REALTA' AUMENTATA REALTA' AUMENTATA:potenziare la realtà con contenuti virtualidi Ilenia Melli Quali strumenti? web tool + app android e IOS Si possono collegare a qualsiasi immagine o oggetto contenuti multimediali che appaiono in trasparenza semplicemente inquadrando l'oggetto iniziale. Tutorial di Jessica Redeghieri Estensione per google chrome consente di creare codici QR con una varietà di dati, come per esempio: Web URL, numeri telefonici, skype, messaggi sms, ecc. QR-Code Monkey consente di personalizzare il QR inserendo un logo a scelta dalla galleria oppure caricando un’immagine dal proprio PC. Oltre a consentire la conversione dei lunghissimi indirizzi URL in un formato più breve e quindi più pratico da condividere, questo sito consente anche di creare un codice QR. Generatori di QR code vocali Stampa, colora e guarda il tuo disegno in 3D Esempio: i tre stati della materia Cos'è ? E' la sovrapposizione di livelli informativi (grafica e video 2D, 3D, audio) all'ambiente reale. Nella chimica il prof.
23 Free Learning Tools For Monological, Dialogical and Polyphonic Forms of Teaching How Students Benefit From Using Social Media 12.98K Views 0 Likes A lot of criticism has been leveled at social media and the effect it has on the way students process and retain information, as well as how distracting it can be. 10 African-American History Month Teaching Resources 1.26K Views 0 Likes This week’s Featured Ten Learnist boards are dedicated to African-American history month. 3 Tech Tips Your Grandma Could Teach You 2.03K Views 0 Likes Those who have been using technology, in some form, have a few tech tips you should know about. TooFAST VERSION 2.0 I 9 modi migliori di studiare secondo la scienza - Stanno per ricominciare le lezioni e, per molti, le lunghe ore di studio che scandiranno l'anno scolastico. Quali sono le tattiche "scientificamente provate" per ottimizzare il tempo sui libri e imparare in modo efficace? Le illustra questo video - in inglese - di AsapSCIENCE, di cui riassumiamo, qui di seguito, i contenuti. Ecco dunque 9 dritte scientifiche a misura di studente. 1. Diluisci nel tempo. Il cervello è più abile nel codificare le informazioni in sinapsi quando lavora in questa modalità. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
The Personalized Learning Umbrella Personalized Learning is the "umbrella" or the big picture of transforming teaching and learning. Schools and districts are confused about all the initiatives and how they fit with personalizing learning. Many of the initiatives and programs that are implemented in a school or district can contribute to personalized learning. The term "Personalized Learning" is confusing. Personalized learning is all about the learner and starts with the learner. It is about the learner self-directing and driving their own learning. Personalized learning means learners... know how they learn best.self-direct and self-regulate their their own learning path.have a voice in and choice about their learning.are co-designers of the curriculum and the learning environment.have flexible learning anytime and anywhere.have quality teachers who guide their learning.use a competency-based model to demonstrate mastery.are motivated and engaged in the learning process.
» Learning Trends, Technologies, and Opportunities – New White Paper by Sharon Boller Sharon Boller, President of Bottom-Line Performance, has authored a new white paper: “Learning Trends, Technologies and Opportunities.” Using both quantitative research and anecdotal evidence from our work with Fortune 500 clients, Sharon uncovers both what the learning and development field currently looks like AND where is it headed in the next 12 – 18 months. Click the image to download the white paper! We talked a whole lot about mobile learning in 2012, but lots of companies have not even started implementing mobile learning on a large scale. Games and gamification continue to grow, but many companies are not quite “there” yet, either. The first section, “Six Truths About Today’s Learning Environment,” explains what learning and training (yes, they are different) actually looked like in 2012. In section two, “Emerging Trends and Technologies,” Sharon shares the 7 learning trends that will grow in 2013 and beyond: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. About the Author:
How to Turn Rubric Scores into Grades I have written several posts about the different types of rubrics—especially my favorite, the single-point rubric—and over time, many teachers have asked me about the most effective way to convert the information on these rubrics into points. Even if you are moving toward a no grades classroom, as a growing number of educators are, you may still be required to supply points or letter grades for student assignments. Despite the title of this post, all I can really offer here is a description of my own process. It has been refined over years of trial and error, and the only evidence I have to back up its effectiveness is that in over 10 years of teaching middle school and college, I can only recall one or two times when a student or parent challenged a grade I gave based on a rubric. This is by no means the only way to do it—I’m sure plenty of other processes exist—but this is what has worked for me. To start with, I have to get clear on what the final product should look like. References:
Обмен мнениями о взаимоотношениях знаний и компетенций В. Наумов1. Важный вопрос поднимаете: включается ли понятие «знания» в «компетенцию», рядоположены они, пересекаются или еще что... Окончательной истины не знаю, да догадываюсь. что от выбора решения этого вопроса будет зависеть, что мы знаем про феномены «компетенция» и «компетентность». Как бы мы ни решали этот вопрос, работая с компетенциями, преподающему для себя его надо решить. Здесь и плюрализм мнений (не в одной, а в нескольких головах) возможен.2. О.ЛавровЗнание (допустим знаем что это) есть обязательный элемент всякой компетенции. Учителю для преподавания математики надо знать разделы, области математики, которым научает". Похоже компетенции есть «область, множество как известного, так и не известного, но как-то, чем-то» родственого, связанного»... Аналог, парадокс лжеца — «Все, что я говорю есть Ложь» (См. Глобальный Итак,Для данного рассмотрения п.5 излишен.При введении в контекст вопроса понятия "мета-компетенция — п.5 допустим, возможенКак и все вокруг, п.5 субъективен.
Footprints of emergence | Williams Roy Trevor Williams (1), Jenny Mackness (2), and Simone Gumtau (1) (1) University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom, (2) Independent Consultant, United Kingdom Abstract It is ironic that the management of education has become more closed while learning has become more open, particularly over the past 10-20 years. The curriculum has become more instrumental, predictive, standardized, and micro-managed in the belief that this supports employability as well as the management of educational processes, resources, and value. Meanwhile, people have embraced interactive, participatory, collaborative, and innovative networks for living and learning. Keywords: Emergence; prescribed; self-organization; footprints; topographies; curriculum; design; curation; co-evolution Introduction The past five years have seen the blossoming of open, online courses and networked learning. In other words, emergent learning is adaptive and, paradoxically, ordered yet unpredictable. Footprints of Emergence Factors Clusters
Digital Storytelling: Cos’è, come utilizzarlo nella didattica, con quali strumenti si realizza | Insegnanti 2.0 Il Digital Storytelling ovvero la Narrazione realizzata con strumenti digitali (web apps, webware) consiste nell’organizzare contenuti selezionati dal web in un sistema coerente, retto da una struttura narrativa, in modo da ottenere un racconto costituito da molteplici elementi di vario formato (video, audio, immagini, testi, mappe, ecc.). Caratteristiche di questa tipologia comunicativa sono: # il fascino: derivante dal carattere fabulatorio che possiedono le storie, dato che si tratta, fondamentalmente, di racconti; # la ricchezza e varietà di stimoli e significati: derivanti dall’alta densità informativa e dall’amalgama di codici, formati, eventi, personaggi, informazioni, che interagiscono tra loro attraverso molteplici percorsi e diverse relazioni analogiche. # Si tratta quindi di una forma di narrazione particolarmente indicata per forme comunicative come quelle proprie del giornalismo, della politica, del marketing, dell’autobiografia e anche della didattica. 1. 2. 3. 4.1. 4.2.