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Aprender a representar el conocimiento: 28 herramientas online para la competencia digital

Aprender a representar el conocimiento: 28 herramientas online para la competencia digital
La alfabetización y competencia digital es aprender a expresarse en distintos formatos de representación Una de las competencias clave o relevantes en todo proceso alfabetizador es la adquisición del dominio de los símbolos y formas expresivas del lenguaje. Tradicionalmente a esto le hemos llamado "aprender a escribir". Con la llegada de las TIC estamos asistiendo a un nuevo cambio en el concepto de "escritura" entendida como la competencia para comunicar y expresar las ideas, sentimientos o datos que una persona posee. Hasta la fecha, el curriculum escolar se ha preocupado de modo casi exclusivo en las competencias verbales de lectura y de escritura de textos, así como en la adquisición de la simbología que acompaña a toda representación matemática. Una selección de 28 herramientas online para expresarse en múltiples formatos

Operation Clambake :: How to support the fight against the Church of Scientology Operation Clambake: How to support the fight againstthe Church of Scientology For decades L Ron Hubbard's detailed instructions on how to crush any attempt at opposition worked very well. His loyal followers destroyed lives and families in their attempt to scare ex-members into silence or ruin critics. The attacks on Paulette Cooper are among the worst cases we know of; one can only wonder what is still guarded in the secret archives of the cult. The campaign against the Cult of Scientology is, among other things, an attempt to bring its secrets and crimes to the surface. The Internet has changed everything for critics of Scientology. L Ron Hubbard never predicted the Internet so the cult has no policy that can handle it. The cult still seems to be caught off guard. The fight is far from won. Here is a list of suggestions, but don't let this limit your creativity: Educate yourself, then educate others Investigate the available information, check out both sides and make up your own mind.

I like pets, specially mine. Object moved Uno de los medios o recursos didácticos que, pedagógicamente empleado, nos sirve en el aula para facilitar a los docentes la transmisicion de contenidos a los alumnos son los vídeos. Actuálmente la facilidad con la que contamos para publicar vídeos, permite crear mini documentales en el aula por nuestros propios alumnos en los que podrán compartir prácticas innovadoras y efectivas. Herramientas con los que podremos crear mini documentales en el aula con nuestros alumnos: 1. PicoVico es una aplicación web gratuita para hacer vídeos utilizando varias fotos, una interesante alternativa diseñada exclusivamente para elaborar este tipo de proyectos. 2. Catherine Aguayo Larenas comparte su experiencia con GO ANIMATE, herramienta disponible en la red que permite la realización simple de videos. Al crear una cuenta, se accede en forma gratuita a 100 monedas. 3. 4. 5. Wideo es una aplicación gratuita, fácil y sencilla para la creación de animaciones. 6. 7. 8.

Metta para docentes – Crea presentaciones 12 Tips For Starting A Game-Based Program At Your School I see the fact that I’m creating this post as a fantastic sign. Why? Because, it means that the idea of using games for learning is spreading and that people are moving from an “ideas” phase to a “let’s do this” phase. Several people have asked me how we got started with WoWinSchool and if I have any suggestions. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. These are some points that have helped make mine, Peggy Sheehy’s and Diane Lewis’ projects successful. -Lucas

How Can I Make My PowerPoint Presentations Amazing? Using Fan Fiction to Teach Critical Reading and Writing Skills - Tags: FAN fiction READING comprehension Home » Using Fan Fiction to Teach Critical Reading and Writing Skills Using Fan Fiction to Teach Critical Reading and Writing Skills Kell, Tracey October 2009 Teacher Librarian;Oct2009, Vol. 37 Issue 1, p32 Academic Journal Article The article discusses using the genre of fan fiction to teach critical reading and writing skills to students at the middle school level. Tags: FAN fiction; READING comprehension; COMPOSITION (Language arts) -- Study & teaching; WEBSITES; TEACHING methods; TEACHER-librarians Related Articles Ungraded Writing Assignments Help Students Engage with Content. // Curriculum Review;Nov2013, Vol. 53 Issue 3, p5 The article discusses "Writing to Learn," an approach to teaching writing assignments developed through collaboration between Teaching Channel and Educate Texas that utilizes warm-up exercises, active listening techniques, and reflective writing.Writing: Hard Work and Magic. Share More Sharing ServicesMore Read the Article Courtesy of your local library Other Topics

Thinking Cinematically In Prezi | The foundation of every great presentation is a compelling story. You can simply pile a bunch of images onto the canvas and zoom around them, but thinking cinematically means thoughtful use of camera moves and a focus on the emotional impact of each scene. Beautiful images and stunning animations alone can grab an audience’s attention, but it’s the story that will inspire them to take action or reduce them to tears. So let’s consider your story. Who is the protagonist? Create an outline first Once you have a clear vision for your story, it’s time to create an outline. Keep it clear You may have a lot of photos or video clips already in mind, but it’s important to be selective about the ones you want to show. By the same token, less is almost always more when it comes to text blocks. The Story of Hansel and Gretel by Meaghan Hendricks Camera moves Now for the fun part–camera moves. These are only suggestions, not set-in-stone rules, for crafting the perfect prezi.

Adolescents' anime-inspired 'fanfictions': An exploration of Multiliteracies - Tags: FAN fiction ANIMATED films -- Japan Home » Adolescents' anime-inspired 'fanfictions': An exploration of Multiliteracies Adolescents' anime-inspired 'fanfictions': An exploration of Multiliteracies Chandler-Olcott, Kelly; Mahar, Donna April 2003 Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy;Apr2003, Vol. 46 Issue 7, p556 Academic Journal Article Examines the anime-inspired fanfiction of adolescents. Tags: FAN fiction; ANIMATED films -- Japan; TEENAGERS; LITERACY Related Articles On the Cusp of Cyberspace: Adolescents' Online Text Use in Conversation. Share More Sharing ServicesMore Read the Article Courtesy of your local library Public Libraries Near You (See All) Looking for a Different Library? Enter a library name or part of a name, city, state, or province. Or enter your postal code and country to search by location: (optional) Other Topics Are You A Librarian? Are You A Publisher? About EBSCO © 2014 by EBSCO Publishing.
