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30-Day Free Trial of HubSpot Marketing Software

30-Day Free Trial of HubSpot Marketing Software

Deven C's Local Business Marketing Site How a shift in perspective salvaged’s local search pr In 2006, launched a local search tool that was supposed to be a big part of the site’s future. The project made perfect sense on paper: Readers would get search results focused on eastern Massachusetts. Those results would mix the best of the machine and human worlds by using algorithms and editors’ picks. Or so the thinking went. The reality is that’s local search never caught on. Kempf and his team poked at the problem for a year, but an assortment of tweaks didn’t give local search the lift they needed. “We’ve done so well over the last 14 years as a news and information site,” Kempf said. The aha moment Those disappointing numbers didn’t lead to abandon local search — indeed, it’s still the default option for any search query on the site. Moving on might have been an option had local search been a low-cost experiment. The product team was posed with a dilemma: How do you get value out of something that missed the mark? Turns out there was. Database?

Perfect Your Twitter Header Image: Download Our Mobile-Friendly Photoshop Template If you’re an avid Twitter user like me, you probably noticed the email this week announcing Twitter’s latest efforts to improve engagement. After losing marketshare to Instagram, Twitter responded by giving us the ability to create our own header image, as well as control over the link color and other bits of design opportunity. This gives us a lot of additional control from a branding standpoint! But, you have to be careful. I threw my logo up about two minutes after I received the email, and I noticed hours later that the desktop version and the mobile version are very different. Let me walk you through the template I created, so that you can jump right in and start using it in just a few minutes. Twitter Header Dimensions In the desktop version of Twitter, you’ve got to deal with two sets of dimensions — and that’s assuming Android’s image sizing is the same or close to iOS for our purposes. Desktop version of Twitter iOS version of Twitter Other Considerations Using the Template

Learning SEO from the Experts - Thank You DURATION: 60min PRESENTERS: Rand Fishkin, CEO of SEOmoz, and Dharmesh Shah, CTO of HubSpot. Rand Fishkin is the CEO of SEOMoz. He co-authored the Art of SEO from O'Reilly Media, co-founded, and was named on PSBJ's 40 Under 40 List and BusinessWeek's 30 Best Tech Entrepreneurs Under 30. Follow Rand on Twitter: @randfish. Dharmesh Shah is the Founder and CTO of HubSpot. Follow Dharmesh on Twitter: @dharmesh. Marketing professionals interested in incorporating SEO into their business decisions. TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS: Internet connection and speakers/headphones. QUESTIONS?

Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence Colin Goddard’s whole life changed after surviving the Virginia Tech massacre on April 16, 2007. Born in Nairobi, Kenya, to English and American parents working in international development, Goddard grew up in Somalia, Bangladesh, Indonesia, and the United States. He completed high school in Cairo, Egypt, and returned to the US to graduate with a BA in International Studies from Virginia Tech in 2008. While in his 4th year at Virginia Tech, Goddard was shot four times and was one of seven people, out of a classroom of seventeen, to survive the shooting. Now an activist at the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, Goddard uses his experience to educate others about the realities of gun violence and the problems in U.S. gun laws. Goddard appears in numerous media interviews, engagement events, and spends time lobbying in Congress and state legislatures. Goddard now lives and works in Washington, D.C.

Free Ebook Templates & Covers for Self Publishing Rockin Local: Google Local Webcast | Local Marketing For Small Business Jon Rognerud Topic: Finally...Google Local Revealed: Rockin' LocalPresenter: Jon RognerudDate and Time: Select from menu Attention Dentists, Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners! In this no-pitch, fun, high-spirited, fully-packed 1 hour webcast you'll learn THE ONE SECRET to more customers from Google Local Search Marketing. These are tested strategies and tips you don't want to miss. As a professional business owner, you will learn: How to get found online and generate at least 1-10 new leads every dayUnderstand what local search marketing really meansWho the top players are (not what you think)What key factors and optimization techniques MUST be in placeOne simple trick to spy on your competition, and find out who's coming to your websiteHow reviews, ratings and your reputation can RUIN your business (and what to do about it)What ONE HUGE OPPORTUNITY is missed in client offersHow to use Local Social Media, and the 3 things you must do in 2011 to blow your competition away!

Redesigning your Website: a publisher's playbook Updated October, 2012 A media property's website is often a flash point of tension among three groups: the creative team, which wants the site to look its best; the sales and marketing team, which wants the site optimized to attract more eyeballs and higher CPMs; and the development team, which loves to experiment with new bells and whistles. How do you balance that tension to design a website that reflects your brand, attracts (and retains) readers, and delivers real top-line results? This eBook was designed to help eMedia professionals accelerate their redesign process and improve the end product.
