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Study Abroad - Volunteer Abroad - Teach Abroad - Internship

Study Abroad - Volunteer Abroad - Teach Abroad - Internship

Elephant Sanctuary in Thailand - Affordable Adventures This program is provided by Location Thailand: Phitsanulok, Sukhotai Description Estimates from the WWF suggest that there are between two and three thousand elephants living wild in Thailand. The Project The domesticated elephants of Thailand live a strange and unhealthy life; begging for food on the streets of Bangkok, and performing tricks for tourists. Our aim is to provide the best care we can for the domesticated elephants in this region of Thailand. Highlights You'll work closely with our trained staff at the sanctuary to provide care for our elephants. You'll learn about the social problems faced by elephants in Thailand, and help our staff with their work to combat them. We'll provide plenty of opportunities to ride the elephants, and take photos.

Internship in Japan - Summer and Year-round programs Global Nomadic » Placement Wildlife Careerships Location: North Belize Duration: Minimum 1 month, maximum 6 months Benefits: Work closely with experienced biologists, veterinary and support staff Hands-on experience rehabilitating wild Manatees, monitoring and observation and treatment & general care ... More details Location: South Belize Duration: Minimum 2 weeks, maximum 6 months Benefits: Work closely with local and international scientists and rangers in serious conservation efforts. Location: Utila, North Honduras Duration: Minimum 1 month - extendable Benefits: Work closely with resident scientists and support staff to develop and implement initiatives Hands-on fieldwork and lab experience, monitoring, observation and data analysis. Work closely with experienced scientists, veterinary and support staff in their daily duties Hands-on experience rehabilitating wild primates, general treatment and care as needed Ideal for those look... Location: Central Costa Rica Duration: Minimum 2 months Benefits: ...

Resume Builder: Want to Stand Out? Consider an Internship Abroad ~ Levo League Internships abroad are an increasingly viable way for students to test career interests against job realities, and ultimately, gain real-world experience to build personal brands and fulfilling careers. As our world “shrinks” through technology, businesses are becoming more internationally invested and their workforces more diverse. This means the need for graduates with international work experience is growing. Many potential employers and hiring managers view an internship abroad as evidence of a person’s confidence, competence and abilities. Why Seek Out an International Internship? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. What to Look For in an International Internship Provider While considering an internship abroad program provider, be sure to weigh more than just costs. For more information on the benefits of interning abroad, as well as specific programs from GlobaLinks Learning Abroad, visit Photo courtesy of Made by Soda Pop and Get Inspired Magazine

Global Nomadic » Placement Wildlife Careerships Location: North Belize Duration: Minimum 1 month, maximum 6 months Benefits: Work closely with experienced biologists, veterinary and support staff Hands-on experience rehabilitating wild Manatees, monitoring and observation and treatment & general care ... More details Location: South Belize Duration: Minimum 2 weeks, maximum 6 months Benefits: Work closely with local and international scientists and rangers in serious conservation efforts. Location: Utila, North Honduras Duration: Minimum 1 month - extendable Benefits: Work closely with resident scientists and support staff to develop and implement initiatives Hands-on fieldwork and lab experience, monitoring, observation and data analysis. Work closely with experienced scientists, veterinary and support staff in their daily duties Hands-on experience rehabilitating wild primates, general treatment and care as needed Ideal for those look... Location: Central Costa Rica Duration: Minimum 2 months Benefits: ...

Global Nomadic » Placement Wildlife Careerships Location: North Belize Duration: Minimum 1 month, maximum 6 months Benefits: Work closely with experienced biologists, veterinary and support staff Hands-on experience rehabilitating wild Manatees, monitoring and observation and treatment & general care ... More details Location: South Belize Duration: Minimum 2 weeks, maximum 6 months Benefits: Work closely with local and international scientists and rangers in serious conservation efforts. Location: Utila, North Honduras Duration: Minimum 1 month - extendable Benefits: Work closely with resident scientists and support staff to develop and implement initiatives Hands-on fieldwork and lab experience, monitoring, observation and data analysis. Work closely with experienced scientists, veterinary and support staff in their daily duties Hands-on experience rehabilitating wild primates, general treatment and care as needed Ideal for those look... Location: Central Costa Rica Duration: Minimum 2 months Benefits: ...

Licenciatura en Biología (Creada el 19 de enero de 1939; plan de estudios vigente, aprobado en 1997) Perfil Profesional El egresado de la licenciatura en Biología es concebido como una persona cuyo bagaje intelectual incluya un espectro de conocimientos básicos desde el nivel molecular y celular, hasta visiones integrativas que le permitan comprender los procesos de cambio de la biosfera en el tiempo y en el espacio. Requisitos de Ingreso Para alumnos de la UNAM: Haber concluido el bachillerato en el Area de las Ciencias Biológicas y de la Salud. Para aspirantes procedentes de otras instituciones: Haber concluido el bachillerato Tener promedio mínimo de siete (7) en el bachillerato o su equivalente; Aprobar el concurso de selección; Solicitar la inscripción de acuerdo a los instructivos que se establezcan. Duración de la carrera 8 semestres Valor en créditos del plan de estudios Organización del plan de estudios Requisitos para la titulación

United Nations Volunteers: How to volunteer UNV is inspired by the conviction that volunteerism is a powerful means of engaging people in tackling development challenges worldwide. Everyone can contribute their time, skills and knowledge through volunteer action, and their combined efforts can be a significant force for achieving peace and development. Volunteering makes important economic and social contributions, contributing to a more cohesive society by building trust and reciprocity among citizens. Read more about volunteerism for peace and development. At the request of UN agencies, national governments and other partners, UNV mobilizes close to 8,000 volunteers to work in Development Assistance projects and in Humanitarian and Peacekeeping Operations. Read more about what it means to be a UN Volunteer. Are you interested and/or available to volunteer your time and skills on a short-term assignment of three months or less?
