15 Geat Teaching and Learning iPad Apps It is really amazing how popular the 15 iPad Skills Every Teacher Should Have has become. I never thought that it would grab as much attention to the point that it has been featured in some School district websites both here in Canada and the States . I am really glad you like it and as I said before I am working on the Android version of that article and I will get it published here in Educational Technology and Mobile Learning as soon as it is ready. In this post, I am sharing with you a list of some great iPad apps to help you in your teaching and Learning.Check them out below and let us know what you think of them. 1- Teacher Kit "TeacherKit is a personal organizer for the teacher. 2- Listo "Listo helps you keep grocery lists, todo lists or shopping lists that are there whenever and wherever you need them. 3- GoodNotes "GoodNotes lets you take handwritten notes, sketch diagrams, mark-up PDFs and organize them on a beautiful bookshelf. 4- Teed 5- SyncSpace 6- Writepad 7- PDF PROvider
A Pedagogical Framework For Digital Tools As a consequence of society’s digitization it becomes increasingly important to use technology in education, in primary as well as in secondary education. Students must achieve a number of digital literacies and competences that can enable them to succeed in a world where digital tools are a natural part of everyday life. In order to ensure that students acquire the necessary digital literacies and competences, and to ensure that they can critically think, it is important that they are presented with a range of digital tools and gain an understanding of the tools’ capabilities. This places high demands on the teacher. As a teacher it can be difficult to keep up with the new digital opportunities, and it can be hard to assess which digital tools students should be presented to, and in which contexts it is appropriate to use them in education. The framework is based on a distinction between a monological , a dialogical , and a polyphonic form of teaching. The monological form of teaching
7 Outstanding Free Books for your iPad Below is a list of some excellent books for your iPad. I have curated this list over the last couple of months and I kept adding to it every time I stumble upon a resource somewhere online.I don't know if you like reading books on your iPad or not but let me tell you this: having at least a couple of titles installed on your iPad would really be of great help particularly in those moments when you are stuck somewhere and have nothing to do but waiting. Reading is a habit ( luckily a good one ) that we can ACQUIRE by force of habituation at least in the eyes of Skinnerian theory.The more you read , the fluent you get at reading and the more used your mind becomes to the act of reading. Check out these books I selected for you. 1- The Student Guide to iPad The Student Guide to iPads & iOS 6 was written to help middle-school and high-school students become proficient with basic iPad operations to support learning. 2- Publishing Student's Writing to iPad 4- Reference Guide for Students
Une application libre de visioconférence conçue pour les profs À l'ère des MOOC (Massive Online Open Course) et de l'éducation en ligne, posséder une bonne plateforme de visioconférence est essentiel. Il existe déjà des applications gratuites répondant à ces besoins. Par exemple, le « hangout » de Google + fonctionne très bien. Néanmoins, il n'est pas spécifiquement conçu pour l'enseignement à distance comme le logiciel que nous vous présentons aujourd'hui. est une application de visioconférence à code ouvert qui se veut simple à utiliser et offre toute la flexibilité nécessaire pour les enseignants et les apprenants. Du côté des utilisateurs, BigBlueButton exige 2 Gigaoctets de mémoire vive au minimum et un processeur de 2 GHZ et plus. L'installation effectuée et le serveur prêt, les enseignants auront de quoi s'amuser. L'avantage de BigBlueButton est son code ouvert qui autorise le développement de fonctionnalités supplémentaires. BigBlueButton
4 Great Rubrics to Help you Select Educational Apps As iPads are increasingly infiltrating our educational systems the question of the pedagogical implications ensuing from the use of these mobile gadgets in the classroom come to the surface. Some do look at them as an added distraction and that learning can be more focused without students having access to them during the class. Traditionalists do advocate this view and are , in fact, against the " over-digitization " of education. I am strongly in favor of the use of mobile gadgetry for educational purposes. 1- BVLS iPad App Evaluation Form Click Here to download it. 2- iPad App Evaluation Guiding Question Click Here to download it. 3- Mobile Application Selection Rubric Click Here to download it. 4- Critical Evaluation of Content-based iPad/iPod App Click Here to download it.
iTunes U–The Next Big Learning Management System? As a former iTunes U administrator for my institution I was skeptical about the idea that Apple was opening up the iTunes U interface to any teacher who wanted to upload their content into to share with students. In my experience, it took months of legal wrangling, careful attention to Apple’s demanding specifications for content and design, and lots of hoop jumping before we got our content online. Given that background I was very wary of what it might mean for teachers to have to take the time to do all of the legwork needed to get their content into the system. So I was pleasantly surprised when I investigated further and found that, because all of the content is private, Apple’s only requirement for educators to use the system is that they have a valid Apple ID. Getting Started with iTunes U for Educators Step 1: If you don’t already have an Apple ID, you will need to get one. Step 5: Create a course outline.
5 Reasons The iPad Will Stay The King of the Classroom The following piece is by the amazingly talented Adam Webster, Assistant Director of Learning and Teaching at a secondary school in Surrey, England. He writes for both the Edudemic Magazine and his blog ‘ Cageless Thinking ‘ (worth bookmarking). This article originally appeared on Cageless Thinking and was cross-posted with Adam’s permission. 1. It’s not a laptop The biggest and most oft-heard criticism of the iPad usually revolves around it not behaving like a desktop PC or laptop. The fact that it isn’t a laptop, to me, is its greatest attribute: The SAMR model suggests that there are 4 degrees of sophistication for using technology in education: As you can see from the diagram (created using Paper by Fifty Three) the most sophisticated levels involve ‘Transformation’. I believe that the iPad makes transformation far more possible, indeed likely, than a laptop. 2. 3. Yes, Apple devices are more expensive than most other devices. 4. 5.
9 iPad Tutorials Teachers should not Miss This is the last post on iPad for this year. I have recently published several guides on the use of iPad in education starting with the best educational iPad apps for teachers and concluding with these tutorials and a soon to be released eBook that will be comprehensive enough to include everything we have covered about iPad so far. If you are an Android user and wondering why I don't talk about Android as much as I do about iPad , I recommend that you subscribe to my second blog Teacher's Mobile Technology to stay updated about educational Android tips and apps. Below is a set of great tutorials on the use of iPad. I have personally handpicked these resources from several online blogs, websites, and e-magazines.
44 Smart Ways to Use Smartphones in Class (Part 1) - Getting Smart by @JohnHardison1 - This week an online article grabbed my attention. Its title read “94 Percent of High School Students Using Cellphones in Class.” I immediately scoped out the heading and thought to myself, “Finally, teachers are beginning to embrace the powerful little gadgets.” One quotation in particular caused serious professional introspection on my behalf. I understand the tougher task of using regular cell phones in class versus internet ready smartphones, however , I could not disagree more with the above quotation. A blessed trip to the ISTE 2011 conference in Philadelphia helped me devise a BYOD classroom management plan and opened my eyes to the infinite educational potential of smartphones in the classroom. However, one of my toughest baseball coaches once said, “Potential and a dollar will get you a Coke.” I believe the potential of smartphones, supported by a strong classroom management system, can be summed up with what I call “The Five C’s.” Use Smartphones to Collaborate
Top 7 Guides on how to Use iPad in your Classroom iPad is definitely a gadget of huge potential in education. Many schools in the States and Canada are adopting it as a learning tool within their curriculum. Developers have already started creating e-textbooks with enhanced mobile compatibility. Given this growing important of iPad in education, Educational Technology and Mobile Learning deemed it crucial to provide its readers with some of its best guides and posts we have published here during this year. 1- 12 Questions to Ask before Using iPad with your Students 2- 62 Ways to Use iPad with your Students 3- 100+ Tips on how to Integrate iPad into your Classroom 4- Excellent Slides on The Use of iPad in Education 5- iPad in The Classroom A Great Free eBook 6- 29 iPad Resources, Tutorials, and Guides Every Teacher should Know about 7- 8 Free Resources on The Use of iPad in Education
10 Awesome iPad Accessories for Teachers I received a couple of emails from some of you asking about the type of accessories to get for iPad. I am not really an expert in these kinds of things and because I can not recommend things I have not tried myself I checked with our colleague in iPadstorm and got this list below. Of course not everything is mentioned but only the most important things you might consider getting for your new iPad. Check out the list of accessories below and share with us your suggestions or additions . 1- Jambox " Apart from sounding great and looking good, they are extremely portable and play music via Bluetooth connections, so that all your devices (iPad or otherwise) can wirelessly connect..." 2- Apple TV " Any iOS device on the same Wi-Fi network can stream music, video or mirror the display entirely onto a television to share whatever content is on your iPad with friends and family.........." 3- Smartr Stand 5- Compass for iPad 6- Hover Bar 7- Mophie Power Stand 8- Lightning to SD Card Camera Reader
Using Cell Phones In Class: A Primer For Teachers Bringing a cell phone to class usually starts a debate between teacher and student. Most teachers completely ban them. They are often regarded as distractions from learning. Looking at mobile devices in a positive light, they can facilitate student learning inside the four walls of the classroom. Many teachers believe that phones are not really important—not because they are useless, but because they are just tools that do not affect the lesson plan if they are not used. First Step Educators have to familiarize themselves with cell phones that can be used for education. What Can Teachers Do With Cell Phones? The first and foremost purpose of cell phones is, of course, communication. If messaging is not enough, teachers can use Twitter to share what they do in class. Teachers can also support the students even when at home. Takeaways Teachers have to remember that before they allow their students to bring phones to class, they have to provide appropriate limitations for using the gadgets.
6 Ways Students Can Collaborate With iPads The following post is written by Greg Kulowiec of EdTechTeacher . Join EdTechTeacher at the iPad Summit in Atlanta on April 10-12. The app store is loaded with options that allow students to create content on their iPads. From comic strip creators to mind maps, video editing and publishing, screencasting & digital books, the options for individual student creation are expanding. However, collaboration between students is often a critical component of any classroom activity or project and increasingly there are options available that allow for collaborative efforts across iPads. Below are six ways to support collaboration between student iPads that cover the spectrum of creation options that range from text to digital storytelling to video creation. Explain Everything ($2.99) A flexible and powerful screen casting option, students and teachers can collaborate on screencasts by exporting Explain Everything project files from an iPad. Google Drive (Free) BookCreator ($4.99) Subtext (free) Diigo