Writing an Ember.js App From Scratch (Part 2) | Drew Schrauf In part 1 of this tutorial we began to make a very simple todo app which used Ember to handle all of the logic. If you haven't read it yet, check it out! Our little todo app is now displaying a couple of prepopulated Todo items with a little counter at the bottom that shows the number of incomplete items. As before, our controller is where all of our business logic should be sitting so we'll start by adding a method to our controller which will add a new item to our list. The function createTodo that we've defined here doesn't really do anything special. If you remember the Ember.Checkbox we used in part 1 to bind a Todo's properties to a view, you can probably guess at where we're going next. All we've done here is override the insertNewline method of Ember's TextField to make it call the createTodo method we defined earlier if the user has entered a value. …into this: {{view Todos.CreateTodoView id="new-todo" placeholder="What needs to be done?"}} The other new concept is the observer.
Vic Ramon's Ember Tutorial Let’s build a Hello World app first. We can ensure that we have our development environment setup and get a high level view of how Ember works. Create a New Rails App The app we’re going to build in this tutorial is a CRM. First create new rvm gemset to sandbox our gems: rvm gemset create ember-crm rvm gemset use ember-crm gem install rails Now generate the Rails app: rails new ember-crm -d postgresql cd ember-crm bundle rake db:create If you run rails s and visit localhost:3000 then you should see the Rails Welcome Aboard page. Remove Turbolinks You’ll need to remove Turbolinks because it conflicts with Ember. GemfileApplication Javascript (app/assets/javascripts/application.js)Layout (app/views/layouts/application.html.erb) Add Ember Rails I am going to use Ember Rails for this tutorial. Add following gems to your Gemfile: gem 'ember-rails'gem 'ember-source'gem 'emblem-rails' And bundle: bundle Ember Rails provides a generator that will create a skeleton for our Ember app. For Javascript:
An In-Depth Introduction To Ember.js Getting Started With EmberJS In this tutorial we are going to take a look at the excellent EmberJS framework & how to get started using it. This tutorial is aimed at those who have never used EmberJS before, but do have minor to intermediate knowledge of jQuery. I also assume good knowledge of CSS & HTML. EmberJS is exceptionally helpful because it can create persistent binds between variables and the templating system. Why Use EmberJS? I’m trying to keep this tutorial as newbie friendly as possible, but this is a question I’ve been struggling to answer with newbie’s in mind. The Sample EmberJS Application Our sample application is going to be, originally enough, a Twitter application. First I know you guys/gals love to see a working example, so here is a demo. Now you’ve had time to play around with that a little let’s get onto how it was created. Starting With Our HTML To start with we are going to set up our HTML file. As you can see I’m using a standard HTML 5 setup with the HTML Shim to help IE work correctly.
Flame on! A beginner's guide to Ember.js Sophisticated JavaScript applications can be found all over the place these days. As these applications become more and more complex, it's no longer acceptable to have a long chain of jQuery callback statements, or even distinct functions called at various points through your application. This has led to JavaScript developers learning what traditional software programmers have known for decades: organization and efficiency are important and can make the difference between an application that performs great and one that doesn't. One of the most commonly used architecture patterns to achieve this organization and efficiency is known as Model View Controller (or MVC). This pattern encourages developers to separate distinct parts of their application into pieces that are more manageable. Rather than having a function that makes a call directly to the database, you create a Model to manage that for you. Ember has only one dependency—jQuery. Application Models Views Handlebars Controllers <!
11 Ember.js resources to get you started | The Remarkable Labs Blog Getting Started with Ember.js | Tom Brandt Update - this article has been updated for Ember 1.0.0-rc.1 Prologue This quick-start guide is aimed at developers who are familiar with javascript and want to get a small Ember app going without plowing through pages and pages of documentation. Along the way, I will explain basic Ember concepts you will need for a basic understanding of the Ember framework. For an argument on why you should use Ember, please see Trek Glowacki's Advice on & Instruction in the Use of Ember.js. I have based this guide on Ember 1.0.0-rc.1, Handlebars 1.0.0-rc.3, and JQuery 1.9. Concepts If you are familiar with Rails or other server-side MVC frameworks, most of the concepts used in Ember will look familiar to you, but keep in mind there necessarily are differences in client-side and server-side MVC. Templates specify your application's user interface. Views take user events, like clicks, and translates them into events implemented by your application. Controllers store application state. Setup <! Routes Models
Getting Into Ember.js There are a lot of JavaScript libraries available, and most are really good at providing the traditional DOM-centric interactions that your typical websites need. But when it's time to build a manageable code base for a single-page app, that's where a whole suite of new frameworks come in to smooth things out. The old saying is true: "Use the best tool for the task." It's not that traditional libraries like jQuery can't help you build desktop-like experiences, it's just not the use-case for it and is missing things like data-binding, event routing and state management. I recently did an interview with the Ember.js team; it was motivated by my desire to get to know what I've come to call "the new hotness": Ember.js. Ember fits the bill for what I've described above, and does so in a fashion that reminds of a lot of how jQuery allows developers to get up and running quickly. Before we continue, a heads up: Ember.js does a lot of magic for you. So let's kick this off. Core Concepts Templates
Getting into Ember.js: The Next Steps In my introductory article, I went over the basics of the Ember.js framework, and the foundational concepts for building an Ember application. In this follow-up article, we'll dive deeper into specific areas of the framework to understand how many of the features work together to abstract the complexities of single-page application development. A Basic App I noted previously that the easiest way to get the files you need is to go to the Ember.js Github repo and pull down the start kit, and that still holds true. This boilerplate kit includes all the files that you'll need to kickstart your Ember experience, so be sure to download it from this article. The interesting thing is that the starter kit is also a great example of a very basic Ember app. Open index.html in your browser, and you'll see the following: Welcome to Ember.js redyellowblue This is not very exciting, I know, but if you look at the code that rendered this, you'll see that it was done with very little effort. or this:
Getting Into Ember.js: Part 3 I hope that you're starting to see that Ember.js is a powerful, yet opinionated, framework. We've only scratched its surface; there's more to learn before we can build something truly useful! We'll continue using the Ember Starter Kit. In this portion of the series, we'll review accessing and managing data within Ember. Playing with Data In the last article, we worked with a static set of color names that were defined within a controller: This allowed the controller to expose the data to the index template. This is where models comes in. The attributes exposed in the model are: loginidagegender Data itself is accessed by referencing the model’s attributes. As you see from the code above, you could define a static store, but you'll use Ember.Object for defining your models most of the time. Alternatively, you could use a sister framework called Ember Data. Defining your Models I want to work with the items property, which contains all of the headlines and story information. The "callback=?"
Adding to Discourse using Ember.js Part 1: Routing and Templates - Evil Trout's Blog This article belongs to a series of tutorials about Ember.js and Discourse: I’ve heard from a lot of people in the process of learning EmberJS that there’s quite a jump from the Getting Started guide to actually contributing to a project like Discourse. I thought it might be useful to step through the creation of a new feature in detail and write out how it was done so others can get an idea of how things fit together. Let’s get started! Feature Idea: A report of Visits by Day It would be nice if there was a place in the admin section of Discourse that would show how many visits a forum receives in a day. Getting started: The URL Structure When I start a new feature, I find it’s best to begin with its URL and expand outwards from there. My first inclination would be to access the report at /admin/visits. I now find myself thinking - are there commonalities between all reports that we can advantage of? The Server Side Adding our new Route What does the above do? Retrieving Data from the Server
ly Blog, Building Apps with Ember (a postmortem) Last night I had the pleasure of speaking to the Boston JS Meetup on Ember. It was a great crowd and I want to thank everyone for coming out. I put together about 50 slides on the subject and wrote a ton of notes per slide. (#1) Intro The goal of this talk is not actually to teach you how to build an application with Ember. I really don’t want to be the guy standing at a desk, building a demo, explaining every line of code. (#2) Me I founded a small start up here in Boston. From the time I started coding, I’ve been told to stay away from actual JavaScript and use jQuery instead. I’m not an Ember expert. (#3) What we Built We rewrote our entire app dashboard in Ember. (#4) Why? There are really two reasons we chose to work with Ember, one is people based and the other about technology. Startups thrive on new things. By making work interesting we attract talent and retain the talent that we already have. (#5) No comparing and contrasting. I’m not going to talk about it. Here: (#8) Ember Intro
Let’s Learn Ember Reactive programming is a way of coding with asynchronous data streams that makes a lot of problems easier to solve. RxJS is a popular library for reactive...Once in a while, it's important for us as developers to go back to what made us excited about computers in the first place. For Derek Jensen, that is gaming....React is a flexible framework that makes it easy to build single-page web applications. One of its tools is a set of lifecycle methods which you can add to...The PixelSquid plugin for Photoshop is an exciting new technology that provides the benefits of 3D elements without having to understand a 3D program or the...How your app looks is as important as how it works, and animation is an important part of modern user interfaces. Whether by changing the color of an element...jQuery UI is an extension of jQuery that makes it easy to create clean user interface elements for your websites.