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RoBo 3D Printer

RoBo 3D Printer

Home - Pirate 3D FORM 1: An affordable, professional 3D printer by Formlabs Are you frustrated that low-end 3D printers don’t have the quality to make the true beauty of your designs real? Do you dream of having the power and resolution of a truly professional machine on your desktop? We’ve created an easy-to-use system that rivals the output of high-end printers at a fraction of the cost. Our reason for starting this project is simple: there are no low-cost 3D printers that meet the quality standards of the professional designer. We’ve been hard at work for over a year, and with your help, we’re ready to take the Form 1 into full-fledged production. We’ve gone to extraordinary lengths to design a complete 3D printing experience: The Form 1 printer is engineered to produce high resolution parts with the touch of a buttonForm software is intuitive and simple to use so you can spend less time setting up prints and more time designingThe Form Finish post-processing kit keeps your desktop organized so that you can easily put the finishing touches on your masterpiece

The gMax 3D Printer - Print. Bigger. by Gordon LaPlante If we reach: Read About gMax Printer At: Imagine a world where you can come up with a design in your mind and have the physical object, large or small, in your hands with just a few clicks on a computer in the comfort of your own home or office. 3D printing is something that I was interested in long before I designed the gMax printer. Throughout this process I was working full-time and taking my exams to become a licensed architect, which I completed July 2012 – the first prototype was completed that Winter and I’ve been continuously updating, upgrading, and optimizing this printer ever since. Below are several renders showing the design's progression: With a 16'' x 16'' x 9'' (2,304 in3) build volume, the gMax 3D Printer is among the top when it comes to build volume capabilities. Also, the 16’’ square acrylic bed does not require heat if you’re using PLA. Another note worth mentioning is how quietly the gMax prints. Summary: Specifications Dimensions Weight Frame

Phoenix 3D Printer As a follow up to our very successful Kickstarter campaign, we're here on IndieGogo for round two of our Phoenix 3D Printer! "What makes your 3D printer so different than everyone else's?" At the San Mateo MakerFaire, virtually everyone we spoke to asked us this question. With so many printer models to choose from, we were glad to see consumers becoming better educated about their options in the ever-growing 3D printing market. So what makes our printer different? It's the software. Our software makes 3D printing easier. The Z Axis Most traditional 3D printers use threaded rods to drive their Z axis up and down. The Extruder Our extruder is designed to help prevent heat from traveling up the filament. A warranty. Yes, we have a one year on parts and labor. Yoda and his puppy! This spider house was printed in about 20 pieces, then glued together and painted. Earbud holder A heart This "box / cylinder" test shows how straight the walls are of our printer. Parts Library Print Recovery Mode Mobile App

Phoenix 3D Printer by Ez3D Missed the Kickstarter? You can still get a Phoenix! Visit our web site at Some of our updates are important! At the San Mateo MakerFaire, virtually everyone we spoke to asked us this question. So what makes our printer different? It's the software. Our software makes 3D printing easier. The Z Axis Most traditional 3D printers use threaded rods to drive their Z axis up and down. The Extruder Our extruder is designed to help prevent heat from traveling up the filament. A warranty. Yes, we have a one year on parts and labor. This spider house was printed using gray ABS and made up to look cool. We think the torture test above turned out very well, even when printed with the "low quality" profile! Build Area: 240 x 215 x 200 millimetersResolution: 0.1mm all around12-volt, 40-watt heater 0.35mm brass nozzleAccepts 1.75mm filamentHeated build platform, which means you can print with ABS! Parts Library Print Recovery Mode Mobile App Integrated Diagnostic Tools Delivery Dates

Kossel Clear - Let's build a full sized delta 3D printer! by Blue Eagle Labs Update: We reached our stretch goal! Please check our updates tab for more information. We are Blue Eagle Labs and we are HUGE fans of 3D printers. The Kossel Clear offers the following main advantages: Complete Build Documentation: For the 1st time builder, making your own delta 3D printer might seem to be a daunting task due to the vast amount of information that needs to be gathered. 1. 2. 3. Our Kossel Clear is a delta type 3D printer that uses 3 stepper motors to control the kinematically linked effector for movement in the x,y,z axis. Design Highlights Auto Calibration: Thanks to Johann Rocholl's auto calibration routine, builders will now have a lot less on their minds. Acrylic Parts: Acrylic offers the best combination of aesthetics, 'manufacturability', and cost. Acrylic Rods/Arms: Measure twice, cut once? Aluminum Rods/Arms: We are also offering an aluminum version of the rods and arms. Aluminum Extrusions: We love these aluminum extrusions. Table 1: Table 2: Table 3:

Affordable 20"x12" LASER Cutter / Engraver, Assembled in USA by Full Spectrum Laser Finally, an affordable US assembled LASER cutter / engraver with great capabilities and easy to use print driver at a price that non-big businesses can afford. We designed this LASER from the ground up to set a new standard in affordable LASER technology for precision cutting and engraving. It has numerous features that make it the best LASER the world has ever seen at this price point. There is a 20"x12" work area, high quality (metal terminal) 40w CO2 LASER tube and precision CNC made hardware to deliver never before seen quality at this level of affordability. -Design = DONE -Functional prototype = DONE -First batch assembly = in progress! When it is released for $3,499 it will be the best LASER under $10k on the market. We found the design online and repeated it on the back. Just for fun. ... and with our removable bed our new 5th Generation Hobby Laser could actually engrave a surface that large - in many 20"x12" increments. This new laser is the best we've come up with. Wood Working

Focus, an experimental powder printing platform In this instructable I am going to explain Focus, a functional experimental powder printing platform. Focus started of in October 2012 when I asked myself, how hard can it be to SLS nylon powder. To answer this question I built Focus. I have designed Focus to be experimental, All parts can be swapped for different parts and there is a lot of adjustments in most parts. I myself have configured focus as a SLS/SLM printer right now. In this instructable I have included everything needed to build the basics of focus. Schematics Wiring diagrams Technical drawings Bill of material lists Firmware I also maintain a complete buildpackage which can be found at my thingiverse page or in the attachments in step 2. With this you can build the printer. Sadly there are no step by step building pictures of Focus. If you still have questions after reading this instructable, feel free to ask them in the comments.

Comment fabriquer ses filaments d’ABS pour son imprimante 3D à moindre cout Mon imprimante 3D devrait arriver d’ici une semaine, et je recherche déjà des techniques pour obtenir des filaments d’ABS à moindre coût. Lors de mes recherches, le projet Lyman Filament Extruder revenait souvent, mais il restais encore trop onéreux. Le projet de DeltaPrinter se base sur le projet de Lyman mais en utilisant que des éléments courants du commerce et une pièce imprimée en 3D. Le système est composé d’un tube de 10mm en acier inoxydable avec une ouverture dans lequel un foret à bois va faire l’office de vis sans fin pour pousser les billes d’ABS vers l’extrémité. Là, un bloc d’aluminium fait la jointure avec une tube de cuivre de 15mm de diamètre avec un embout percé et calibré au diamètre voulu. Le bloc d’aluminium est chauffé avec deux résistances chauffantes 230V à la température de 200°C. Le foret servant d’entrainement est monté sur un moteur essuie-glace qui tourne en continu à faible vitesse.

Fabriquer son imprimante 3D Oui il est possible de fabriquer son imprimante 3D personnelle à partir de plans disponibles gratuitement en Open Source. Ces ressources vous mèneront vers des sites internet anglophones et sont réservés aux personnes qui maîtrisent les techniques de constructions mécaniques et électroniques. Sachez que vous ferez des économies en utilisant cette approche mais que vos connaissance seront mises à rudes épreuves. Vous pourrez bien entendu trouver de l’aide sur notre forum ou nous la communauté se fera un plaisir de vous répondre. La plus connue des imprimantes 3D à fabriquer soi-même est la RepRap. RepRap est un projet britannique de l’Université de Bath, visant à créer une imprimante tridimensionnelle en grande partie auto-réplicative et libre (c’est-à-dire sans brevet, et dont les plans seront disponibles pour tout le monde) sous licence Licence publique générale GNU. Dans les grandes lignes, le projet RepRap a pour but de permettre la création d’une machine capable de se répliquer.

eMAKERshop Impression 3D par UV, processus Polyjet By Bernhard Voslamber on 25/03/2013 Impression 3D pour surfaces parfaites et détails très fins Nouveau chez Objectplot, disponible à partir de mi-Février 2013 Pour le processus PolyJet des matériaux photo-polymèrisables sont appliquées en couches très fines (16μ) à une plateforme mobile. Chaque couche de photopolymère est durcie immédiatement après application des UV. Le matériau de support, un gel qui a été spécialement conçu pour les géométries complexes, est ensuite éliminé par jet d’eau. Impression 3D de très haute qualité: avec une résolution de 16μ sur l’axe-Z les machines d’objet sons leader sur le marché. Impression 3D à très grande précision: l’application du matériel photo-polymerisable se passe avec très grande précision en employant une résolution de 600 dpi sur les axes X et Y.

Comparateur d'imprimantes 3D : Les meilleurs prix, les dimensions, les fabricants... |3dnatives Accueil > Comparateur d'imprimantes 3D Premier comparateur de prix pour imprimantes 3D avec plus de 200 modèles Vous trouverez plus de 200 modèles regroupant tous les types d'imprimantes 3D et d'équipements de fabrication additive, que ce soit les imprimantes 3D pour particuliers ou des machines de production. Nous y avons aussi inclus les stylos 3D et les imprimantes 3D avec des matériaux très différents comme le chocolat ou le bois. N'hésitez pas à utiliser les commandes à gauche pour sélectionner l'imprimante 3D qui correspond à votre budget et au type de technologie qui vous convient. Comparer : Sélectionnez jusqu’à 4 Imprimantes 3D pour les comparer Trier par : Populaire | Prix | Note | Nom 218 résultats trouvés L'imprimante 3D Hephestos de chez BQ est une évolution ... L'Ultimaker 2+ est la nouvelle version de l'imprimante ... L'imprimante 3D Zortrax M200 du polonais Zortrax est un... L’imprimante 3D Dom Pro fabriquée par le français Dood ... La Up! La UP!

Prototypage rapide : stéréolithographie - Digitalisation, étude, prototypage rapide, frittage, stéréolithographie - Spécialiste du développement de produits industriels et grand public La stéréolithographie est la technologie la plus connue pour obtenir des modèles physiques à partir d'une définition numérique 3D. Fonctionnement : des résines photosensibles sont polymérisées sous l'action d'un laser. Sa haute résolution permet la fabricationde prototypes précis, complexes, avec une excellente reproduction des détails. Applications : Présentations marketingTests d'ergonomieValidation d'un designMaîtres-modèles pour la duplication par coulée sous vide
