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Vegetarian Main-Course Salad Recipes - Martha Stewart Food

Vegetarian Main-Course Salad Recipes - Martha Stewart Food

The best of Niagara VegFest 2013 | FeedRight for People The best of Niagara VegFest 2013 It is now Spring and what better plan than spending some time with cleaning the Winter away. And by cleaning I don’t mean just your closets, I refer especially to our bodies. So last week I engaged in my semi-annual body detox and am now on week 2 of my 3 week cleanse (more in a later post). What is so very special about my detox program is that Week 2 is a Vegan week, 100% plant-based! To make things even better, I spent yesterday in St. There were so many great exhibitors and I know I will not be able to do justice to all the great stuff they had to share, but here are some of the great things I saw at the show: Kelly’s Vegan Organic Gluten-free bakery I am not your typical baked-goods fan, but got intrigued by their selections of gluten-free, organic and vegan products. My husband tried their chocolate brownie (which he loved!) I was actually way more excited about what was in the cupcakes than actually eating them!! ChocoSol Raw Chocolate Dr. dishes.

Healthy Crunchy: Three Guilt-Free Snacks You Can Make at Home When I snack, I try to stick to fresh fruits and vegetables, but sometimes I want something with crunch, not the moist crunch of a carrot but the carb-filled crunch of a potato chip. When I get really desperate for a treat, I leave the pre-packaged snacks–with their fat, chemicals, and processed ingredients–on the grocery store shelves and make my own healthy snacks using natural ingredients that I usually have in my pantry. My taste in snacks runs from the very simple (baked tortilla chips) to the unusual (roasted okra). But my very favorite, the one crunchy snack that almost everyone loves, is also the easiest to make: microwave potato chips. Microwave Potato Chips Ingredients medium russet potato parchment paper salt optional seasonings: chili powder, Creole seasoning, Old Bay seasoning, etc. Instructions Using a mandolin or v-slicer, slice one medium russet potato (peeled, if you like) as thinly as possible, taking care that all slices are the same thickness. Variations Kale Chips

Super Food Packed Raw Vegan Carrot Cake Recipe ♥ 1 ½ tablespoons fresh ground nutmeg 1 teaspoon cardamom 1 tablespoon lemon zest 1 tablespoon orange zest pinch sea salt ½ cup chopped walnuts (optional) Lemon Frosting (to top the vegan carrot cake recipe) 1 ½ cups whole raw cashews 1 cup agave nectar 1 tablespoon maca (click here find out why maca is one of the top super foods) 1 cup dried coconut 1 cup orange juice 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1 tablespoon lemon Zest 1 tablespoon vanilla Making This super food packed Vegan Carrot Cake To make the cake batter: Soak the raisons and the dates, in separate bowls each in 1 ½ cup water for 5-10 minutes to soften. Drain the soak water and set aside. Using a juicer, juice about 20 carrots in order to acquire the 4 cups of carrot pulp needed and drink the carrot juice ☺ In the vita-mix grind the almonds into a fine mill.

Fruit & Nut Grain-Free Bars | Honey Pacifica Kitchen Notes Back-to-school is almost here, and that means it’s time to find some wholesome lunchbox ideas that are as easy to make as they are tasty. Of course, we adults need healthy options too! And the good news is, these protein-rich bars are a hit with kids and adults alike! Inspired by my affinity for KIND Fruit & Nut Bars, this honey-sweetened, grain-free version is far less expensive to make than purchasing its namesake. Fruit & Nut Grain-Free Bars Servings: 8 bars Active time: 15 minutes Total time: 35 minutes Ingredients 1/3 cup pure honey (I prefer sage due to its mild flavor)2 tablespoons coconut flour1 tablespoon *all-natural almond butter1/8 teaspoon sea salt1 1/3 cups chopped whole *nuts 1/2 cup chopped dried fruit 1 cup unsweetened coconut flakes (not finely shredded coconut) Directions Preheat oven to 300 degrees. Next, chop the dried fruit and measure out 1/2 cup and add to the honey mixture.Finally, measure 1 cup of coconut flakes (not shredded coconut). Share and Enjoy

18 drapeaux réalisés avec de la nourriture nationale... En voici une façon originale de réaliser des drapeaux! De la nourriture qui représente bien le pays est utilisée pour concevoir le drapeau! Très intelligent! Italie: Brésil: Inde: Japon: Grèce: Liban: Vietnam: Australie: Corée du Sud: Royaume-Uni: France: Chine: États-Unis: Indonésie: Turquie: Espagne: Thaïlande: Suisse: Tous les crédits reviennent à ces personnes: Client: Sydney International Food Festival Advertising Agency: WHYBIN/TBWA, Sydney, Australia Executive Creative Director: Garry Horner Creative Director: Matt Kemsley Art Director: Miles Jeffreys Copywriter: Tammy Keegan Photographer: Natalie Boog Retoucher: Nick Mueller Food Stylist: Trish Heagerty Je veux plus de vidéos similaires! Inscrivez-vous et ne ratez jamais nos meilleures histoires.

Lobsters and Crabs Used for Food Lobsters Lobsters look very different from humans, so it’s hard for us to imagine how they perceive the world. For example, lobsters “smell” chemicals in the water with their antennae, and they “taste” with sensory hairs along their legs. Like humans, lobsters have a long childhood and an awkward adolescence. Like dolphins and many other animals, lobsters use complicated signals to explore their surroundings and establish social relationships. Contrary to claims made by seafood sellers, scientists have determined that lobsters, like all animals, can feel pain. Lobsters may feel even more pain than we would in similar situations. “As an invertebrate zoologist who has studied crustaceans for a number of years, I can tell you the lobster has a rather sophisticated nervous system that, among other things, allows it to sense actions that will cause it harm. … [Lobsters] can, I am sure, sense pain.” PETA has consulted with many marine biologists about the least cruel way to kill a lobster.

How Are Most Antibiotics Used in the US? About 80% of antibiotics in the US are used to treat livestock. This use is controversial because the antibiotics are often used to increase growth in the animals, rather than to treat a specific illness. The antibiotics used on animals are similar or identical to those used on humans, so overuse in animals that are used for meat might have health consequences for humans, such as increased resistance to antibiotics. More on antibiotics: In 2012, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) established a policy that requires ranchers and farmers to obtain a veterinarian's prescription before giving antibiotics to their animals. More Info: Discuss this Article Free Widgets for your Site/Blog

Mangerons-nous encore de la viande en 2050? | Ailleurs sur le web La Terre aura neuf milliards de bouches à nourrir en 2050, soit deux milliards de plus qu'aujourd'hui. Une situation qui obligera l'humain à augmenter de 70 % sa production alimentaire et de diviser par quatre sa consommation de viande, conclut une récente étude du Stockholm International Water Institute. Les 7 milliards d'hommes se procurent aujourd'hui 20 % des protéines dont ils ont besoin en mastiquant des aliments issus de la faune. « Il n'y aura pas suffisamment d'eau disponible sur nos terres agricoles pour produire de la nourriture pour une population qui devrait atteindre 9 milliards d'habitants en 2050, si nous suivons les tendances alimentaires actuelles dans les pays occidentaux », stipulent les chercheurs de l'institut suédois. À lire sur

Jonathan Safran Foer: Eating Animals Bio Jonathan Safran Foer Jonathan Safran Foer made his fiction début in The New Yorker in 2001, with "The Very Rigid Search," which was part of his first novel, "Everything Is Illuminated." His other books include the novel "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close" and "Eating Animals," about the ethics of eating meat. In March, he and Nathan Englander published "New American Haggadah." To download this program become a Front Row member. ZOOM IN: Learn more with related books and additional materials. Encyclopædia Britannica Article factory farming System of modern animal farming designed to yield the most meat, milk, and eggs in the least amount of time and space possible. factory farming on © 2010 Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
