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How To Make Money Online

How To Make Money Online

8 Practical Suggestions to Help You Achieve Financial Independence Most of what you learned growing up about money, income, and wealth are not true. This is understandable - think about whom you first learned them from (odds are good, it was from those who were not rich themselves). From confusing high incomes with wealth to not knowing the importance of tax asset placement when choosing your investments, after reading this special, it might make more sense to you why some professional athletes making $20 million a year quickly go bankrupt, while a bus driver can retire a multi-millionaire and have no financial worries. In fact, this step-by-step guide to achieving financial independence was designed so you can discover some of the most remarkable secrets to freeing yourself from that special brand of anxiety that money troubles can elicit. This step-by-step guide to financial independence is part of our How to Get Rich guide for new investors.

Financial Freedom is About You! A new study in the latest Inc. Magazine done by Simply Hired reports that 33% of 2012 college graduates say their top priority when looking for a job is “job security.” “Salary” and “healthcare other benefits” were tied for second at 23% with “company culture and perks” (18%) third and “company size” (3%) coming in last. All I have to say to the new graduates who responded to this survey is “good luck.” After all, once you become an employee, no matter who you work for, your employer controls your work life. And I know most of you think this is what you are supposed to do. This sounds pretty good, but you have to look at it for what it is… a dream. Do not rely on others as your sole source of income. Anything can happen. “Jobless claims are at their highest this year at 392,000,” Bloomberg News “Employers added an average of only 73,000 jobs per month in April and May. Financial Freedom is All About You! Women, It’s Rising Time!
