Plan- Common Threads Common Threads: Weaving Child Rights into Global Education is designed for educators teaching Australian young people aged between 10-13 years, and is aligned with the new Australian Curriculum. Every one of us needs to be aware of our rights and responsibilities as we take on the role of active global citizens in this increasingly interconnected global world. Who is this guide for? Common Threads, is designed for educators teaching Australian young people aged between 10–13 years. It provides knowledge and resources needed to introduce young people in Australia to the concept of child rights and responsibilities in a global context. Through deep inquiry learning, this guide provides a powerful opportunity for young people to link their own experiences to their peers in the global community. Learning about Child Rights through the Curriculum Common Threads is developed in line with the Australian Curriculum and presented in three modules: Can Common Threads be used outside of the classroom?
CLEMI archives audiovisuelles Décryptage Cette série réalisée par le CLEMI en partenariat avec l’INA, propose une lecture et une interprétation d’archives télévisuelles. Les thèmes font écho à l’actualité du moment, invitent à réfléchir à l’évolution d’un genre ou renvoient à l’anniversaire d’un événement majeur. Lire la suite VidéosLe CLEMi vous propose divers formats pour travailler avec vos élèves : une rubrique "analyse de sujets de JT", en partenariat avec ARTE, une vidéo sur le montage en partenariat avec Telelibre, un jeu vidéo pour l’école... Lire la suite Le JT, toute une histoire L’histoire du journal télévisé de sa naissance en 1949 à aujourd’hui (documentaire réalisé par Jean-Claude Guidicelli, 74 min, INA, 2010). Pour travailler sur ce rendez-vous télévisuel incontournable, commandez aussi le DVD Apprendre la télévision: le JT (réalisation INA-CLEMI-CEMEA). Travailler sur des émissions de télévision et des vidéos documentaires en classe
World Food Programe 9 Countries Where Students Are Happy They Went To School Today The promise of daily food can change how a student, and a family, looks a going to school. In partnership with local governments across the developing world, WFP provides school meals, which encourage families to keep sending their children to class each day and improve focus among the students. Post date: 07/25/2014 - 16:57 "Us Against Hunger" — A Student's Story Even as a child, Karen Garcia, a 21-year-old student at Texas Tech University in Texas, US, was dedicated to making a difference. Girls Just Wanna Have...Textbooks Can you imagine starting school each day in a classroom with few if any girls? Tice 74 - Site des ressources pédagogiques TICE La continuité pédagogique vise, en cas d’éloignement temporaire d’élèves ou de fermeture d’écoles, collèges et lycées, à maintenir un lien pédagogique entre les professeurs et les élèves, à entretenir les connaissances déjà acquises par les élèves tout en permettant l’acquisition de nouveaux savoirs. Afin de permettre la mise à disposition immédiate de séances pédagogiques en ligne, les académies peuvent s’appuyer sur la plateforme dédiée du CNED, Ma classe à la maison. Vous pouvez accéder aux ressources du CNED pour les élèves de la Grande section au CM2 via le lien ci-dessous : Document de connexion « Ma classe à la maison » - Morgan V. Des pistes pour mettre en place la continuité pédagogique Mettre en place la continuité pédagogique Ouverture d’un espace numérique de travail (ENT) : Beneyluschool : ONE :
From Hunger to Hope Teachers and students are especially important to World Hunger Relief and the World Food Programme because the more people learn about hunger, the more likely it is that the problem will be solved. The WFP offers a variety of educational tools including: Hunger Resources - Here you will find links to useful information and publications which can be used to get Hunger issues into the classroom including teaching materials, cross-curricular planning maps, and ideas for both teachers and students to get involved. Click here for more information. Classroom Activities - Materials that have been developed by educators, with sponsorship by the Alabama 4-H Program in conjunction with Universities Fighting World Hunger at Auburn University, The Cape Breton University Children's Rights Centre, and the Canadian International Development Agency. Click here for more information.
GEP Primary Resources for Learning and Teaching Resources for Teachers - Chinese Museum The following resources are provided to support teachers in the classroom and are aligned with AusVELS and the Australian Curriculum: Chinese Anzacs Education Resource, produced by the Chinese Museum and the History Teachers’ Association of Victoria, 2015. This resource was designed to accompany the Chinese Anzacs: Chinese Australians and World War I exhibition, but can be used as a standalone resource or with the Chinese Anzacs website story. Language, a Key to Survival: Cantonese-English Phrasebook in Australia Education Kit, produced by the Chinese Museum, 2013. Click here for curated Chinese Museum Education resources and links.