Amazing Science! - Volume 1 Learn with step-by-step Science Experiments. Every experiment is easy to perform Get excited about Science! This Course is Available for Download Download Price: $14.99 Learn Science with hands-on Experiments! 2 DVDs - 23 Experiments! Chapter Index Detailed Description Learn fundamental principles of science through Amazing Science Experiments! For every demonstration, a complete materials list is given, and each experiment features multiple camera views so you can see exactly what happens. The Book Chook National Conference Music City Center • 201 Fifth Avenue South • Nashville TN 37203 Mark your calendar for NSTA's 2016 national conference—we'll be in Nashville, Tennessee! Twitter hashtags: #NSTA16 (2016 conferences), #NSTA (all-purpose) Registration Please refer to the registration links above for pricing, submission instructions, and other important information. Time left for advance savings: 009d 05h 15m 09s NSTA District Package: Teaming Up for STEM District Leaders and School Administrators are invited to take advantage of customized learning experiences at the NSTA National Conference on Science Education in Nashville. Professional Learning Institutes at the Nashville Conference Professional Learning Institutes (PLIs) are focused, content-based programs that explore key topics in science/STEM education in depth. Click here for information on The Northrop Grumman Foundation Professional Learning Institute Scholarship Program Opportunity. Conference Schedule Special Offer! Adventure Science Center Ticketed Events
1000s FREE Primary Teaching Resources & Printables - EYFS, KS1 and KS2 - SparkleBox Teaching Science to English Language Learners Use these hands on lesson plans to make science more accessible for English Language Learners in your classroom. Ecosystem, photosynthesis, carnivore, metamorphosis – these are all scientific terms that many elementary and middle school students are expected to know after completing a unit in life science class. For some students, understanding scientific vocabulary is akin to learning another language – and there are actually some similarities! Now, imagine how difficult it is for students whose native language isn’t English – not only must they digest new, unfamiliar terminology; they must also attempt to make sense of English definitions (which may or may not contain additional unfamiliar vocabulary)! As teachers with English Language Learners (ELL) in our classrooms, we often have our work cut out for us. 1. 2. 3. 4. Utilizing these strategies will not only help ELL students learn science, it will be beneficial to native English speakers as well.
Have we misjudged kids' ability to learn science? It turns out kids can understand complex scientific concepts—like natural selection—far beyond what anyone would have expected, a new study suggests. Boston University psychologist Deborah Kelemen and colleagues created a 10-page picture storybook about a group of fictional mammals with long trunks called pilosas. Then they read it aloud to kids. The pilosas use their trunks to catch insects. In the past, most pilosas had wide trunks, but a few had thin trunks. The drama unfolds around a central question: how did the pilosas evolve over time from a group of animals having trunks of varying widths to those with thin trunks predominating? ‘I think my head is going to explode’ It’s a story about adaptation by natural selection, which is one of the core mechanisms not just of evolution, but of all biology. “We’re still astonished by what we found,” says Kelemen, who reports the findings in a study published in Psychological Science. Teach tough concepts earlier Why a book about pilosas?
Ten critical questions 15 Jan 2014 Kate Brown, Head of Programmes at Think Global, suggests 10 questions for global learning. At Think Global, we work to support critical and creative learning about our complex, interdependent world. A global learning approach recognises a range of perspectives on any situation or issue, questioning and exploring why different individuals and organisations hold the views that they do, the evidence on which those views are based, and the values that underpin them. We’ve developed a set of 10 questions which illustrate what this critical questioning looks like in practice. The questions can be applied to any issue or situation – from malaria, to child trafficking, to bitcoins. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Of course, teachers use questioning as part of formative assessment and good classroom practice all the time. We already know of teachers using our questions in the classroom, as a way to explore Typhoon Haiyan.
Welcome Science, ICT, and the Global Classroom (Crowd-Sourced Notes)