Researchers honor Swartz's memory with PDF protest | Internet & Media In a tribute to Aaron Swartz, the Internet activist who committed suicide Friday, researchers have begun posting PDFs to Twitter to honor his campaign for open access. Swartz, 26, had faced the possibility of $4 million in fines and more than 50 years in prison for allegedly stealing 4 million documents from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Jstor, an archive of scientific journals and academic papers. The authorities claimed that he broke into a restricted-access computer wiring closet at MIT and accessed that network without authorization. The PDF campaign was born out of a desire to honor Swartz's memory and his battle for open access to documents on the Internet, said Micah Allen, a researcher in the fields of brain plasticity, cognitive neuroscience, and cognitive science. "A fitting tribute to Aaron might be a mass protest uploading of copyright-protected research articles," Allen wrote yesterday on Reddit. I caved & got a TweetReach report for #pdftribute.
STATION MIR / 2010 CELT CELT represented at P & S Conference Resource Fair How would you want CELT to help support your work? with Faculty? with online learning & teaching? with academic advising? Let us know with this quick 3 question survey. CELT Welcomes Jill Kramer, University Academic Advising Coordinator CELT is excited to welcome Jill Kramer to her new position as the CELT University Academic Advising Coordinator. ISU Online Learning Innovation Hub to help faculty implement online and blended learning programs A new innovation hub in Parks Library is intended to spur development and use of online and blended learning approaches. Scholarship of Teaching and Learning – SoTL Scholars Program Request for Proposals Proposals are now being accepted for ISU faculty participation in the CELT SoTL Scholars Program. Participants will conduct their classroom-based research project during the 2014/15 academic year. Proposals are due Monday, April 7, 2014. Iowa Campus Compact Faculty Fellows Application Open
Timeline Outline View ECB - Economic Research Macroeconomic models of the euro area The New-Area-Wide Model (NAWM) is a micro-founded open-economy model of the euro area, which is designed for use in the (Broad) Macroeconomic Projection Exercises regularly undertaken by ECB/Eurosystem staff and for policy analysis. It was recently developed by staff in the Econometric Modelling Division. The NAWM succeeds the AWM which is a traditional macroeconomic model of the euro area that has been extensively used at the ECB over the past ten years. There are notable differences between the two models. The NAWM is neo-classical in nature and centred around intertemporal decisions of households and firms which are maximising expected life-time utility and the expected stream of profits, respectively. Therefore the key features of the model are: Its scale - compared with a typical DSGE model - is relatively large. The New Multi-Country Model is a large-scale estimated model covering the five largest euro area countries. Key features of the model
Academics Are Tweeting Out PDFs of Journal Articles in Memory of Aaron Swartz Bibliothèques incongrues... - Information documentation Mercredi 2 décembre 3 02 /12 /Déc 16:54 Voici quelques images de bibliothèques qui m'ont bien fait rire... serait-ce un retour aux livres qui se prépare??? Quand l'envie de lire est pressante, rien à faire, il faut pouvoir se soulager! Rien ne vaut un bon petit fauteuil-librairie pour se détendre après une rude journée de labeur... Partager l'article ! Bibliothèques incongrues...: Voici quelques images de bibliothèques qui m'ont bien fait rire... serait-ce un retour aux livres qui se prépare??? inShare Par Laura - Publié dans : Humour 0
Los libros digitales en la educación escolar Desde que el hombre inventó la escritura como código compartido para comunicar ideas y pensamientos y, comenzó a agruparlos en lo que más adelante se conocerían como libros, se inicio para la comunicación humana un gran proceso transformador. Los libros, a lo largo del tiempo, han experimentado cuatro grandes cambios. El primero de ellos, ocurrió en el siglo III aC. cuando se pasó de escribir en tablillas de arcilla a hacerlo en rollos de papiro. El tercer cambio ocurrió a mediados del siglo XV cuando Johan Gensfleisch zum Gutenberg, en Maguncia, Alemania, puso a funcionar su imprenta de tipos móviles. El Kindle del siglo XVI Agostino Ramelli: Le diverse et artificiose machine. Debieron pasar algo más de quinientos años para que se diera el cuarto eslabón en la cadena evolutiva del libro. 1. m. Como se puede apreciar en la anterior definición, los libros digitales o electrónicos se componen de dos elementos. Gestionar contenidos. NOTAS DEL EDITOR: [1] Martínez de Souza, J., (1999).
Researchers begin posting article PDFs to twitter in #pdftribute to Aaron Swartz « Neuroconscience Yesterday, as I was completing my morning coffee and internet ritual, @le_feufollet broke the sad news to me of Aaron Swartz’s death. Aaron was a leader online, a brilliant coder and developer, and sadly a casualty in the fight for freedom of information. He was essential in the development of two tools I use every day (RSS and Reddit), and though his guerilla attempt to upload all papers on JSTOR was perhaps unstrategic, it was certainly noble enough in cause. Before his death Aaron was facing nearly 35 years in prison for his role in the JSTOR debacle, an insane penalty for attempting to share information. We don’t know why Aaron chose to take his life, but when @la_feufollet and I tried to brainstorm a tribute to him, my first thought was a guerilla PDF uploading campaign in honor of his fight for open access. I’m not much of an organizer, so I posted in one of the many rising reddit threads and hoped for the best: Otherwise, hide in the swarm today as a show of support for Aaron.
Analyse Systémique Entornos Personales de Aprendizaje: claves para el ecosistema educativo en red Páginas: Codrops: Free Responsive Book Social icons Presentación El interés de los Entornos Personales de Aprendizaje (PLE, por sus siglas en inglés) no reside tanto en su novedad conceptual o tecnológica, como en la asunción de una perspectiva sobre la educación que intenta responder al gigantesco cambio tecnológico y cultural que ha tenido lugar en las últimas dos décadas en nuestra sociedad. Esperamos que disfruten su lectura tanto como nosotros hemos aprendido editándolo. Linda Castañeda y Jordi Adell Índice (y descarga) Castañeda, L. y Adell, J. Presentación 1 La anatomía de los PLEs (pp. 11-27) 2 El ecosistema pedagógico de los PLEs (pp. 29-51) Jordi Adell y Linda Castañeda 3 Enseñanza flexible y aprendizaje abierto, fundamentos clave de los PLEs (pp. 53-70) Jesús Salinas 4 PLE: una perspectiva tecnológica (pp. 71-84) Oskar Casquero 5 Formación continua, aprendizaje a lo largo de la vida y PLEs (pp. 85-92) Ricardo Torres Kompen y Cristina Costa Ismael Peña-López 7.1 los PLE están por las nubes. : portail de revues en sciences humaines et sociales