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Adbusters Culturejammer Headquarters | Journal of the mental environment Cloudy Collection / Print Editions Sometimes it pays to take a step back from all the tiny details and try to distill something to its essence. Simplicity can sometimes be used to gloss over something more complicated, but in the hands of a master, simplicity can clarify an idea so it declares its message more succinctly. On the other hand, in the hands of a master who also happens to be snarky, the idea of simplicity gets turned on its head, and turned into a great visual joke. This stack of seven letterpress prints is made on 4"x6" white bamboo paper using vegetable-based inks on a Vandercook press. Edition released in December 2010 A special note about this print set: A portion of the proceeds from these print sets will be given to Susan G.

brandflakesforbreakfast Reckless Kelly and Wings win Grammy packaging awards A lunar-themed design for Texas band Reckless Kelly's album Long Night Moon was named Best Record Package at the 56th Grammy Awards last night, beating sleeve designs for David Bowie, Jay-Z and Metallica. The packaging for Long Night Moon was designed by sisters Sarah and Shauna Dodds, founders of Austin-based Backstage Design Studios. It comes with a UV light which can be used to reveal hidden codes printed in glow-in-the-dark invisible ink, and a 12-panel poster insert featuring a lunar map surrounded by moons, each representing the moon phase on the night of a significant date in the making of the album or the band's history. Stars dotted around the artwork represent various constellations, while moons on the back cover depict lunar phases on the date each track was written. Also nominated was Brian Grunert and Annie Stoll's design for New York band Geneseo's album, Automatic Music Can be Fun, created with band members Zac Decamp and Mike Browne.

Opinions on Corporate and Brand Identity Work UnderConsideration is a graphic design firm generating its own projects, initiatives, and content while taking on limited client work. Run by Bryony Gomez-Palacio and Armin Vit in Austin, TX. More… products we sell Flaunt: Designing effective, compelling and memorable portfolios of creative work. Brand New Conference videos / Individual, downloadable videos of every presentation since 2010. Prints / A variety of posters, the majority from our AIforGA series. Other: Various one-off products. writing Graphic Design, Referenced: A Visual Guide to the Language, Applications, and History of Graphic DesignRockport: 2009 Women of Design: Influence and Inspiration from the Original Trailblazers to the New Groundbreakers HOW Books: 2008 The Word It Book: Speak Up Presents a Gallery of Interpreted WordsHOW Books: 2007

aesthetics of joy » color Do we have a universal right to joy? I’ve recently had some new people come into my life who really understand Aesthetics of Joy and what I’m trying to achieve with it. And because they understand it so well, they’re able to challenge me to think about the subject in very different ways. I answered “yes” immediately, purely on intuition, and since then have been thinking through why I believe this so strongly. Why joy and not happiness? Joy, by contrast, is much simpler. This the crux of the matter: the potential for joy is an intrinsic and essential part of our minds. So if we all have the potential for joy already within us, why does it need to be a right? It may sound silly in the abstract, but in practice, there are obstacles to an equal right to joy. The rise of “favela painting,” which brings color and vibrancy to slums and other areas ground down by poverty, is physical expression of this idea. The threat to joy is not an obvious one.

Ten Words That Build Trust Do you think one short sentence at the end of your ad could cause a major increase in the level of trust customers place in you? Believe it or not, it’s true. Researchers found that placing the following statement at the end of an ad for a auto service firm caused their trust scores to jump as much as 33%! “You can trust us to do the job for you.” Seems simple, eh? Nevertheless, that phrase caused people to rate the firm in the ad higher in every category: Fair Price – Up 7% Caring – Up 11% Fair Treatment – Up 20% Quality – Up 30% Competency – Up 33% It’s quite surprising that as nebulous as the “trust us” statement was, it produced major increases in very specific areas of performance. So, if you want your customers to trust you, remind them that they CAN trust you. Image via Shutterstock.

WeVUX 40+ Beautiful Robot Characters Illustration There are lots of cool illustrations that can be found on the net which can be a good basis to get some inspirations. Just like the 50+ Cute and Adorable Monster Characters Illustration that I showcase a days ago, here is another list of some cool illustrations to enhance your ideas. This time it is a 40+ Beautiful Robot Characters Illustration. These showcase are a different types of Robots Illustration where some of them are cool modernistic and some are cute. Check out this cool illustrations made by some of the talented graphic artist lived. Source : designflavr Source : PatLeeArt Source : TOYTO Source : loopland Source : designflavr Source : Lepas Source : Hammotime Source : blargynog Source : Lochi Source : Roberlan Paresqui Source : renato guerra Source : ROAR-productions Source : onishade Source : Isabeloide Source : Si2 Source : John Schwegel Source : bcolbow Source : Mister-Lee Source : Kurainisei Source : Addrox Source : Si2 Source : Eighty-6 Source : suero! Source : Andrea Source : my other me

Typography in Prints & Posters - Etsy Art - Page 13 Richard Branson: The Importance of Not Being Earnest The famous British billionaire says having fun should be an essential part of your business. The four P's -- people, product, price and promotion -- are often cited as the keys to a successful business. Yet this list omits a vital ingredient that has characterized Virgin companies throughout our 40 years: Fun, with a capital F. When we started Virgin Atlantic in 1984, we had some great people and lots of good ideas about how to do things differently . We could not do much about the single plane -- leased from a generous man at Boeing. We also started to run some funny, pretty direct and usually highly topical advertisements to grab the public's attention. Such "in your face" ads were largely unknown in the stodgy world of airlines, so our approach quickly gained us notoriety, press coverage and, above all, visibility. Marketing teams in London and New York frequently reacted quickly to the day's news and, within 24 hours, placed tactical-response advertisements in key markets. When Gen.
