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50-Word Stories | Brand new bite-sized fiction every weekday! 360° Aerial Panoramas, 3D Virtual Tours Around the World, Photos of the Most Interesting Places on the Earth 5 great zero preparation lesson ideas When the pressure is on and there are only so many hours on the week, you need a repertoire of zero preparation go-to activities which promote input and/or practice. Here are five you might well find useful. 1. My weekend We know that listening is the most important yet often neglected skill for language learning. It's also something some pupils find hard to do. You tell the class you are going to recount what you did last weekend and that they have to make notes in English. You then make some true or false (maybe not mentioned too) statements in the target language about what you said in your account. 2. Pupils work in small groups. This is definitely an "output" task but one which can encourage students to speak fearlessly with an ear on fluency rather than accuracy. 3. For intermediate to advanced level. You can ask the class how many of the statements they think are false. Let the students ask questions until they have decided which ones they believe (by a show of hands). 4. 5.
Six Word Stories Larry Ferlazzo - Online tools These include The Best Web Tools For English Language Learners (In Other Words, The Ones My Students Regularly Use) and The Best Beginner, Intermediate & Advanced English Language Learner Sites. Now, though, I think it's time to narrow them down to my choices for the "best of the best" or, in other words, an "All-Time Best" list. Here are my choices, and I hope readers will let me know if they agree, disagree, and/or think I've missed some (one key requirement is that they are all free to use). Some of the sites I list could go in multiple categories, but I have placed them in the "domains" I believe they help the most: Obviously, The British Council has tons of great resources. I particularly like their animated Short Stories. I'm obviously biased, but I think the weekly student interactives I create for The New York Times are very useful to English Language Learners. The Reading and Everyday Life activities from GCF LearnFree are excellent. Mrs.
Lezione Simulata by Gaia Morelli on Prezi The language of life | The Royal Institution: Science Lives Here Lecture One looks at how we gained the remarkable instrument that is the human voice. Sophie will explore how laughter provides a link to our animal past, how our voice box has changed the shape of our faces and why we sound the way we do. In Lecture Two Sophie will explore the hidden code of communication, the more secret and sometimes more sinister side of human interaction – everything we say without opening our mouths – from contagious behaviours to the emotional clues in smell, and whether information wired directly into our brains is really a future we want. In Lecture Three, Sophie will examine one of the biggest puzzles in science – how and when humans first evolved language – revealing the huge amount of raw brain power and sensory skill needed to understand even a simple sentence and how we convey as much meaning through our tone, pace and pitch of voice as we say with our words.
Blog | BrainBox Wed 15 June 2016 Continental Contrivances Europe has been high on the news agenda for weeks now, which started us thinking – of all the things we in Britain take for granted today, which can we trace back to our continental neighbours? Wed 11 May 2016 Awesome African Adventures What do the king of the beasts, the biggest land mammal in the world and man’s largest living relative have in common? Thu 07 April 2016 “I’m not naughty – I’m autistic” How can you tell the difference between a naughty child and a child with an Autistic Spectrum Condition? Thu 03 March 2016 What Disney princesses teach our children Disney is as inescapable today as it was when we were young. Thu 05 November 2015 “When life gives you lemons…” From missing out on the school team to being told off by a favourite teacher, things at school don’t always go as planned.
Tools for Educators - free worksheet templates, printable game templates, 100% customizable worksheet makers with images! Top 31 Motivation Hacks « We The Change, Personal Development for Conscious People | Exploring How Self-Improvement Plays a Role in Global Consciousness Here are 31 of the most powerful motivation hacks you can use to increase productivity and attain greater fulfillment in life. I have picked some of the most useful tips from quality blogs and classic texts (so some may sound familiar) and added a few We The Change nuggets. Enjoy! 31. You will never be motivated to do something that makes you feel sad, scared, depressed or bored. 30. One of the most powerful motivation tools which most people simply do not employ. 29. Can you do it alone? 28. No matter how motivated you are, things do not always happen immediately or when you want them. 27. Life coaching and business counseling is taking off, and for good reason! 26. It is so easy to get lost in a sea of inactivity when we are constantly thinking about the big, massive goals we set for ourselves. 25. Spend 10 minutes looking up at the stars on a very clear night. 24. People lose motivation because they are bored. 23. 22. 21. You need to take breaks in order to manifest fresh ideas. 20.
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