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Environmental responsibility, personal coherence, planetary consciousness, social harmony - Global Coherence Initiative

Environmental responsibility, personal coherence, planetary consciousness, social harmony - Global Coherence Initiative

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Destination Soleil - le portail de référence des francophones en Floride, Immigration Cohérence cardiaque pour le Nouveau Monde ! Pour voir le site web, cliquez sur l'image ! L'Initiative mondiale pour la cohérence est un projet co-créatif basé sur la science pour unir les gens dans les soins du coeur ciblés et l'intention, afin de faciliter le changement dans la conscience mondiale de l'instabilité et de la discorde à l'équilibre, la coopération et une paix durable. Pour voir le video, cliquez sur l'image ! “This video is courtesy of the Institute of HeartMath.”

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"Fish Chopper" Animation Shows the Gruesome, Deadly Side of Power Plant Cooling Towers (Video) Image via YouTube video The Sierra Club is pointing attention to the once-through cooling systems used by many power plants. Power plants suck up over 200 billion gallons of water a day, and with that water comes millions of fish that don't exactly make it out alive. The conservation group has put together an animation showing how the systems work, and why they need to be upgraded.

Magic Monday: How to Make Your Own Portable Altar It’s Magic Monday and the road is calling once again….. Bon Voyage, Lovelies! Photo of Patricia Neal by Ed Clark. Pourquoi et comment détartrer votre glande pinéale Pourquoi et comment détartrer votre glande pinéale Dimanche 16 septembre 2012 Be Sociable, Share... La glande pinéale pourrait être la partie la plus importante de votre système nerveux tout entier. Il s’agit essentiellement d’une antenne spirituelle, votre équivalent physique d’un troisième œil. Il est essentiel pour atteindre des niveaux plus élevés de conscience tout en restant dans un corps physique. Yoga Postures At A Glance - Quick Look At Yoga Poses - Yoga Positions In this section we are presenting different Yoga postures, poses and positions at a glance. Have a quick look at these Yoga poses. Yoga asanas bring wonderful health benefits. They let you feel the power of your body and the importance of keeping it healthy.

Discarded Tomes Recycled Into Elegant Book Lamps Photos: Erdem Designs Is it premature to predict the death of the paper book? With sales of e-readers recently outpacing that of real books, it may seem like the end is near. But even so, according to that logic, that's a lot of "useless" books that are left out there.

Letter Magic This is epic, as good as the amazing Feng Shui Your Vagina for when you want fast witch biz, no time to fuq around. This is also GENIUS for the Sun-Mercury conjunction strong at the mo. From my friend, the lovely & astute Marcella Kroll:What do you do when you can’t communicate with the one you love, a dearly departed, family member, an ex-friend, former companion, business partner, or lover? While it may be convenient enough to pick up the phone, shoot over a text, or hit send on an email, we don’t always know how to approach or have the means to connect.

Tapping EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) et Loi de l'attraction pour attirer l'argent Tapping EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) Programmes complets pour améliorer grandement votre condition financière “L’EFT offre de grands bénéfices de guérison.” India to patent yoga asanas The Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) has prepared patent formats of nearly 900 yoga asanas (postures), to prevent European and American companies involved in fitness-related activities from claiming them as their own. These asanas will all be included in the digitalised Traditional Knowledge Library (TKDL), set up by the council to collect and record traditional treatment therapy knowledge. Medicines and yoga asanas registered with it enjoy the status of being patented.

10 Urban Spaces Around the World Reborn as Vibrant Green Parks In some cities, parks are replacing asphalt, and city dwellers are suddenly discovering new green space just steps away. To make cities more livable for an often growing population, government officials, activists and citizens are reclaiming unused or abandoned structures and lots and turning them into new, vibrant green spots that fill the surrounding areas with life. These 10 examples --- spanning four continents -- are perhaps just the beginning of the concrete-to-green revolution. A water reservoir until shut down in 1899, the Paddington Reservoir went on to become a garage, workshop and a commercial garage once more.

Horoscope: SIGNE-TOTEM: Hibou Son clan : l'épervier Son élément : le feu Son allié : le cerf Cycle : la Lune des longues neiges Animal totem complémentaire : Faucon,Saumon Couleur : Bleu Ton meilleur jour: le jeudi. Ta pierre: la topaze. Ta plante: le gui. Ta couleur: le turquoise. Forces : idéaliste, intuitive, aventureuse, sage, indépendante, lucide, clairvoyante, facile à vivre Faiblesses : indécise, change fréquemment d'humeur, naïve, parfois violente, porteuse de calomnies...

Les Amérindiens du sud : Aztèques, Mayas et Incas - Blog de Massageplus Histoire,Géographie Les Amérindiens du sud : Aztèques, Mayas et Incas Cette fiche présente les trois grands empires d'Amérique centrale et du Sud qui furent présents avant la période de la conquête par les Espagnols et les Portugais. Amérindiens de l’Amérique centrale : les Aztèques
