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Drum pattern sequencer

Drum pattern sequencer
Includes over 400 unique drum samples, spanning electro to real drum kits. Create beats, compose drum tracks and then save the results to WAV sound files for use in other projects or software. Enjoy! Two Play Buttons? The top play button is for the beat pattern you're working on. The bottom play button is for the overall song. Song Timeline Below the grid is the song timeline, where you can drag and drop the gray "parts" (loops) into the timeline. Remove an item from the timeline by dragging it out of the timeline. Channels There are 8 available channels, which are used to set up drum loops. The browser contains about 400 unique drum samples organized by category. The mini "I" means "isolate", which will essentially mute all other channels. The mini "M" button means "mute". The white-ish knob on the left is for the volume, and on the right is pan. Drag and drop channels using the slim black edge to the left to re-arrange. Parts (A B C D E F) Drag and drop parts within the timeline to re-arrange. Related:  Virtual

Key Chords Key Chords app generates guitar chord progressions automatically. Use it free online, or get the app for Mac, Windows or iOS (iPad) - Click on a chord to preview how it sounds. - Drag and drop to arrange the chord progression - Tweak the settings to control the playback speed Or role the dice and Key Chords will automatically generate a nice sounding progression. Select a Key: Select a key and choose a the major or minor scale. The resulting chord chart will display applicable chords for the selected key. Click a chord: ... and you will hear a cheap computer generated guitar playing the chord. Drag & Drop: - Chords from the chart into the progression timeline. - Rearrange Chords in the progression. - Remove chords from the progression. Roll the Dice: ... and a random chord progression will appear in the timeline. The numbers below each chord in the progression refer to the number of "beats" the chord will linger for. The "Rake Speed" refers to the speed of a single "strum." The main chart areas.

OVERDRIVE MUSIC - Une boite à rythme en ligne pour vous accompagner (application flash) : One motion drum machine! Si vous ne savez pas comment se joue une batterie ou si vous ne savez pas comment programmer une boite à rythme, voici quelques exemples et explications : Vous trouverez ici une petite application en ligne pour découvrir les instruments de la batterie en SON et en IMAGE : VIRTUAL DRUMS Quelques exemples si vous avez besoin de comprendre la grille rythmique d'une boite à rythme. Ca peut aussi vous aider à comprendre les bases du solfège rythmique. Chaque temps est décomposé en 4 pulsations : des doubles-croches... Le découpage de la grille en double-croches Le placement des noires sur chaque temps Les croches "en l'air" Figure de croches 1 Figure de croches 2 Mélange de croches et de double-croches Les 2 dernières double-croches de chaque temps Le premier exemple de rythme "8 beat" (voir en-dessous)- hi-hat/snare/kick Attention, pour obtenir l'effet désiré les réglages sont parfois assez fins. 1 - La base = Le "8 beat", c'est à dire un rythme binaire joué avec des croches au charleston :

Arcade Game Generator Arcade Game Generator Input one set of questions and answers, and create a whole batch of interactive, arcade-style games [view examples] Save them for use in the class, embed them in your blog/website/wiki! IPad versions of "Wordshoot" and "Flashcards" already available - more to follow! STEP 1: QUIZ TITLE a. STEP 2: QUESTIONS*ANSWERS b. What is two plus two? If you would like to direct players to a particular game, specify it here: None: Free choice YouTube to MP3 Online Converter P22 Music Text Composition Generator ( A free online music utility) The P22 Music Text Composition Generator allows any text to be converted into a musical composition. This composition is displayed in musical notation and simultaneously generated as a midi file. 1. Type or copy any text into the Text Field. A short text may be best at a slow pace (IE 10 BPM) whereas a longer text may prove more engaging at 1200 BP. In some browsers (Safari 2 or greater), the ability to play real time multi-tracking can allow for complex compositions. The generated musical text does not claim copyright nor imply any rights from the text used. 2. The P22 Music Composition Font was proposed in 1997 to the John Cage Trust as an accompaniment to the John Cage text font based on the handwriting of the composer. 3. P22 Music Pro is a unique font system that expands on the concept used in the Music Text Composition Generator. The font used in the P22 MTCG is a basic version that closely follows the initial Cage inspired idea. 4.

The Infinite Drum Machine Built by Kyle McDonald, Manny Tan, Yotam Mann, and friends at Google Creative Lab. Thanks the The Philharmonia Orchestra, London for contributing some sounds to this project. The open-source code is available here. Check out more at A.I. Create beats using sounds from the everyday world. Privacy & Terms Please rotate your phone to portrait mode. Oops, sorry for the tech trouble. Free music notation & composition software; Freeware download Standard errors for multiple regression coefficients?

Tabledrum Animations et jeux musicaux Animations et jeux musicaux Tu trouveras regroupées sur cette page certaines animations du site (tous niveaux confondus), ainsi que des tests et des jeux non présentés en classe. Je découvre la batterie : Les instruments de musique (niveau 1) : Les instruments de musique (niveau 2, avec vidéos) : Pour télécharger les fiches avec leurs vidéos, c'est ici. Test. Puzzle musical : Mémory musical : Jeu de rythmes (niveau 1 - les croches) : Jeu de rythmes (niveau 2 - les doubles-croches) : Jeu de rythmes (niveau 3 - la batterie) : Ainsi parlait Zarathoustra (R. Me gustas Tu (Manu Chao), accompagnement au piano : Ain't no sunshine (Bill Whiters), accompagement instrumental : Windows 7, 8 o 8.1: cambiare soundfont In un mondo sempre più digitalizzato anche la musica è oramai da decenni riprodotta in formato digitale, che sia un CD audio o un file compresso lossy come gli MP3 o lossless come i FLAC. In tempi in cui la musica era prerogativa di costosi impianti stereo e i formati compressi non esistevano o richiedevano una capacità computazionale al di fuori della portata dei comuni mortali, chi componeva musica, chi voleva una resa audio migliore nei propri giochi e chi voleva ad esempio organizzare una serata di karaoke con gli amici davanti al proprio PC, doveva per forza ricorrere ai file MIDI. Per chi non lo sapesse, semplicisticamente parlando, i file MIDI altro non sono che l’insieme di istruzioni, note e strumenti per riprodurre un brano musicale utilizzando “strumenti” digitalizzati nei così detti “soundfont”. Software e installazione Configurazione Aggiunta soundfont E’ anche possibile in base alle vostre necessità, aggiungere più soundfont, scegliere quali usare e cambiare l’ordine.

beatlab - make music together
