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untitled World Columbus was the only one of his time who believed that the Earth was round; everyone else believed it was flat. The Flat-Earthers thought the Earth didn’t fall because it was resting on huge elephants. There are still people who believe the Earth is FLAT. They believe the Earth is a disc with the Arctic in the center and Antarctic, a 150-feet-tall ice wall, around the rim holding back water. To the members of The Flat Earth Society, NASA had been fooling the world, about the Earth being round, with its photographic and video evidence all these years. The Flat-Earthers have a supporter in Matthew Boylan, former NASA operational graphics manager, who worked for years creating photo-realistic computer graphics for NASA. Below is a humorous compilation of NASA’s fake CGI spinning ball-Earth compared with actual amateur balloon footage from space, showing the Earth to be completely flat and motionless, and NASA to be the most successful liars in history. Some Questions Do Remain:

New Testament apocrypha Writings by early Christians, not included in the Biblical Canon The New Testament apocrypha (singular apocryphon)[1] are a number of writings by early Christians that give accounts of Jesus and his teachings, the nature of God, or the teachings of his apostles and of their lives. Some of these writings were cited as scripture by early Christians, but since the fifth century a widespread consensus has emerged limiting the New Testament to the 27 books of the modern canon.[2][3] Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, and Protestant churches generally do not view the New Testament apocrypha as part of the Bible.[3] Definition[edit] The general term is usually applied to the books that were considered by the church as useful, but not divinely inspired. History[edit] Development of the New Testament canon[edit] That some works are categorized as New Testament apocrypha is indicative of the wide range of responses that were engendered in the interpretation of the message of Jesus of Nazareth.

Gnosis#:~:text=Gnosis%20is%20the%20common%20Greek,various%20Hellenistic%20religions%20and%20philosophies Etymology[edit] Gnosis is a feminine Greek noun which means "knowledge" or "awareness." [4] It is often used for personal knowledge compared with intellectual knowledge (εἶδειν eídein), as with the French connaître compared with savoir, the Spanish conocer compared with saber, the Italian conoscere compared with sapere, the German kennen rather than wissen, or the Modern Greek γνωρίζω compared with ξέρω.[5] A related term is the adjective gnostikos, "cognitive",[6] a reasonably common adjective in Classical Greek.[7] Plato uses the plural adjective γνωστικοί – gnostikoi and the singular feminine adjective γνωστικὴ ἐπιστήμη – gnostike episteme in his Politikos where Gnostike episteme was also used to indicate one's aptitude.[citation needed] The terms do not appear to indicate any mystic, esoteric or hidden meaning in the works of Plato, but instead expressed a sort of higher intelligence and ability analogous to talent.[8] In the Acts of Thomas, translated by G.R.S. New Testament[edit]

The bizarre road tunnel which sends people who drive through it 'BACK IN TIME' | Weird The tunnel in Guizhou Province, China, became the focus of investigation after hundreds of people reported going back in time once they exited the 400-metre structure. Most people reported gaining an hour in time after continuing their drive outside the tunnel, as their mobile phones had gone back exactly 60 minutes. The phenomena became so well known that one journalist working for the Gui Yang Evening News decided to carry out an experiment. He drove through the tunnel - an about five minute journey - ten times, and reported gaining an hour on eight of the trips. With no apparent explanation, and the time gain baffling so many people, conspiracies and theories have abounded online, including everything from real time travel to alien abductions. One person posted on "Clearly the drivers have missing time, and were probed by aliens." Another said: "This sounds wacky, must be a time tunnel, for sure." Local TV media said science had come up with a mundane explanation.

Holy Book of the Great Invisible Spirit Gnostic text from the Nag Hammadi library The Holy Book of the Great Invisible Spirit, also known as the Coptic Gospel of the Egyptians,[1][2] is a Sethian Gnostic text found in Codices III and IV of the Nag Hammadi library. The text describes the origin of three powers: the Father, the Mother, and the Son, who came forth from the great invisible Spirit. Summary[edit] The race that came forth through Edokla is the origin of the seed of eternal life. The text describes a vision of various spiritual beings and leaders. Analysis[edit] The main contents concern the Sethian Gnostic understanding of how the earth came into being, how Seth, in the Gnostic interpretation, is incarnated as Jesus in order to release people's souls from the evil prison that is creation. Triads[edit] The Holy Book of the Great Invisible Spirit lists a series of six different divine triads. See also[edit] References[edit] External links[edit] List of heavenly beings in the Holy Book of the Great Invisible Spirit

en.m.wikipedia In philosophy, antimaterialism can mean one of several metaphysical or religious beliefs that are specifically opposed to materialism, the notion that only matter exists. These beliefs include: In economics, antimaterialism may refer to simple living or beliefs opposed to consumerism, known as anti-consumerism. The Golden Geometry of Solids or Phi in 3 dimensions Having looked at the flat geometry (two dimensional) of the number Phi, we now find it in the most symmetrical of the three-dimensional solids - the Platonic Solids. Contents of this Page The icon means there is a Things to do investigation at the end of the section. 1·61803 39887 49894 84820 45868 34365 63811 77203 09179 80576 ..More.. The five regular solids (where "regular" means all sides are equal and all angles are the same and all the faces are identical) are called the five Platonic solids after the Greek philosopher and mathematician, Plato. Dice shapes What shapes make the best dice? We need to make sure all the faces are the same shape and that all the angles and sides are equal, or some faces will be favoured more than others and so our dice will be "unfair". [There are other shapes that make fair dice if we relax these conditions a little. all sides are equal in length and all angles are equal so that all the faces are identical in shape and size The Dual of a Solid Things to do

Zostrianos Content[edit] Like Marsenes and Allogenes, the text concerns a vision received by a man named Zostrianos and explains and enumerates, in great detail, the emanations that the Gnostics said are produced by God (the true, highest God as opposed to the demiurge), in the Gnostics' esoteric cosmology. Similarly to other gnostic literature, Zostrianos says, "Flee from the madness and the bondage of femaleness and choose for yourselves the salvation of maleness. You have not come to suffer; rather, you have come to escape your bondage. Release yourselves, and that which has bound you will be dissolved. References[edit] ^ John D. External links[edit] en.m.wikipedia Hylic (from Greek ύλη (hylē) "matter") is the opposite of psychic (from Greek ψυχή (psychē) "soul"). Somatics were deemed completely bound to matter. Matter, the material world, was considered evil by the gnostics. The material world was created by a demiurge, in some instances a blind, mad God, in others an army of rebellious angels as a trap for the spiritual Ennoia. Somatics were human in form, but since their entire focus was on the material world, such as eating, sleeping, mating, creature comforts, they were seen as doomed. For consideration of these dynamics see for example, The Gospel of Judas, believed to be a gnostic text, where Jesus is posited as a pneumatic and the other disciples, non-gnostics, as somatics. Jump up ^ Freke, Timothy (2001).

Heart of Hinduism: Doctrine: Sankhya and Yoga Kapila, who founded the school of Sankya. Some Hindus claim there were two Kapilas, teaching theistic and atheistic versions of this doctrine. Sankhya, derived from the word meaning "to count," is a philosophical system of analysing matter established by Kapila. As theistic schools evolved, they added a 26th element, the paramapurusha or God (purusha and paramapurusha are here synonymous with atman and paramatman). Patanjali-yoga, also called raja- or astanga-yoga, is intimately linked with Sankhya, its "sister" darshan. Although popular hatha-yoga is related to astanga-yoga, particularly the third stage, the exercises in Patanjali's system are designed not for physical health but simply to facilitate meditation and self-realisation. The 24 Elements of Sankhya Philosophy The pradhana is the unmanifest three modes of nature (goodness, passion and ignorance). Pradhana False-ego Intelligence Mind Five gross elements Ether Air Fire Water Earth Five sense objects Sound Touch Sight Taste Smell

Monism View that attributes oneness or singleness to a concept Monism attributes oneness or singleness (Greek: μόνος) to a concept e.g., existence. Various kinds of monism can be distinguished: Priority monism states that all existing things go back to a source that is distinct from them; e.g., in Neoplatonism everything is derived from The One. Definitions[edit] There are two sorts of definitions for monism: The wide definition: a philosophy is monistic if it postulates unity of the origin of all things; all existing things return to a source that is distinct from them.The restricted definition: this requires not only unity of origin but also unity of substance and essence. Although the term monism is derived from Western philosophy to typify positions in the mind–body problem, it has also been used to typify religious traditions. History[edit] It was later also applied to the theory of absolute identity set forth by Hegel and Schelling. Philosophy[edit] Types[edit] Monistic philosophers[edit] H.

www.britannica Brahman, in the Upanishads (Indian sacred writings), the supreme existence or absolute reality. The etymology of the word, which is derived from Sanskrit, is uncertain. Though a variety of views are expressed in the Upanishads, they concur in the definition of brahman as eternal, conscious, irreducible, infinite, omnipresent, and the spiritual core of the universe of finiteness and change. Read More on This Topic Hinduism: Doctrine of atman-brahman Most Hindus believe in brahman, an uncreated, eternal, infinite, transcendent, and all-embracing principle. According to the Advaita (Nondualist) school of Vedanta, brahman is categorically different from anything phenomenal, and human perceptions of differentiation are illusively projected on this reality.
