfolio using our simple walkthrough. Now what? How do you get people to visit it? One of the ways you can garner greater visibility is to get your portfolio featured on Behance's curated galleries. When someone opens the Behance homepage, the first thing they see is the “Featured Gallery” — a selection of projects chosen by Behance’s team of curators. Behance also offers more than a dozen additional curated galleries for specific creative mediums such as illustration, photography, and branding, just to name a few. The million-dollar question is: how do you get one of your projects selected for the featured or curated galleries? 01. A common missed opportunity when using Behance is uploading a single image into your project to represent your work. You have to think of your projects as advertisements, and you’re selling you. Remember, length is key. 02. 03. 04. Another often over looked aspect of creating a project on Behance is promoting it. Liked this?

Thoughts on Design Portfolios Saturday, April 14th, 2012 | Posted by Jon Kolko Designers are typically judged based on their portfolio of work. When I worked at frog, I encountered lots of unsolicited portfolios. The sad reality of sending a portfolio to a consultancy is that your chances of getting a job are a weighted dice roll, based on a mixture of extremely fast first impressions, serendipitous timing, and who you know. When I would receive a portfolio from someone I’d never heard of, I tried my best to actually look at it, but if my schedule was three-deep back to back meetings all day long, the email was ignored. Sometimes, if the sender got lucky, they might send it on the same day that a plea for hiring went out, usually based on a sales cycle accelerating or a deal closing unexpectedly. This portfolio shows what a candidate has done, how they’ve done it, and how proficient they are at it. Your portfolio doesn’t need to be big. Attention to detail matters, a lot. Show exploratory process. 1 Comment »

Thriving with FAST MINDS > CHADD - Nationally recognized authority on ADHD by Craig Surman, MD, and Tim Bilkey, MD, with Karen Weintraub OFTEN WHEN CLINICIANS DIAGNOSE ADHD, they look for obvious signs of impairment such as being dismissed from jobs or poor grades at school. But this focus on external consequences misses what it’s like to live with these characteristics every day. It fails to capture the most common burden of what we call FAST MINDS traits: the extra time and effort it takes to compensate—such as late hours at work making up for the constant distractions during the day, or last-minute cramming on projects that won’t get done without deadline pressure. People with FAST MINDS may be living with the constant stress of being reactive rather than proactive—handling demands at the last minute, under stress, rather than being prepared and feeling confident. FAST MINDS explained FAST MINDS is an acronym for the challenges of living with ADHD. When reading the following traits, see if they reflect your experience (or those of someone you care about).

20 top-quality portfolio WordPress themes | WordPress It's now easier than ever to use platforms such as WordPress and Tumblr to create a highly effective and professional design portfolio page, which is easy to edit and navigate as you please, similarly to the way you would a blog page. You certainly don't need to be a web design wizard to create a decent looking portfolio site these days. There are a number of elegantly designed portfolio WordPress themes out there to get you started on showcasing your work the best way possible. Here we've picked 20 of the best portfolio WordPress themes around. 01. The BigBang WordPress theme offers a very original editing system, working with various shaped preview thumbnails and a clean and clear layout, enabling you to control the appearance, columns, font and size easily. 02. This portfolio WordPress theme is specifically aimed at designers and creatives looking to expose their work. 03. 04. 05. The perfect creative portfolio WordPress theme made social networking friendly. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11.

50 Best Sites To Get Design Inspiration Learn how to earn $125 or more per hour as a freelancer - Click Here Looking for hosting?. We recommend MediaTemple for web hosting. Use Code MTLOVESDESIGN for 20% off Every designer needs inspiration once in a while Finding inspiration is not always as simple as it sounds, Here I’ve composed a list inspiration most of the designers use, This list contains galleries range from of Graphic Design, Web design, Interface Design, Stationary Design, Logo Design, Typography, Motion Graphics to Online Magazines. This post is almost a continuation of the post. Sites to Check for Graphic Design Inspiration 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Sites to Check for Interface Design Inspiration 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Sites to Check for Web Design Inspiration 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Sites to Check for Stationery Design Inspiration 1. 2. 3. Sites to Check for Packaging Design Inspiration 1. 2. Sites to Check for Logo Design Inspiration 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Sites to Check for Typography Design Inspiration 1. 2. 3. 4.

How to Expand Your Vocabulary: 4 Steps (with Pictures User Reviewed Three Parts:Learning New WordsUsing New WordsBuilding VocabularyCommunity Q&A Learning is ceaseless. You can cultivate an erudite persona as an adolescent--or even as an octogenarian--by building your vocabulary. Ad Steps Part 1 Learning New Words <img alt="Image titled Build Your Vocabulary Step 1" src=" width="728" height="546" class="whcdn" onload="WH.performance.clearMarks('image1_rendered'); WH.performance.mark('image1_rendered');">1Read voraciously. <img alt="Image titled Build Your Vocabulary Step 6" src=" width="728" height="546" class="whcdn">6Read the thesaurus. Part 2 Using New Words Part 3 Building Vocabulary Community Q&A Ask a Question Can you answer these readers' questions? Tips

25 brilliant design portfolios to inspire you | Portfolios The internet is full of thousands and thousands of awe-inspiring creative resumes and design portfolios. To stand out in this tough market, it's important to make your online portfolio as impressive as you can. It's not just the examples of work that need to blow away your potential clients (although they do help) it's the way they're presented. You don't have to be a superstar creative director or web designer; a touch of creativity and innovative thinking will get you a long way. And there are plenty of free online tools, such as Behance, to help you build a portfolio without any coding knowledge. So, check out these inspiring examples of online design portfolios, both for individual designers and design agencies – to help you angle your own in just the right way… 01. Daniel Spatzek is freelance graphic designer and art director from Austria, and his site does a brilliant job of showing off both his design and web skills. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10.
