‘A real free press for the first time in history’: Wikileaks editor speaks out in London | Journalism.co.uk Editors' Blog Julian Assange, editor of whistle-blowing website Wikileaks, has criticised mainstream media for not making proper use of “primary resources” and claimed that the site has created “a real free press (…) for the first time in history”. Speaking at the Centre for Investigative Journalism Summer School at City University London on Friday, Assange accused the media of failing to consult important evidence in its reporting of a 2007 US Air Force strike that killed two Reuters news service employees and several Iraqi civilians The attack became infamous after a video of the event was leaked through WikiLeaks, entitled Collateral Murder. The footage was recorded by one of two Apache helicopters involved in the attack. Showing an alleged copy of the US Military’s 2007 rules of engagement hosted on WikiLeaks, Assange said: “We had the raw ingredients you needed to decide right there. Why didn’t they use them? Last week, Private First Class Bradley E. Image courtesy of Cirt on Wikimedia Commons
WikiLeaks manuel piñeiro (@manuel_pineiro) sur Twitter Belgium Declares Pope Public Enemy You’ve probably heard about Pope Benedict’s announcement three weeks ago that AIDS “cannot be overcome by the distribution of condoms. On the contrary, they increase the problem.” The comment was especially brutal and uncivilized given the timing—on a trip to Africa, which has 137 million Catholics and 60% of the world’s HIV population. In response, the Belgian parliament passed a law ordering the government to “react strongly against any state or organization that in the future brings into doubt the benefit of using condoms to prevent transmission of the AIDS virus.” The government then lodged a formal, diplomatic protest with the Vatican over the Pope’s “unacceptable” comments. Belgium is hardly alone in its condemnation; here are other comments on the Pope’s bizarre and self-serving belief: * The New York Times: “The Pope deserves no credence when he distorts scientific findings about the value of condoms in slowing the spread of the AIDS virus.” Buy Dr.
Julian Assange and the Wikileaks agenda at George Brock Wikileaks founder Julian Assange came to the Centre for Investigative Journalism weekend school at City University last Friday to speak to a public audience. Assange is clearly making many more of these appearances in what might be called the Phase Two of the Wikileaks story. Julian Assange In Phase One, Assange barely gave any interviews at all and was secretive about himself and his organisation. Phase Two began when Wikileaks had put more than a million documents into the public domain which organisations and governments had never intended to release and when the US government arrested one of Wikileaks alleged leakers in the American military. Here’s a summary of what he said in opening. But from the start, Wikileaks saw itself in quite a different perspective from mainstream media, or from all other news media. He indirectly justified Wikileaks refusal to discuss its personnel, operations or security methods by saying that he has a “duty” to maintain “institutional integrity”.
Wikileaks : Que contient réellement Insurance.aes256 14 décembre 2010 Le sulfureux site Wikileaks a mis à disposition des internautes cet été un fichier. Celui-ci se nomme Insurance.aes256. Le nom du fichier laisse présager qu’il s’agit d’un fichier crypté à ‘aide d’une clef de type AES sur 256 bits et dont son contenue serait une assurance pour le fondateur de Wikileaks , Julian Assange afin que son intégrité physique ne soit pas atteinte. Mais que contient donc ce fichier et qui en possède la clef ? Les caractéristiques du fichier Insurance.aes256 Le fichier Insurance.aes256 a une taille inférieure à 1,4 giga octet . Le cryptage du fichier AES 256 bits est-il sur ? Concernant la clef de cryptage utilisé pour crypter le fichier. Que contient réellement Insurance.aes256 ? La taille du fichier n’est pas suffisamment indicative pour connaitre la nature du type d’information présente dans ce fichier. Qui possède la clef d’Insurance.aes256 ? Conclusion sur Insurance.aes256 Regarder sur Youtube une analyse technique du fichier Insurance.aes256
Slashdot: News for nerds, stuff that matters Wikileaks plans to release files about deadly U.S. airstrike on Wikileaks.org plans to release as soon as this week documents related to a U.S. airstrike that killed Afghan civilians last year and plans to release combat footage of the incident this summer, the founder of the whistleblower site said in an interview Monday. Julian Assange said the documents pertain to an attack near the Afghan village of Garani, which killed scores of civilians in May 2009 In April, Wikileaks released video footage of a U.S. Apache helicopter attack in Iraq that killed several civilians, including two employees of the Reuters news service. The release catapulted Wikileaks into global headlines and sparked debate over a site that aims to uncover government and corporate secrets. Assange said Wikileaks does not try to identify sources. "We don't verify sources," Assange said. Wikileaks has nonetheless secured three American lawyers, pro bono, to help Manning, 22, who is being held in Kuwait for allegedly leaking classified videos and documents to the whistleblower site.
Wikileaks - Insurance.aes256 Je me suis déjà exprimé une première fois sur l’affaire Wikileaks et c’est sur un autre point, toujours le même thème que je voudrais réagir, assez rapidement, en parlant de Insurance.aes256. Source de l’image Présentation Gigantesque fichier informatique de 1,39 Go, "Insurance.aes256" contiendrait des révélations explosives que WikiLeaks promet de diffuser s’il arrive quelque chose au célèbre fondateur du site, toujours emprisonné à Londres. (…) Reste que pour en prendre connaissance, il faudrait parvenir à lire le fichier. Or, celui-ci est protégé par une clef longue de 256 bits dont la méthode de cryptage est également utilisée - ironie de l’histoire - par la Nasa pour ses dossiers classés "Top Secret"… "Il faudrait, a priori, 3x1051 années à une armée d’ordinateurs pour pouvoir déchiffrer ce code" Source A lire également : Wikileaks : Que contient réellement Insurance.aes256 Ma réaction sur le sujet Des livres sur Julian Assange et Wikileaks ? Je vous conseille les livres suivants :
Swedish Pirate Bay to Host New Wikileaks Servers The Pirate Party will host several new WikiLeaks servers. This was agreed during Julian Assange’s visit to Stockholm last weekend, and the Pirate Party is happy to announce that everything has been finalized. The contribution of WikiLeaks is tremendously important to the entire world, says Rick Falkvinge, leader of the Pirate Party in Sweden. We desire to contribute to any effort that increases transparency and accountability of power in the world. Last week, the Pirate Party challenged the other Swedish parties to assist WikiLeaks in its democratic effort. The Pirate Party will provide bandwidth and hosting to WikiLeaks free of charge as part of its political mission, the press release stated. "This is one of our signatures. WikiLeaks have been under constant threat of being sabotaged by corrupt or abusive organisations trying to conceal the truth from the public. "We welcome the help provided by the Pirate Party. Support free media by signing up to Flattr: #
Chacun de nous a sa boîte de Pandore Zeus offrit la main de Pandore à Épiméthée, frère de Prométhée. Bien qu’il eût promis à Prométhée de refuser les cadeaux venant de Zeus, Épiméthée accepta Pandore. Pandore apporta dans ses bagages une boîte mystérieuse qu’il lui fut interdit d’ouvrir. Chacun a sa boite de Pandore... On est tel Pandore face à sa boite mais contrairement à elle, il ne faut pas l’ouvrir. Il y a également ces secrets que l’on a enfouit à jamais. Il ne faut donc jamais chercher à savoir, il faut prendre sur soi, essayer de ne pas y penser, penser à autre chose... On pourra toujours espérer que ces conseils soient utiles à quelqu’un, mais ils sont toujours plus faciles à donner qu’à appliquer...