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Useful Debate Vocabulary

Useful Debate Vocabulary
Related:  Speaking

Intro to debate Krieger - Teaching Debate to ESL Students: A Six-Class Unit The Internet TESL Journal Daniel Kriegershinyfruit [at] yahoo.comSiebold University of Nagasaki (Nagasaki, Japan) Introduction Debate is an excellent activity for language learning because it engages students in a variety of cognitive and linguistic ways. The purpose of this paper is to elaborate upon this point by providing a step-by-step guide that will give teachers everything they need to know for conducting debate in an English class. So, why debate? Six-Class Unit Plan The following six-class unit can be adapted to suit a variety of teaching contexts. Class One: Introduction to Debate 1. Debate: a game in which two opposing teams make speeches to support their arguments and disagree with those of the other team.Resolution: the opinion about which two teams argue.Affirmative team: agrees with the resolution.Negative team: disagrees with the resolution.Rebuttal: explains why one team disagrees with the other team. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 4. 4. Comparison: X is _____ er than Y. 5. 1. 2. 3. 2. 3.

45 ways to avoid using the word 'very' Writers Write is your one-stop resource for writers. Use these 45 ways to avoid using the word ‘very’ to improve your writing. Good writers avoid peppering their writing with qualifiers like ‘very’ and ‘really’. According to Collins Dictionary: ‘Padding is unnecessary words or information used to make a piece of writing or a speech longer. Adding modifiers, qualifiers, and unnecessary adverbs and adjectives, weakens your writing. This post gives you 45 ways to avoid using the padding word ‘very’. Three Telling Quotes About ‘Very’ “Substitute ‘damn’ every time you’re inclined to write ‘very;’ your editor will delete it and the writing will be just as it should be. If you enjoyed this, you will love: Top Tip: If you want to learn how to write a book, sign up for our online course. by Amanda Patterson © Amanda Patterson

Teaching Your Students How to Have a Conversation I was recently in a third grade classroom and was struck by the presence of rules that were posted for how to have a conversation. The poster said, "Each person must contribute to the discussion but take turns talking. Ask each other, 'Would you like to add to my idea?' Having visited many middle and high schools, I think these same rules could -- and probably should -- be posted there as well. Maybe you have also observed how common it is nowadays for students to not know how to have a conversation. 8 Tips for Speaking and Listening While it is impossible to know all of the reasons, there is no doubt that learning to listen and talk is an extremely important way to broaden knowledge, enhance understanding and build community. 1. Make a point of having one-to-two minute interactions, one-on-one, at least a few times each week with students who struggle conversationally. "Really?"" If these students don't or won't share easily at first, don't give up. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Great Debates Language and Culture Skills for ESL Students Meredith Westfall and John McCarthy Debating and discussion tips for ESL learners Description Is Taking Sides too advanced for your students? Try Great Debates . This book provides vocabulary, conversation tips, language learning tips, and discussion activities to help students debate on a wide variety of fairly non-controversial topics, from dining in or eating out, using the phone or e-mail, type A or type B, fiction or non-fiction, love at first sight or love over time, to diet or exercise. Along with the discussion activities, the book contains some reading, writing, and vocabulary activities. Each of the 30 units includes: pre-debate discussion questions new vocabulary words a reading that outlines both sides of the debate comprehension questions discussion activities that include expressions used indebate-related speech acts and those pertaining to language learning writing assignments idiom and vocabulary review. You May Also Be Interested In

Kopia av Linking words useful interview expressions game useful interview expressions: Practice useful interview expressions game using this ESL fun Game.This game is also excellent for classroom teaching. Teachers can engage students in a classroom vocabulary or grammar review. It is suitable for intermediate and advanced esl learners. It can be used to energize a dull class, to review work that was done or simply as a reward for good classroom work. Have fun teaching and learning English! Games are great for motivating students to learn. More Games

Parker -Delivering a Persuasive Speech The Internet TESL Journal Douglas Parkerbps2 [at] Level:Upper-intermediate to advancedOverview:Students need to understand that how they say something and how they physically present themselves are just as important as what they say. By understanding the dynamics involved in effective persuasive speaking, students will improve their overall confidence in communicating.Purpose:The purpose of this lesson is to improve studentsâ speaking skills by understanding persuasion proficiencies. The Handout for the Students The Lesson - Your Voice and Body are Your Best Tools You are a natural talker. For this speech, you have to guess that not everyone will agree with you from the start. There are several important aspects of presentation to keep in mind: Body language - make sure that you have a proper posture. The Strategy: Appear Wise When you are trying to convince someone of something, you must sell yourself before you sell your message. The Comments and Goals Self-control

untitled Skype in the Classroom del 1 - Mystery Skype - Hur funkar det? Jag tror att alla vi språklärare vill få in så mycket autencitet i vår undervisning som det bara går. Själv har jag försökt med eTwinning, penpals och lingofriends för att få in det här elementet i min undervisning. Tyvärr, inte med lysande resultat. Genom eTwinning fick vi aldrig igång något utbyte och lingofriends tog tid och många förfrågningar var oseriösa. Under de senaste åren har jag byggt upp ett nätverk av vänner och lärare utomlands som jag gärna tar hjälp av min undervisning. Det har så klart fungerat toppenbra då vi har en personlig relation och en vilja att hjälpa varandra. Förra året fick jag syn på Skype in the Classroom som är en del av Skype som riktar sig till lärare, elever och skolor. I inloggningsskedet anger man sina uppgifter och berättar mer om vem man är. Hur kan man då använda Skype in the Classroom i sin undervisning? Mystery Skype Före jul hade jag fler förfrågningar än vad vi som liten skola hade möjlighet att delta i. Possible Mystery Skype Questions:1.

How good does it feel to be productive? « Wharton Hears a Who Well, January is here and I have been going hard. Changing a shift in mind from a slothful holiday leech to a collected, relaxed centipede (does that analogy work? centipede because they have 100 legs.. or do they have 1000 legs? #analogyfail) has been most encouraging. While I have by no means burning the candle at both ends, I am conscious that I have some work to do before term starts. As the Debating Coordinator at my school, I spent today putting together a debating handbook for the coaches in my care. Over to you, debating colleagues. Debating Handbook 2012 Like this: Like Loading... Every British swear word has been officially ranked in order of offensiveness | indy100 Every swear word in the English language has been ranked in order of offensiveness. People were asked their opinion on 150 words in total. These included general swear words, words linked to race and ethnicity, gender and sexuality, body parts and health conditions, religious insults and sexual references, as well as certain hand gestures. They were asked to rate words as mild, medium, strong or strongest. And this is what Ofcom found. For general swear words, the following words were seen as... Mild: Arse Bloody Bugger Cow Crap Damn Ginger Git God Goddam Jesus Christ Minger Sod-off Medium: Arsehole Balls Bint Bitch Bollocks Bullshit Feck Munter Pissed/pissed off Shit Son of a bitch Tits Strong: Bastard Beaver Beef curtains Bellend Bloodclaat Clunge Cock Dick Dickhead Fanny Flaps Gash Knob Minge Prick Punani Pussy Snatch Twat Strongest: For sexual insults, most words were rated as strong. The only words rated mild or medium were: An Ofcom spokesperson told indy100:
