NASA-funded game aims to make science more appealing Last week a curious, free release popped up on Steam: Moonbase Alpha, a NASA-funded game where up to six players can team up in order to save a near-future Lunar base crippled by a meteor strike. The game is just the first release from NASA's Learning Technologies program, which aims to help raise interest in the space program through gaming. Ars spoke with Daniel Laughlin, project manager of Learning Technologies, to learn more about the game and what we can expect to see in the future. The game was codeveloped by Army Game Studio and Virtual Heroes, two of the leading developers of "serious games." And according to Laughlin, NASA's decision to move into the game space was influenced a great deal by the success of the studios' previous releases. "The project was inspired in part by America's Army," Laughlin told Ars. Though development of the game didn't start until last year, Laughlin actually began researching the prospect of using games as an educational tool back in 2004.
Arrowhead Game Studios Gauntlet: First screenshots Now at four days after the Gauntlet announcement we’re absolutely thrilled about the response we’ve received from fans as well as press. I won’t get long-winded this time but leave you with our very first released screenshots of our four heroes taking on a small horde of monsters, and a little sneak peek of an extra bad guy. We proudly bring back GAUNTLET! All the latest news heard about Arrowhead has been of our upcoming game Helldivers with Sony, but today we are thrilled to finally announce our other project together with Warner Bros. We give you GAUNTLET, our completely modernized take on the much loved classic arcade game originally made by Atari Games. Gauntlet will be completely remade but retaining many of its familiar features. We are so excited and proud to be able to revive and do our version of one of the games that inspired us to do Magicka. Also make sure to visit the Official Website Our new game: HELLDIVERS! View full post… View full post… Hello!
MindHabits - Stress Relief Game Skynet meets the Swarm: how the Berkeley Overmind won the 2010 StarCraft AI competition We’re gathered in a conference room on the Berkeley campus, the detritus of a LAN party scattered around us. The table is covered with computers and pizza, and there’s a game of StarCraft projected on the screen. Oriol Vinyals, a PhD student in computer science, is commanding the Terran army in a life-or-death battle against the forces of the Zerg Swarm. Oriol is very good—one-time World Cyber Games competitor, number 1 in Spain, top 16 in Europe good. But his situation now is precarious: his goliath walkers are holding off the Zerg’s flying mutalisks, but they can’t be everywhere at once. Then Oriol makes a mistake. Oriol makes a desperate, last-ditch attack on the Zerg base, trying to break through before the mutalisks are reinforced, but it’s too late. There's a palpable air of celebration in the room; even Oriol is grinning. We have a glorious, ego-affirming, reverse-John Henry kind of moment, but no time to savor it. “Okay,” he says. Building a better future through Zerg rushes
ECAST Network A Theory of Fun for Game Design OFFICIAL WEBSITE Scalable Game Design wiki - Gamewiki Frogger is a good first game design activity for students with no programming background. Journey is designed to present several computational thinking patterns in an incremental fashion. Sokoban is a good second game design activity for students who have already completed the Frogger tutorials. PacMan is a good first game design activity for high school students with no programming background. More games: Space Invaders Sims-like games AgentCubes games (3D) coming soon! The Contagion simulation approximates how contagions are spread among humans who are in close proximity to one another. The Forest Fire simulation enables you to explore how forest fires unravel by letting you set fires to virtual forests with different parameters. More simulations: AgentSheets simulations AgentCubes simulations (3D) coming soon!
Bitelia Gaming the System: Video Gamers Help Researchers Untangle Protein Folding Problem What if the brainpower used playing video games could be channeled toward something more productive, such as helping scientists solve complex biological problems? A team of biochemists and computer scientists from the University of Washington (U.W.) in Seattle now reports that they have successfully tapped into this human problem-solving potential. Their competitive online game "Foldit," released in 2008, enlists the help of online puzzle-solvers to help crack one of science's most intractable mysteries—how proteins fold into their complex three-dimensional forms. The "puzzles" gamers solve are 3-D representations of partially folded proteins, which players manipulate and reshape to achieve the greatest number of points. The scores are based on biochemical measures of how well the players' final structure matches the way the protein appears in nature. Understanding how proteins achieve their optimal, functional 3-D form is no simple task. So what's next for Foldit?
Supergiant Games » Blog Archive » Enemy Design Posted by Amir on April 9, 2010 Our friend Greg Kasavin, who we worked with at EALA, has started an awesome blog about games and narrative featuring exactly the kind of insight and wit that made him one of the sharpest developers we’ve ever designed with. His most recent post covers video game villains, the “bad guys who overcompensate for their flat desires with huge lifebars.” He covers notable bad guys from Bowser to Mike Tyson and even the garden-variety undead in Plants vs. Zombies about whom he observers “the zombies are sincerely hungry for brains — you’d want to give them your brains if you didn’t need them.” Is Mario the only game with an awesome jelly fish enemy? This is all relevant because we’ve been thinking a lot about antagonism, antagonists and enemy design. Speaking of inspired creature design, Max from Unknown Worlds – the guys working on Natural Selection 2 – played our game recently at Thirsty Bear in San Francisco.
International Computer Games Association Las mejores aplicaciones para Android fuera de la Play Store La tienda de aplicaciones de Google cuenta con un catálogo bastante amplio. Para la mayoría de las necesidades es más que suficiente, aunque para los más exigentes tal vez hay mucha basura por la que buscar para conseguir algo decente. Salvo un selecto grupo de las mejores apps que suelen tener cientos de miles de usuarios y han ganado mucha popularidad, las buenas aplicaciones en Android pueden ser difíciles de conseguir debido a el número tan exagerado de clones y apps inservibles que se consiguen en la Play Store. Cuando nos salimos de los limites del ecosistema de la tienda de Google, las cosas se hacen más complicadas aún. Descargar aplicaciones fuera de la Play Store no es ilegal, pero si requiere mucho cuidado. Nuestro dispositivo Android por defecto no nos permite instalar software de orígenes desconocidos, pero esta limitación puede saltarse de forma muy sencilla simplemente yendo al menú de Ajustes de Seguridad, y activando la opción. F-Droid Humble Bundle Transdroid Instwogram