Web-based Version of Blooms Taxonomy (30+ digital tools )
Awesome Poster on Bloom's Revised Taxonomy
Our Bloom's Taxonomy section here in Educational Technology and Mobile Learning is growing richer in materials and resources. I am so grateful to everyone of you for generously contributing with your ideas and links. I just got this poster from a fellow teacher featuring the 6 thinking skills as outlined in the revised taxonomy. I will let you have a look at this awesome revised taxonomy poster and looking forward to your comments and feedback.
Blooms, SAMR & the 3 C's - iSupport
All the apps you’ll ever need As I prepared for an upcoming presentation at a local University I unloaded my test iPad of all its applications and created a new iPad, complete only with apps which I use at school every week. This iPad would become my “essentials” iPad, strategically and efficiently full of apps I wholly recommend to every educator I meet. I went through the apps and I developed a list, indicating the apps purpose. I found that these purposes consistently fell into 3 categories: Consumption, Creation and Collaboration. I found I had many educational gaming type apps (gamification of learning) which fitted into the Consumption category. Today I chose to focus on these 3 “C’s” activities, and it was clear that they could be easily aligned to Blooms Taxonomy objectives. When you are considering your teaching tool kit, consider a concise balance between these apps. Which apps are you consuming (researching, learning specific facts) with?