Accueil DAAD
Le DAAD est la représentation de l'enseignement supérieur allemand et son antenne parisienne est chargée de la coopération franco-allemande dans ce domaine. Ce site s'adresse en premier lieu aux étudiants et élèves inscrits en France et désirant poursuivre leurs études ou recherches en Allemagne. Vous y trouverez des informations sur l'organisation de l'enseignement supérieur allemand, les différents types d'établissements, les voies et conditions d'accès, la reconnaissance de vos diplômes (en Allemagne ainsi qu'après votre retour en France)... et maints renseignements pratiques. Si, sur ce site, vous n'avez pas trouvé les informations recherchées ou si vous avez besoin de précisions, vous pouvez contacter le Service d'information et de documentation qui répondra à toutes vos questions concernant les études et la recherche en Allemagne ainsi que les programmes de bourses.
Fondation Marcel Bleustein-Blanchet pour la Vocation
AFS Vivre Sans Frontière
Summer Session 2015
During the regular Summer Session, MIT offers a limited selection of the subjects available in the academic year as well as a few subjects designed for special interests and needs of MIT students. This catalog describes those subjects and gives general information relevant to summer enrollment. MIT students can take arranged-unit subjects (such as UROP, Special Studies, Research, Internship, Co-op, Independent Study, Thesis Preparation, or Thesis) during the Summer Session by prior arrangement with a faculty member. See the section on Admission and Registration for more details. The Institute reserves the right to make changes in the regulations and courses announced in this catalog. MIT's nondiscrimination policy Short Courses for Professionals MIT Professional Education—Short Programs offers more than 40 courses in one-to-five day sessions in the summer. Short Programs attendees come from across the United States and around the world.
Summer Studies | Summer Studies
McGill University is the perfect place to spend your summer. Looking to expand your knowledge base, lighten your course schedule, or make up a few credits? McGill offers over 300 condensed summer courses, during three sessions and on two campuses, for current students, visiting students (out of province and international students), Quebec inter-university transfers (IUTs) as well as special students (those interested in taking courses independently of a degree program). At McGill, you’ll be in good company. The University’s 26,000 undergraduates and 9,000 graduate students come from 160 countries around the world. With a friendly, diverse, and international student body, the campus atmosphere fosters understanding and encourages an enthusiastic exchange of ideas. Register for summer courses
Visa WH - Assurance Working Holiday en Permis vacances travail et Programme vacances travail