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Icons of the Web

Icons of the Web
December 18, 2013: The Nmap Project is pleased to release our new and improved Icons of the Web project! Since our free and open source Nmap Security Scanner software is all about exploring networks at massive scale, we started by scanning the top million web sites for 2013 (as ranked by the analytics company Alexa). We then downloaded each site's favicon—the small icon displayed next to a site title in browser bookmarks and tabs. We scaled the icons in proportion to each site's monthly reach (popularity) and placed them in a giant collage. This is an update to a similar project we performed in 2010. Since your web browser would likely choke on a 5 gigapixel image, we've created the interactive viewer below. To find your favorite site (or your own site), type in the domain name (example: and hit search. Our 2010 Favicon Project was a huge success and that data is still fully browseable here. Perhaps this visual comparison is the best way to demonstrate the changes:

Library (VX heavens) BitLet - the BitTorrent Applet In the summer of 2007, shortly after launching Novlet, Daniele and I still had time to spare and were looking for something new to build. Sure enough, within a short period, Daniele came up with the idea that would soon become BitLet: a BitTorrent client that could run in a browser without requiring users to install anything on their computer. Back then, browsers had very limited capabilities: AJAX had been recently introduced (in 2005), web applications were moving from static pages to dynamic client UIs but no browser could do things like opening sockets and writing files locally, central requirements for a peer to peer file sharing application. We found a solution in an unlikely piece of technology: Java applets. One of the main reasons is that Java applets didn’t look that great. What made BitLet possible, however, was the idea that we could have the applet implement the BitTorrent protocol while relying only on the browser for its interface.

Microsoft Office Gallery Online Insert clip art In the newer versions of Office, there's no longer a clip art library, but Office still helps you insert clip art. STEP 1: Select Insert > Online Pictures (In Outlook, when you're using the Reading pane, there isn't an Insert menu. Click Pop Out and then you'll see the Insert menu.) STEP 2: Type a word or phrase to describe what you're looking for, then press Enter. STEP 3: Filter the results by Type for Clipart. STEP 4: Select a picture. STEP 5: Select Insert. That's it! The image is inserted in your Office document. Clip art and copyright The licensing filter (Creative Commons only or All) can help you choose images that are appropriate for the use you have in mind. When using pictures or clip art from Bing, you're responsible for respecting copyright, and the license filter in Bing can help you choose which images to use. Free image library: the Pickit add-in Another option is to install an Office add-in named Pickit that puts free, licensed clip art in Office. Feedback

Vos traces sur le Net Voici quelques informations qu'il est possible de collecter sur vous lorsque vous surfez sur Internet... Vous êtes connecté à Internet avec l'adresse IP : Via le serveur de votre fournisseur d'accès (ou le proxy) : Votre navigateur et votre système d'exploitation sont : Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:47.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/47.0 En clair, votre navigateur est : Mozilla Firefox JavaScript est activé Java est désactivé Adresse de la page web visitée avant cette page : inconnue Nombre de pages visitées durant cette session de navigation : En clair, le système d'exploitation de votre ordinateur est : Linux L'horloge de votre ordinateur indique : Vous utilisez actuellement la résolution d'écran : 1600×1200 pixels en 16777216 couleurs (24 bits) IMPORTANT : Cette page vous est présentée à titre d'information et de démonstration. Si un test ne donne pas le résultat attendu, n'hésitez pas à contacter le webmestre.

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