Create a Realistic Panoramic Matte Painting in Photoshop Matte paintings are images commonly used in the film industry to create the illusion of an environment that would otherwise be too expensive or impossible to build. In this tutorial I will show you how to turn a single stock photo into a realistic panoramic scene. Click to enlarge the image. Resources The following images were used during the production of this image. Step 1 Download the following stock image in order to follow this step-by-step tutorial: if you choose to work on a different plate, try to find a photo with a mostly clear sky so it will be easier to enlarge the photo in the following steps. Now open your stock of choice in Photoshop and increase the canvas size in all directions except for the ground. Step 2 Now we will start to fill the new transparent area with life. Next we have to get rid of the sharp edges in the upper layer. Step 3 The left area now obviously looks duplicated, so we will use the Clone Stamp Tool (S) to fix that. Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8 Step 9
The Top 75 ‘Pictures of the Day' for 2012 *Update: The Top 100 ‘Pictures of the Day’ for 2012 have just been published. Click here to check out the most up-to-date post! After the positive reception from last year’s “Top 50 ‘Pictures of the Day’ for 2011“, the Sifter promised to highlight the top 25 ‘Pictures of the Day‘ at the end of every quarter, eventually culminating in an epic Top 100 for 2012. It’s hard to believe we’re already into the final quarter of 2012. With that, here are the Sifter’s Top 75 ‘Pictures of the Day‘ for this year. *Please note the photographs themselves were not necessarily taken in 2012, they just happened to be featured as a ‘Picture of the Day’ this year. Enjoy!
10 Portrait Photography Tips And The Fun You Can Have With It Portrait Photography isn’t meant to be boring. It’s supposed to be fun, creative, and exciting. While you can take portraits the traditional way, you may want to experiment a little and try taking some portraits that bend the traditional rules a little bit. Here are some portrait photography tips for you. 1. Many photographers take portraits with the camera at or close to the subject’s eye level if you change the shooting angle it can give the photo a whole different perspective. 2. If your subject has something to look at in the image, such as a child reaching out for a puppy, a loving mother gazing at her newborn baby, a large man hungrily staring at a large pizza, etc. you can create another point of interest as well as a relationship between your subject and it. The second point of interest can also create more of a story in the photo and this is the most amazing part of these portrait photography tips. 3. The rules of composition can sometimes be broken with amazing effects. 4. 5. 6.
Echoes of War - StumbleUpon Sergei Larenkov His photographs of the siege of Leningrad and St. Petersburg really got lots of name on internet and are famous too. so we present some really nice photographs by sergei, where past and present meet in Moscow, Berlin, Vienna, Prague.. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 5 Stunning Photography Tips - Portrait StumbleUpon 6EmailShare Why portrait photography? It’s simple. One, because photography is a powerful medium and two, because taking photos of people means immortalizing a part of them, which time will eventually take. Tip No. 1: Find a subject that best conveys your message The basic among the many portrait photography tips is to get someone as a subject who is both interesting and suitable to the message that one is trying to convey in the photograph to be taken. Tip No. 2: Frame the Latter When one has already chosen the perfect subject, make sure that when taking the picture, he should frame the latter. Tip No. 3: Take Close-up Shots In taking portrait photos, mostly the subjects are shot in close-up. Tip No. 4: Take Candid Shots Although not considered one of the technical portrait photography tips, it is still encouraged to take candid shots when trying to achieve portrait photographs. Tip No. 5: Keep it Simple
Portrait photography Lighting tips - Portrait photography lighting set-up The main portrait photography light’s purpose is to give shape and to convey information. Much has been written about the main light, so I won’t get into that here. Let’s get on to the other, lesser know lights use in the three light set-up. * note how bright the background is. In portrait photography, if the background is near the subject, it's difficult to light separately. The same light that hits the subject, also hits the background. Another good reason for getting as much distance as possible (within reason) is so that you can control the focus of the background. construire un stenope autoportraits au sténopé sténopé sur film 120, tirage contact © robert colognoli - 2003 Comment construire un appareil ? Le boîtier Le boîtier ne sert qu’à présenter une surface sensible dans le champ illuminé par le sténopé. Une simple boîte fera très bien l’affaire. Toute amélioration ne sert qu’à en faciliter l’utilisation. Cette liberté de conception du boîtier permet de choisir n’importe quelle dimension, en surface et en rapport des côtés, depuis le 24x36 et même moins, jusqu’à des formats qui ne sont limités que par ceux des surfaces sensibles. - On peut détourner l’usage d’un appareil photographique du commerce. En 24x36 il faut un boîtier d’ancienne génération qui fonctionne encore quand on a retiré l’objectif et qui permette des poses de plusieurs secondes. Si l’on veut construire le boîtier, on se trouve d’emblée confronté à un problème pratique: quelles seront les dimensions de l’appareil ? Une bonne pratique est de fixer au départ les deux paramètres suivants (fig.1) :
Dark and Eerie Photo Manipulation Scene Dark and Eerie Photo Manipulation SceneReviewed by Michael Vincent Manalo on May 14Rating: Preview of Final Results Dark and Eerie Photo Manipulation Scene Photoshop Tutorial Tutorial Details Program: Adobe Photoshop CS2Version: 9Difficulty: EasyEstimated Completion Time: 1 to 1.5 hours Resources Walking on ice 1 by Arctic-Stock (Creative Commons License)Stone floor – stock xvii by jesuisautre (Creative Commons License)Gate 1 by ElandriaStormy sky by Michael Vincent Manalo (Creative Commons License) Step 1 – Create a new image To start, we will be creating a new image file, go to the Menu bar and click on File > New and input the following settings when the New box appears: Width: 2000 pixelsHeight: 2000 pixelsResolution: 300 dpiColor Mode: RGB Color; 8bitBackground Contents: Transparent Step 2 – Create the walls and the floor and their shadows In this step, we would be creating the floor and the walls of our background. Now let’s add the walls; open the Gate 1 stock image.
A Brilliant Beginner's Guide to Architectural Photography Architecture is serious business. Millions are spent each year on new development projects as architects try to make their artistic vision into reality and create something structural, practical and functional that will be a lasting legacy of their work. However, wherever you are in the world, architecture is present, for living, for working, and for entertainment. Where to begin? The range of architectural photographic possibilities is almost endless, the chance to capture some of the world's most significant monuments and tourist attractions at one end, whilst at the other end of the scale, the chance to capture someone's humble home or living space. Location and Approach The first thing to do is consider the location and type of building that you want to photograph. Alternatively, you could decide to approach the building as it is, to just see it as walls and glass, purely as a structure. Equipment Step 4 - Angles Step 5 - Lines Step 6 - Light and Settings Step 7 - Detail
Ad Hoc Photography Ad Hoc photography is by no means a technical term, and in essence it's probably as far removed from any technical photographic exercises that one could undertake. This article is all about photographic opportunism, ambling freely and photographing whatever you happen to stumble upon. Step 1 - Take your camera! We've all had those days, when for some reason or another, you're lacking inspiration and don't quite know what to do with yourself. When I start feeling like that, I have one solution, go and get some space, a bit of fresh air and I always take my camera. Now I'm not saying that in order to undertake ad hoc photography that you need to be feeling sorry for yourself, merely that there is something exciting and engaging about heading out to somewhere new with your camera, not knowing what you'll find. Step 2 - To plan or not to plan? Step 3 - Keep an eye out Once you're out and about, the most important thing is to be vigilant. Step 4 - It's all in the detail Step 5 - Give it a go!
21 Things You Can Do Today to Change Your Photography Forever Would you pin this on Pinterest? Photographers these days spend so much time on the Internet learning good things about photography that they never make the time to do the things that would be really great for their photography. I’ve compiled a list of 21 things in this article that you can do today that would completely change your photography forever. THIS is how you learn photography! If you like these tips, I hope you’ll consider learning photography with me in one of my 6 online photography classes. Action #1: Learn every function your camera is capable of performing (2 hours) You know what I mean… not just aperture, shutter speed, and focus. Action #2: Prepare your work for exhibition (Several hours) This is probably the most difficult action suggested on this page. The first time I sold a photo was life-changing for me. Action #3: Enter a photography contest (25 minutes) Photography contests can be a great way to learn digital photography. Action #20: Rent a new lens
Shoot Crazy Filtered Photography Using A Dishwasher [Instructables How-To] If you’re rocking a smartphone these days, there’s no excuse to have badly-lit or uninteresting photos… we can thank countless photo apps like Instagram and Hipstamatic for that. But if you’re really interested in getting that same artsy glow in a manual way, look no further than this how-to from Dr. Lab aka Hti. Some materials you’ll need are a roll of Kodak Ektachrome E 200 35mm film, a dishwasher and soap for one load, a dark room (like your bathroom), and a hair dryer. First place your roll of film into the cutlery basket of your dishwasher and add detergent. Then find a dark room and unravel the film in order to blow dry it. With any luck you’ll turn out with gorgeous images like these… [via Instructables] @kfloodwarning