Solar Eclipse Page The next Total Eclipse of the Sun Visible from the USAClick for special web page on the Total Solar Eclipse of 2017 Aug 21 Solar Eclipses: Past and Future The following links give information on all eclipses of the Sun and Moon from 2000 through the current year. Dates, maps and details for 5000 years of solar eclipses can be found in: Five Millennium Catalog of Solar Eclipses: -1999 to +3000 The Javascript Solar Eclipse Explorer lets you calculate the visibility of solar eclipses from any city for hundreds of years in the past and future: Javascript Solar Eclipse Explorer Search for solar eclipses by date interval, type, and magnitude, and plot the results on Google maps: Five Millennium Solar Eclipse Search Engine Other useful links to past and future solar eclipses are as follows. Solar Eclipses: 2011 - 2020 The table below lists every solar eclipse from 2011 through 2020. The Key to Solar Eclipse Table contains a detailed description of each item in the table. Decade Tables of Solar Eclipses
collection éclipse International Meteor Organization | International Collaboration in Meteor Science Neon Genesis Evangelion: The End of Evangelion After watching the final episodes of the original Evangelion series, I was really baffled. What happened? I understood that it all took place in Shinji's mind, but that's about it. Where was the ending? What really happened? Those answers are provided by End of Evangelion. Also, kudos to the animation in this one. One thing I've also always enjoyed about Evangelion (it's a lot), is the music. Evangelion is a psychological anime, and the characters are and behave thusly. Shortly summarized, the movie was very much like the original series, at the same time also explaining many things the original series didn't.
Types of solar and lunar eclipses An eclipse is an astronomical event where one celestial body partially or totally covers another celestial object. This happens when the eclipsing body comes between the observer and the eclipsed object like in the case of a solar eclipse, or when the eclipsing body temporarily cuts off the source of illumination of the eclipsed object, like during a lunar eclipse. Types of Eclipses With Animations: All Eclipses 1900-2099 Observers from Earth can see two types of eclipses – eclipses of the Sun (solar eclipses), and eclipses of the Moon (lunar eclipses). The term eclipse also finds its roots in ancient Greek – it comes from the word ékleipsis, meaning to fail or abandoned. Eclipses, solar and lunar, have fascinated scientists and lay people for centuries. Solar Eclipses Infographic: Types of solar eclipses. With Animations: Solar Eclipses 1900-2099 There are 3 kinds of solar eclipses: total, partial, annular. Total Solar Eclipses With Animations: Total Solar Eclipses 1900-2099 Lunar Eclipses
Éclipse solaire Dans des époques reculées, mais aussi dans certaines cultures actuelles, il est attribué aux éclipses solaires des propriétés mystiques. Les éclipses solaires peuvent être effrayantes pour des personnes ignorant la nature relativement inoffensive de ce phénomène astronomique. En effet, le Soleil disparait soudainement au cours de la journée et le ciel s'obscurcit en quelques minutes. Les éclipses totales de Soleil à un endroit donné de la Terre sont des événements très rares et de courte durée (pas plus de 8 minutes[1]). L'éclipse totale de 1999 en Europe était considérée, au moment où elle eut lieu, comme l'éclipse qui eut le plus d'observateurs de l'histoire humaine[2] , ce qui a permis d'augmenter l'information du public sur cette curiosité particulière. Types[modifier | modifier le code] Il existe 4 types d'éclipses solaires : Une éclipse totale se produit lorsque le Soleil est complètement occulté par la Lune. Terminologie[modifier | modifier le code] Schéma d'une éclipse solaire. -- News and information about meteor showers, solar flares, auroras, and near-Earth asteroids Neon Genesis Evangelion: Death & Rebirth I love "Death and Rebirth", I really do. In my mind, it's probably the least flawed segment in the Evangelion franchise. But I guess I know why people are rating it so low. There are two reason people tend to give this movie a low score. The first reason is that this movie is split cleanly into two halves, and the first half, named "Death", is essentially a recap. The second reason people hated this is because of the second half, "Rebirth". There really isn't anything majorly wrong with "Death and Rebirth", the few complaints I have are all rather minor. 2011 Solar & Lunar Eclipse Skywatching Guide | Eclipses, Moon & Sun Photos | Skywatching, Amateur Astronomy There will be two total lunar eclipses and four partial solar eclipses in 2011. January 4 Partial Solar Eclipse This partial eclipse will be visible at sunrise in northwestern Europe and northwestern Africa, at midday in northeastern Africa and the Middle East, and at sunset in central Asia. Times of maximum eclipse and magnitudes at major cities: June 1 Partial Solar Eclipse This partial eclipse is visible mainly in the high Arctic. Times of maximum eclipse and magnitude at major cities: June 15 Total Lunar Eclipse This will be an almost central total lunar eclipse. July 1 Partial Solar Eclipse This partial eclipse is visible only in a small area of ocean near Antarctica, south of Africa November 25 Partial Solar Eclipse This partial eclipse will be visible from southern South Africa, Antarctica, and New Zealand. December 10 Total Lunar Eclipse This total eclipse is well placed for observers in eastern Asia, Australia, and northwestern North America. Source: RASC Observer's Handbook 2011