Free Media Library in Blooms This list is distinctive as the resources are a) free and b) almost exclusively browser based. The list is also sorted by Blooms, meaning you are able to more easily consider your student outcomes FIRST. There are a few exceptions. A number of resources listed offer ‘pro’ services, but are still particularly useful using the free services they offer. There are a couple of software downloads included. Notably, Jing and Audacity, which are free and powerful products in the classroom and I felt compelled to include them. Have a favourite that’s missing? Creating (Higher order thinking): Designing, constructing, planning, producing, inventing, devising, making) Applications: Evaluating (Higher order thinking: Checking, hypothesising, critiquing, experimenting, judging, testing, detecting, monitoring) Applications: Analysing (Higher order thinking: Comparing, organising, deconstructing, attributing, outlining, structuring, integrating) Blogging Software Bookmarking / Information Management Image
Get Your Free Collaborize Classroom Account Looking to engage your students IN and OUT of the classroom? This is one of the BEST FREE teacher tools we’ve discovered yet! With your FREE Collaborize Classroom account, even your quietest students will become actively engaged. Using Collaborize Classroom, teachers report 100% participation rates, reduced grading time (up to 2 hours LESS a week!) Collaborize Classroom also comes with a Topic Library where teachers can search the best-of-the-best lessons shared by other teachers . 20,000+ teachers can’t be wrong! But don’t take our word for it… read some teacher and student reviews: “In class participation has increased across the board. “I love the peer feedback because it’s very helpful. “This technology has revolutionized my teaching. “It’s a great resource because everyone is very supportive. Get Instant Access Now! To Your Technology Driven Classroom, The SimpleK12 Team
Tikatok - Kids Activities: Publish a Children's Book with Tikatok Explore the Genre Map Publishers, booksellers, and readers describe books by their literary categories, or genres. It's how books are placed in stores and sold online. We created the Genre Map to help you find the right genre for your book. Roll over the map with your cursor to see the different genres. Please contact us if there's a category you'd like to see on the Genre Map.
Word Clouds for Kids! ABCya is the leader in free educational computer games and mobile apps for kids. The innovation of a grade school teacher, ABCya is an award-winning destination for elementary students that offers hundreds of fun, engaging learning activities. Millions of kids, parents, and teachers visit each month, playing over 1 billion games last year. Apple, The New York Times, USA Today, Parents Magazine and Scholastic, to name just a few, have featured ABCya’s popular educational games. ABCya’s award-winning Preschool computer games and apps are conceived and realized under the direction of a certified technology education teacher, and have been trusted by parents and teachers for ten years. Our educational games are easy to use and classroom friendly, with a focus on the alphabet, numbers, shapes, storybooks, art, music, holidays and much more!
Come condividere online ebooks Didapages con Dropbox Da un po' di tempo molti colleghi mi chiedono di dedicare un articolo alla pubblicazione online degli ebooks Didapages. Spesso ho fornito queste indicazioni via mail o rispondendo direttamente sul blog, suggerendo l'utilizzo del servizio di storage online Dropbox. Da qualche mese però, solo sui nuovi account, Dropbox ha introdotto una novità sostanziale. Non è piu' presente la cartella Public, indispensabile per la condivisione dei libri digitali Didapages. I nuovi utenti potranno condividere i file e le cartelle salvate sul proprio Dropbox usando le funzioni di condivisione standard del servizio, ma, come già detto, per poter pubblicare l'ebook, è necessario che l'intera cartella generata da Didapages venga copiata sulla cartella Public. Oggi vi guiderò alla soluzione del problema. Entrate in Dropbox ( e cliccate su create an account. Vi viene chiesto di salvare il programma ed iniziate il download (18,4 MB per l'ultima versione). Ecco come ovviare al problema.
Calibre - Gestion de listes ou de petites bases de données Calibre permet de gérer sa bibliothèque numérique, de la synchroniser avec ses appareils de lecture, si on en possède, de lire des documents dans de nombreux formats et de les convertir si on le désire. L’installation sous GNU/Linux est complètement automatisée, incorporant tout le nécessaire. On regrettera néanmoins l’absence de dépôt Debian et RPM automatisant la mise à jour. L’interface présente en une seule vue toutes les fonctions utilisables. On peut incorporer à la bibliothèque gérée par Calibre des documents de toutes sortes de formats, ceux des lecteurs de livres numériques, de traitement de textes, pdf, html, zip, pris en local ou par téléchargement via Calibre à partir entre autres d’Ebooks libres et gratuits. S’ils sont dans un format numérique, ceux-ci peuvent dès-lors être consultés par le visualisateur intégré de Calibre ou par l’appareil vers lequel on les envoie ; s’ils sont d’un autre format, pdf par exemple, ils seront envoyés à l’outil système approprié.
iMovie, les tutoriels d’un pro ! La force et la simplicité d’iMovie n’est plus à prouver. Sachant que c’est une application “gratuite” (avec l’achat de votre Mac), elle regorge de finesses et de subtilités. Cela fait un moment que j’avais envie de faire des tutoriels pour les expliquer. Mais cela était sans l’apport d’un cinéaste professionnel, Remy DEVEZE, qui a fait une dizaine de tutoriels (12 exactement) extrêmement bien réalisés et riches en conseils de pro. DCLIC.NET ne fait que remettre les liens de son site pour avoir tous les tutos sur une même page… Dès le premier tutoriel, j’ai découvert des finesses que je ne connaissais pas alors, à consommer sans modération. Un article similaire a été écrit pour la version 10 d’iMOVIE. 1/ Réaliser un projet… 2/ Transitions et titres 3/ Travailler avec le son 4/ Animer des photos 5/ Monter au rythme de la musique 6/ L’éditeur de précision 7/ Effets sur les montages (incrustations et autres…) 8/ Fonctions avancées partie 1 9/ Fonctions avancées partie 2 10/ Utiliser les thèmes
Umberto Eco’s Antilibrary: Why Unread Books Are More Valuable to Our Lives than Read Ones by Maria Popova How to become an “antischolar” in a culture that treats knowledge as “an ornament that allows us to rise in the pecking order.” “It is our knowledge — the things we are sure of — that makes the world go wrong and keeps us from seeing and learning,” Lincoln Steffens wrote in his beautiful 1925 essay. Piercingly true as this may be, we’ve known at least since Plato’s famous Allegory of the Cave that “most people are not just comfortable in their ignorance, but hostile to anyone who points it out.”. And yet the contour of what we know is a mere silhouette cast by the infinite light of the unknown against the screen of the knowable. Taleb uses legendary Italian writer Umberto Eco’s uncommon relationship with books and reading as a parable of the most fruitful relationship with knowledge: The writer Umberto Eco belongs to that small class of scholars who are encyclopedic, insightful, and nondull. We tend to treat our knowledge as personal property to be protected and defended.
Créez un livre interactif avec iBooks Author Micro Hebdo le 18/05/12 à 10h30 Le livre électronique a le vent en poupe. Toutefois, l'outil présente encore des contraintes. Etape 1 : démarrez un projet Lancez iBooks Author. Etape 2 : tapez le titre Dans la fenêtre Livre, cliquez sur Titre et tapez-le dans la couverture du livre. Etape 3 : ajoutez des chapitres et des sections Le livre est découpé en chapitres, eux-mêmes divisés en sections, puis en pages. Pour ajouter un élément, choisissez l'objet de rang supérieur (par exemple une section pour l'ajout d'une page) dans le volet Livre, puis cliquez sur la flèche sous le bouton + Ajouter des pages dans la barre d'outils et sélectionnez Page, puis un modèle. Etape 4 : tapez et formatez le texte Au départ, les pages sont remplies de faux texte. Dans l'onglet T (texte), modifiez les attributs du texte sélectionné. Etape 5 : créez une galerie d'images Pour insérer un diaporama, déroulez le menu Insertion, Widget, Galerie. Etape 6 : ajoutez des images interactives Etape 7 : ajoutez un graphique
The world's most difficult books: how many have you read? 'Fantastically convoluted' … Nightwood by Djuna Barnes. Photograph: Oscar White/Corbis Two and a half. I have read two and a half of the 10 most difficult books ever written, as selected by Emily Colette Wilkinson and Garth Risk Hallberg of the Millions after three years' research. The pair started their quest to identify the toughest books out there back in 2009, looking for "books that are hard to read for their length, or their syntax and style, or their structural and generic strangeness, or their odd experimental techniques, or their abstraction". And I salute them for it – they're entirely aware that people are going to quibble, and use their choices to imply intellectual superiority: "There will, doubtless, be those readers who look scornfully on our choices ("Psh. The titles? There are a few other books I might include in the list – Thomas Pynchon's Gravity's Rainbow, David Foster Wallace's Infinite Jest, and if I was going to choose Woolf, I'd go for The Waves. How about you?
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