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Amazing Pictures, Pollution in China

Amazing Pictures, Pollution in China
[QQ] October 14, 2009, the 30th annual awards ceremony of the W. Eugene Smith Memorial Fund took place at the Asia Society in New York City. Lu Guang (卢广) from People’s Republic of China won the $30,000 W. Eugene Smith Grant in Humanistic Photography for his documentary project “Pollution in China.” 1. – Lu Guang 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. “In Some areas of China people’s lives were threatened because of the environmental pollution. 22. 23. 15-year-old boy from Tianshui, Gansu Province (甘肃天水), dropped out of the school after 2nd grade, followed his parents to Heilonggui (黑龙贵) Industrial District. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. original source: Fengniao Followup: Interview with Lu Guang, the photographer of “Pollution in China”

Habitat groupé - Projet EDEN Why We Are Totally Finished | D Sherman Okst In A Nutshell: Corporatocracy Has Replaced Capitalism Capitalism Fixes Problems & Preserves Democracy: Capitalism is what we should be relying on to fix our problems. Capitalism has it's own ecosystem, just like biology's ecosystem. An economic ecosystem that weeds out the weak, has parasites that eat the failures and new bacteria that evolves and grows replacements for that which failed. A system that keeps everything in balance. The problem is we are no longer a capitalistic society. As outlined in "It's Not A Financial Crisis - It's A Stupidity Crisis", we created two back to back bubbles. Now, after the second Stupidity Crisis there isn't a third bubble to inflate. But that isn't what happened. In a very anti-capitalistic move the government decided that stupidity and criminal activity should be rewarded. That is unequivocally immoral. They gave that borrowed money to a bunch of morons as a reward for stupidity. Then it all blew up. Big surprise. Click image to enlarge. Terribly! Dr.

HDR Tutorial | High Dynamic Range Tutorial HDR Tutorial – How to Make Beautiful HDR Photos with Ease! Which HDR Software to use – Mac or Windows? The first thang you’re gonna need is some HDR Software. If you use Windows, I recommend getting Photomatix Pro and use the coupon code “TREYRATCLIFF” to save 15%. Once you have the software, I can show you how to use it to make beautiful photos. The Free HDR Tutorial for Windows I wrote this HDR photography tutorial over six years ago and I update it about every three months. Hundreds of thousands of people have used this tutorial to learn how to make beautiful HDR photos — I am sure it can teach you too! Who is the best audience for this HDR Photography tutorial? This tutorial is great for new photographers as well as intermediate to beyond. HDR (High Dynamic Range) is still a relatively new way to create photos. Interested in a Complete HDR Video Tutorial? Would you like to read this tutorial offline? This eBook that will save you a lot of time and trouble! Free Newsletter from Trey!

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Wall Street trader stuns world by telling the truth about coming economic collapse (NaturalNews) In a BBC interview aired last week, Wall Street trader Alessio Rastani stunned the world by actually telling the truth. Notice that he hasn't been asked back for any interviews? Watch the full interview on NaturalNews.TV: Here's the complete transcript: Alessio Rastani::'s gonna crash and it's gonna fall pretty hard. Maxine Croxall:: We keep hearing that whatever the politicians are suggesting -- it's all been rather wooly -- isn't right. Alessio Rastani:: Ah, that's a tough one. Maxine Croxall:: If you could see the people around me, jaws have collectively dropped at what you've just said. Alessio Rastani:: I will say this, listen. Maxine Croxall:: Alessio Rastani thank you very much for talking with us. Watch the full interview at:

Tips & Tricks FAQ What kind of camera will I need? A digital SLR camera with interchangeable lenses is the ideal solution, but almost any camera will work if you can lock the aperture, lock the focus, and lock the white balance. Ultimately, you get what you pay for. Back to top 4 Rules of shooting HDRs Lock f-stop (aperture – which controls your depth of field) Lock focus Lock white balance Turn off any in camera "automatic" image enhancing (i.e.: auto-contrast or auto-saturation, including sharpening) You will be bracketing the exposure time for your various exposures. La France dévorée par l'étalement urbain Le constat est connu mais son ampleur, sa gravité et l’urgence qu’il implique moins. La France disparaît à grande vitesse. Ses paysages, sa capacité agricole, ses espaces. Qui n’a pas le souvenir d’un paysage, d’un lieu de son enfance, ou d’il n’y a pas si longtemps, remplacé par un lotissement alignant des maisons, un centre commercial de périphérie, une zone d’activités ? Cette destruction d’espace constitue-t-elle par ailleurs, comme le soutiennent les promoteurs des « projets » une solution aux crises du logement et de l’économie ? Le problème majeur : les innombrables "petits projets" Le problème n’est pas tant les gros projets emblématiques et dévoreurs d’espace comme l’aéroport de Notre Dames des Landes mais les innombrables « petits » -en apparence- projets de centres commerciaux, zones d’activités, lotissements (souvent moins de 50 ha) et qui mis bout à bout aboutissent aux chiffres suivant et au visage de la France d’aujourd’hui : Pourquoi cet état de fait ?

Can we stop the seas from rising? Yes, but less than you think. We can hold back some of the tide, but not all of it. (Amanda Lucier/The Washington Post) And the oceans are likely to keep creeping up. Scientists project that if we keep warming the planet at our current pace, sea levels could rise between two and seven feet by 2100, particularly as the world's glaciers and ice caps melt. So that raises the question: Is there anything we can do to stop sea-level rise? As it turns out, reducing our emissions would help slow the rate of sea-level rise — but at this point, it's unlikely that we could stop further rises altogether. As NCAR's Gerald Meehl, a co-author of the study, explained to me by e-mail, it's a lot easier to stabilize global temperatures by cutting carbon emissions than it is to stabilize sea-level rise. There are two ways that global warming causes sea levels to rise. In both scenarios, sea-levels continue to rise through 2300, though at very different rates. A few takeaways from these studies: Further reading:

Effects of flash photography on owls. The effects of night-time flash photography on nocturnal birds, such as owls, is often a matter of debate with nature photographers. Those who frequently practice such photography claim that no harm is done. Others are not so sure. It's hard to find any authoritative references on the subject. Here are the best references that I have found to date. From an an Australian bird listserver: "There was much comment but little hard data to go on so I asked Prof Jack Pettigrew for his comments. I have copied his reply in full below. There are no papers of which I am aware on the effects of spotlights on bird vision. Bird Retinas Can Tolerate the Sun: All birds have retinas that are adapted to work in bright light, with 3 or 4 varieties of cones that permit colour vision better than our own. JD Pettigrew FRS Professor of Physiology and Director VTHRC Vision Touch and Hearing Research Centre Ritchie Research Labs, Research Rd University of Queensland 4072 Australia" "Dr. From Dr.

Lancement du concours : «Capitale française de la biodiversité 2013» Communiqué de presse Lancement du concours : «Capitale française de la biodiversité 2013» Natureparif lance la quatrième édition du concours « Capitale française de la biodiversité » qui récompense la mise en œuvre de démarches exemplaires en matière de protection et de restauration de la biodiversité. Il permet de valoriser les actions innovantes, identifier les bonnes pratiques, et promouvoir les politiques menées en faveur de la biodiversité à l’échelle locale, à la fois par l’attribution de prix et par l’édition de recueils d’actions. En 2013, le concours a pour thème principal « L’eau, la ville, la vie ! » récompensant les actions que les collectivités mettent en œuvre pour donner une véritable place à l’eau en ville en lien avec le vivant : protection de la ressource, renaturation des espaces, prise en compte du cycle de l’eau, adaptation au changement climatique, pédagogie et sensibilisation... Le dossier de candidature et le règlement du concours sont téléchargeables sur

SEARCH : Study of Environmental Arctic Change About the Sea Ice Outlook Fractured Sea Ice The SEARCH Sea Ice Outlook is an international effort to provide a community-wide summary of the expected September arctic sea ice minimum. Monthly reports released throughout the summer synthesize community estimates of the current state and expected minimum of sea ice—at both a pan-arctic and regional scale. The intent of the SEARCH Sea Ice Outlook effort is not to issue predictions, but rather to summarize all available data and observations to provide the scientific community, stakeholders, and the public the best available information on the evolution of arctic sea ice. Sea Ice Outlook activities are supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF), the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and through the volunteer efforts of contributors. Guidelines for Contributors Sea Ice for Walrus Outlook (SIWO) Sea Ice Outlook Background

HDR Plea Mt Kebnekaise, the highest mountain of Sweden, in Lappland Recently, the results of the UK Landscape Photographer of the Year Award were published. BBC News made an announcement on their website, and a very interesting thing happened. The technique has indeed a very bad press, especially in the "fine art" community, and to be fair, much of the criticism is justified. Reflections of Ben Nevis on midway Loch, Scotland What It Is HDR stands for High Dynamic Range, and refers to a post-processing method which allows to dramatically increase the dynamic range of a photograph (duh!) One way to think of HDR is as a glorified neutral density filter. To create an HDR image, one needs a set of bracketed images (i.e. of captures of the same scene with different exposure compensations) and dedicated software. Sunrise on the summit of Nevado Yannapaccha, 5460m, Cordillera Blanca, Peru Some wrong ideas * HDR always looks fake Let me illustrate my point. Loch Treig, Corrour, Scotland You need a tripod Halos
