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John Perkins Official Web Site

John Perkins Official Web Site

Origin Story The Pachamama Alliance was born out of an invitation from the Achuar people to work in partnership with them to preserve their land and culture while bringing forth a new worldview that honors and sustains life. The Achuar: Visionary Warriors of the Amazon Deep in the Amazon rainforest, spanning the borders of modern-day Ecuador and Peru, the Achuar people have lived and thrived for centuries. Traditionally warriors with a fierce devotion to their land, they kept their sophisticated culture and worldview remarkably intact as late as the mid-20th century. In Achuar culture, dreams are a guiding principle of life, shared each morning before sunrise. But not all dreams are sweet. Visit to learn more about The Achuar » The Nightmare of Oil Development Since the early 20th century, individuals and corporations from the so-called “modern” world have sought to exploit Achuar land for its oil, disregarding its irreplaceable ecological and cultural wealth. The Eagle and the Condor

December 6: Occupy Wall Street “Goes Home” Posted 2 years ago on Nov. 23, 2011, 11:17 a.m. EST by OccupyWallSt December 6 will be a big day of action for the Occupy Wall Street movement. #OWS will join the struggle of families and communities that have been on the front lines of a struggle for economic justice. The Occupy movement is born of the simple belief that humanity could meet our common needs if not for the predation and greed of the very few. In a nation that puts the right to housing at the center of its founding dream, millions of people have lost their homes or fear that they soon will because of the foreclosure crisis. Wall Street turned a fundamental human need into a badly rigged casino game with fraudulent lending practices and corrupt securitization. More information to come.

Power in Numbers: Millions Crowd to Occupy Life November 19th, 2011 2:07 PM By Donna Smith One of the most powerful and interesting things about the Occupy Movement is its reach well beyond Wall Street or even the smallest tent encampments around the nation. The power to bloom and spread has been in its simultaneously coordinated actions combined with the movement’s lack of demands on its own activists to comply with just one assigned set of tactics dictated from afar. Its lack of a consolidated power structure or the control of one mastermind compelling allegiance has strengthened the movement in ways that confounded not only the mainstream media but also the mainstream mindset. What we used to call the establishment in the 1960s had become so enamored with itself and so entrenched that its generals cannot fathom what happened or why. The OWS movement has broken the ice for a torrent of pain and suffering to be acknowledged. It is interesting.

World’s Largest Aquaponics Project Unveiled in UAE | Agriculture Research Currently the UAE is estimated to import around 85% of its food which understandably leaves the country open to market fluctuations and supply chain problems. The Baniyas Centre however will be capable of producing a massive 200 tonnes of fish and 300,000heads of lettuce annually, helping to reduce reliance upon importation and to improve food security for the nation. The fish being cultivated within the system will be the aquaponic best friend, tilapia. According to reports 50,000 juvenile fish have been imported from Holland for the project. The sheer scale of the centre is one of its most impressive assets. Naturally a key factor for the UAE is water efficiency. The system in its entirety is managed by a single water pump, adding to its water efficiency with negligible power usage in comparison to more traditional methods. HydroponicsGuide

Quotes of Thomas Merton Indeed, that is one of the most significant things about the power of love. There is no way under the sun to make a man worthy of love except by loving him. As soon as he realizes himself loved – if he is not so weak that he can no longer bear to be loved – he will feel himself instantly becoming worthy of love. He will respond by drawing a mysterious spiritual value out of his own depths, a new identity called into being by the love that is addressed to him.” - From Disputed Questions by Thomas Merton “There must be a time of day when the man who makes plans forgets his plans, and acts as if he had no plans at all. There must be a time of day when the man who has to speak falls very silent. “Discovering the contemplative life is a new self-discovery. “Am I sure that the meaning of my life is the meaning God intends for it? “All Christian life is meant to be at the same time profoundly contemplative and rich in active work… It is true that we are called to create a better world.

Our Name | Gaia University The name 'Gaia University' was chosen for our un-institution in order to acknowledge the importance of the Gaia Hypothesis generated by British scientist, James Lovelock, with Lynn Margulis, in the 1970's. The hypothesis (and the development of subsequent thinking) is significant both for its content – the Earth as a single, self-regulating system with physical, chemical, biological, and human components – and as a major contradiction to the dominant, reductive scientific way of thinking that is often unwilling to look at 'wholes'. They seem too complex and too unknowable in their entirety to fit with paradigms based on certainty and 'hard evidence'. Gaia, the name suggested for the hypothesis by William Golding, the British novelist, is thought to be derived from an ancient concept of 'Mother Nature' used by the Mycenaean culture, which itself was derived in part from one of its antecedents, the Minoan culture, which arose as early as 7000 BC.

Thomas Merton Thomas Merton, O.C.S.O. (January 31, 1915 – December 10, 1968) was an American Catholic writer and mystic. A Trappist monk of the Abbey of Gethsemani, Kentucky, he was a poet, social activist, and student of comparative religion. In 1949, he was ordained to the priesthood and given the name Father Louis.[1][2][3] Merton wrote more than 70 books, mostly on spirituality, social justice and a quiet pacifism, as well as scores of essays and reviews, including his best-selling autobiography, The Seven Storey Mountain (1948), which sent scores of World War II veterans, students, and even teenagers flocking to monasteries across the US,[4][5] and was also featured in National Review's list of the 100 best non-fiction books of the century.[6] Merton was a keen proponent of interfaith understanding. He pioneered dialogue with prominent Asian spiritual figures, including the Dalai Lama, the Japanese writer D.T. Biography[edit] Early life[edit] France 1926[edit] England 1928[edit] Rome 1933[edit]

The Happiness Institute :: Products Take advantage of our free resources and make sure you don't miss out on any new additions by subscribing to our free eNewsletter So you've seen Dr. Happy speak - what do you do now? If you're visiting this website because you've recently seen Dr. Happy (Dr. Timothy Sharp) speak or present a workshop, or maybe you've read or heard one of his regular appearances in the media, you might be thinking "What next?" The Greatest Resource in your organisation is your people No matter what your position within your team or organisation, it's in your interest to find out what can be done to help everyone be as happy and functional and productive and efficient as possible. The Happiness Institute's "CHOOSE" Philosophy - 6 Powerful Positive Psychology Strategies Everything we do here at The Happiness Institute is based on the philosophy that happiness is something you choose. Scientific Support for and benefits of Positive Psychology Happiness FAQs Read Dr. 20 simple tips to be happy now Prof. Dr. Dr.

Office of Planning and Research - Federal Grant Review The State Clearinghouse (SCH) serves as the state's Single Point of Contact for the review of federal grant applications pursuant to Presidential Executive Order No. 12372. Notification of certain federal grant applications must be provided to the SCH, which in turn publishes this information for review and comment by public agencies. The SCH does not administer grant programs or offer any grant funding. Please visit for funding opportunities. To determine if your grant is subject to review, search by the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) number on this list of federal programs requiring state review. To inquire about eligibility, application procedures, and criteria used to approve grants, applicants should contact the appropriate federal funding agency. My Grant is Subject to Review You must send one copy of your application cover form (Standard Form 424) to the SCH. My Grant is Not Subject to Review

California Proposition 11 (2008) The Act amended Article XXI of the state constitution and enacted Title 2, Division 1, Chapter 3.2 of the Government Code. These changes transfer authority for establishing Assembly, Senate, and Board of Equalization district boundaries from elected representatives to a fourteen member commission. The commission is chosen as follows: Government auditors select sixty registered voters from an applicant pool.Legislative leaders are permitted to reduce the pool.Auditors then pick eight commission members by lottery, and those commissioners pick six additional members for a total of fourteen. The commission must include five commissioners of the largest political party in California (in practice the Democrats), five commissioners from the second largest party (currently the Republicans), and four of neither party. California Common Cause was the advocacy group sponsoring the initiative. AARPThe Los Angeles Chamber of CommerceThe League of Women VotersGov. Gov. U.S.

Citizens Redistricting Commission Results[edit] The Commission certified new electoral district maps by the August 15, 2011 deadline with the required “supermajority” of a minimum of three Democrats, three Republicans, and three commissioners from neither major party, as stipulated by Article XXI sections 2(c) and 2(g) of the California Constitution. Maps for the state legislative districts passed with a 13-1 vote, and for Congressional districts with a 12-2 vote.[4] In response to a series of legal challenges, the California Supreme Court ruled unanimously three times in favor of the Commission’s maps, finding them in compliance with the U.S. Constitution and California Constitution.[5][6][7] In addition, the U.S. Commission selection process[edit] The California State Auditor collected nearly 5,000 completed applications out of over 30,000[25] for the commission. Map-Drawing Process[edit] Membership[edit] Daniel Claypool was the commission's executive director.[41] The commissioners are:[42] Democrats Republicans Other
