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Augmented Reality in Education

Augmented Reality in Education
String Augmented reality is a 3D learning environment which connects real and virtual world. It provides interactive tools for learning, and fosters informal learning. Besides, augmented reality increases motivation and engages learners. Above all, augmented reality is good for kinesthetic learners; it enables learners participate interactively with computer generated simulations. My Top 3 Augmented Reality Apps: Quick Writer: is a text editor which enable you to watch things while you are typing. Digital Storytelling with Augmented Reality: Zooburst: is a digital storytelling app that lets you create your own 3D pop-up book. How to Create Augmented Reality: You can create augmented reality with Metaio! Some Articles on Augmented Reality: Related:  Gamification, Gbl, Education

3 Steps to Creating an Awesome Virtual Museum in Class You're spending an afternoon browsing the exhibits at an art museum. If you're anything like me, you'd probably appreciate the art a lot more if you could bring someone along that could explain the history and nuances of the pieces on display. Now imagine pointing a device at the painting and seeing it morph into a dynamic video giving you all the information you wanted about the art. Welcome to augmented reality. Virtual reality replaces the real world with an artificial, digital environment. The Virtual Museum I've worked with teachers at several schools to created virtual museums - student created exhibits that use augmented reality to display student videos when a device is pointed at an exhibit. We used a popular augmented reality app called Aurasma. Visitors were sent an email asking them to download the free Aurasma app and bring their device. We talk about the importance of "depth" in education. I'm sure you'll come up with lots of ideas of your own. A. Media: Create video. B.

Open SUNY : Instructor Home Page Locating, Creating, Licensing and Utilizing OERs (OER-101) Accessing the Course The course is offered through Blackboard’s CourseSites. Our Vision We believe that Open Educational Resources (OERs) are the future of education, and that learners and educators everywhere benefit from their proliferation and use. Course Description OER-101 is an open, self-paced online community course that has been built to demonstrate how to find, adapt, and develop OERs step-by-step. For evaluation and feedback, OER-101 will employ a badging system powered by Mozilla Open Badges. The results from this course will be documented within the SUNY Learning Commons. Course Collaborators Mission Oceans 09 – Digitale Lernvorteile | Funkkolleg 2012/2013 Digitale Lernvorteile – iPads und Lernplattformen im Unterricht Autoren: Volker Bernius & Markus Pleimfeldner / Sendedatum: 19. Dezember 2012, 11:30 Uhr Im Frühjahr 2012 veröffentlicht die Kultusministerkonferenz (KMK) eine Erklärung zur Medienbildung in der Schule. Fast gleichzeitig verabschiedet die Enquete-Kommission des Deutschen Bundestages „Internet und digitale Gesellschaft“ Handlungsempfehlungen zur Förderung der Medienkompetenz. Sendung zum Thema 09 27:42 min (hr2-Funkkolleg Medien Folge 09, 25.4 MB) Zusatzmaterial zum Thema 09 Hier finden Sie ergänzende Texte und Zusatzmaterialien (Links und Videos) zur neunten Sendung und Themenwoche. -> Zusatzmaterial zur neunten Sendung und Themenwoche

Build-A-Body Overview Learn about the body's systems with this drag and drop game. Choose organs from the organ tray, and place them in their correct position within the body to create organ systems. Build-A-Body is a drag and drop game where players are tasked with assembling an organ system from a set of organs. How to play Build-a-Body Choose organs from the organ tray, drag and drop them in their correct position within the body to build each system. Teaching with Build-a-Body Build-a-body is an awesome tool to introduce and teach concepts of human anatomy and human physiology. Early Childhood Education with Build-a-Body Where does my food go?

GlassLab Partners With EA to Build SimCityEDU For over 20 years, SimCity has captured the imaginations of young leaders. With challenging simulations in urban planning, environmental management, and socio-economic development, the games have held more than a passing interest for educators as well. Today, during a panel discussion on the future of connected learning at the U.S. Conference of Mayors in Washington, D.C., GlassLab and Electronic Arts announced that they are developing a new online platform for educators based on the popular series of games. The platform, called SimCityEDU, will serve as an online community to create and share learning tools that support use of the game in the classroom. The first of many powerful learning and assessment tools to come from GlassLab, SimCityEDU is scheduled to launch in March 2013 (but you can sign up now by visiting!).

The Guide to Digital Games and Learning | MindShift | KQED News | KQED Public Media for Northern CA MindShift Guide to Digital Games and Learning How can games unlock a rich world of learning? This is the big question at the heart of the growing games and learning movement that’s gaining momentum in education. The MindShift Guide to Digital Games and Learning [PDF] explains key ideas in game-based learning, pedagogy, implementation, and assessment. This guide makes sense of the available research and provides suggestions for practical use. The MindShift Guide to Digital Games and Learning started as a series of blog posts written by Jordan Shapiro with support from the Joan Ganz Cooney Center at Sesame Workshop and the Games and Learning Publishing Council. Here's a preview of the table of contents: Introduction: Getting in the Game (Page 4) An overview of games in the classroom from Katie Salen Tekinbaş, executive director of the Institute of Play. What the Research Says About Gaming and Screen Time (Page 6) Much of the research around digital games and screen time is evolving.

Websites hacken in der Bildung? Einfach und ungefährlich mit “Hackasaurus” Foto: CC nc-by 2.0 by Brian Klug aka dustball Jetzt hält „Hacken“ auch Einzug in die Bildungsarbeit. Das Web-Tool Hackasaurus ermöglicht die Veränderung von Web-Inhalten – ohne dass besondere Vorkenntnisse nötig sind. Im Folgenden wird erklärt, wie der Hackasaurus funktioniert. Anschließend werden praktische Einsatzmöglichkeiten in der Bildungsarbeit vorgestellt. Was ist Hackasaurus? Hackasaurus ermöglicht es seinen Benutzern, Inhalte von Webseiten zu verändern und neu zu gestalten. Wie funktioniert Hackasaurus? Das wichtigste Werkzeug des Hackasaurus ist die „Röntgenbrille“. 1. Die Wahl der ersten Option führt dazu, dass zu der veränderten („gehackten“) Seite ein Link generiert wird. Hackasaurus in der politischen Bildung Hackasaurus ermöglicht die kreative Auseinandersetzung mit (vermeintlich trockenen) politischen Themen. Hackasaurus hilft seinen Nutzern dabei, Medienkompetenz selbstständig zu entwickeln.

Kids Games - Educational Computer Games Online | TurtleDiary Das Dilemma mit der Partizipation – Die Lurkerfalle Nun ja, seit Wochen treibe ich mich mal wieder (zum Glück thematisch fokussiert) im Netz rum, lese hier, denke da, bookmarke, lese nochmal, grübel, verwerfe, finde einen neuen Artikel, lese einen Artikel, den ich bereits gelesen habe nochmal ganz interessiert, und dümpel so vor mich hin…und erwische mich dabei mal wieder, dass ich all die tollen Vernetzungs-/Kommunikationstools und damit Möglichkeiten mal wieder nur sehr passiv nutze. Keine Tweets, kein Facebook-Kommentar, kein Blog-Artikel – die Lurker-Falle hat zugeschnappt. Warum, frage ich mich, integriere ich die Web2.0 Möglichkeiten mal wieder nur passiv in meinen Lern- und Arbeitsalltag? Warum nicht mal wieder einen interessanten Artikel twittern, einen Artikel schreiben, mal wieder einen Statuskommentar auf Facebook abgeben? Also nicht nur konsumieren, sondern auch mal wieder etwas produzieren und teilen. Lurker Falle Nr. 1 – Ich kann nichts beitragen Oft habe ich mich dabei erwischt, dass ich z. Schrire, S. & Levy, D. (2012).

ADRIFT: Create your own Interactive Fiction
