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The pen is mightier than the sword

The pen is mightier than the sword

How to Change the World Amazon start selling the paperback edition of my latest book, APE: Author, Publisher, Entrepreneur. APE explains how to publish a book by breaking the process down into three stages: Author explains how to write a book. Publisher explains how to produce both ebooks and printed books.Entrepreneur explains how to market and sell your book with an emphasis on social media. You can order APE here: There are 204 Amazon reviews for it: 181 five stars, 21 four stars, and 2 three stars which averages to five stars! Here are three of the blurbs: “Nuts, bolts, and inspiration too. Seth Godin, author and founder of The Icarus Project “Guy’s book is the perfect companion on the journey of independent publishing and great reading for the millions who aspire to become authors.” Atif Rafiq, General Manager, Kindle Direct Publishing at

Go Beyond Simple Networking and Organize Your Own Mastermind Group Top 10 Lesser Known Mysteries - Top 10 Lists | Listverse Mysteries It was Einstein that said ‘The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and all science. The Brentford area of London is a peculiar place in terms of the names. There have been no other sightings since, and the Legendary Griffin has drifted into local folklore. Amphibians in Ancient Iraq In ancient Mesopotamia, the world’s first academically ratified, fully functioning civilizations of Babylon, Sumer and Akkadia emerged. A Sumerian priest named Berossus recorded how an amphibian, named Oannes, emerged from the Persian Gulf and taught the Sumerians numbers, medicine, astronomy, politics, ethics and law, encompassing all the necessities for civilized existence. In the district of Dowa, 100km north of the nation’s capital, Lilongwe, reports emerged of a rabid animal, with hyena like features, attacking and mauling members of the region. Those who saw the animal dismissed claims it was a Hyena, due to its large hind legs.

Bedeviling Phenomenon: What Do You Make of the 1,200-Foot Wide Pentagram on Google Maps? So, there seems to be a giant pentagram etched into a windswept corner of Kazakhstan in central Asia. Don’t believe us? The devilish symbol, measuring roughly 1,200 feet in diameter, shows up quite visibly on Google Maps: (Credit: Google Maps) It’s found on the southern shore of the Upper Tobol Reservoir where there are almost no other signs of humanity; the closest settlement is the city of Lisakovsk, about 12 miles to the east, according to Yahoo News. Adding fuel to the proverbial lake of fire are reports that you zoom into the center of the pentagram on Google Maps, you can see two spots highlighted by previous visitors to the topographical app: “Adam” and “Lucifer”—and you know what figure that name is connected with… But believe it or not, archaeologist Emma Usmanova has worked in the Lisakovsk area and has an answer. “It is the outline of a park made in the form of a star,” she told LiveScience, Yahoo News reports. More from Yahoo News: (H/T: Yahoo News)

Download Graphic Images from the Hillis/Bull Lab Return to "Download Files" Page You are welcome to download the following graphic image of the Tree of Life for non-commercial, educational purposes: Tree of Life (~3,000 species, based on rRNA sequences) (pdf, 368 KB) (see Science, 2003, 300:1692-1697) This file can be printed as a wall poster. Printing at least 54" wide is recommended. Tree of Life tattoo, courtesy of Clare D'Alberto, who is working on her Ph.D. in biology at the University of Melbourne. The organisms depicted in this tattoo are (starting at 4 o'clock and going around clockwise): (1) a cyanobacterium (Anabaena); (2) a radiolarian (Acantharea); (3) a dinoflagellate (Ceratium); (4) an angiosperm (Spider Orchid); (5) a couple species of fungi (Penicillium and a yeast); (6) a ctenophore (comb jelly); (7) a mollusc (nudibranch); (8) an echinoderm (brittle star); and (9) a vertebrate (Weedy Sea Dragon). Here is another great Tree of Life tattoo! Cover of Molecular Systmatics, 2nd ed

Area 51 declassified: Documents reveal Cold War 'hide-and-seek' Newly declassified documents reveal more detail about past use of the mysterious Nevada test site known as Area 51 and the concern for maintaining secrecy about the work done at the facility. The recently released papers, which date mostly from the early 1960s into the 1970s, spotlight the U.S. government's desire for tight security at Area 51, also known as Groom Lake. The area was photographed with American reconnaissance assets to better assess what the Soviet Union's spy satellites might be able to discern. The documents also detail the debate over the possible release of a photograph "inadvertently" taken of the secret facility by NASA astronauts aboard the Skylab space station in 1974. Stealthy workMore than 60 declassified documents in an Area 51 file were posted on the Internet by the National Security Archive late last month, compiled and edited by archive senior fellow Jeffrey Richelson. A number of documents focus on the quest to develop stealth capability in aircraft.

Flying Saucers to Mind Control: 7 Declassified Military & CIA Secrets By Denise Chow, Staff Writer | October 04, 2013 07:47am ET Credit: U.S. Air Force Government and military secrets can range from terrifying to amusing to downright absurd, but most are nothing short of intriguing. The Area 51 File: Secret Aircraft and Soviet MiGs Washington, D.C., October 29, 2013 – The CIA's history of the U-2 spy plane, declassified this past summer, sparked enormous public attention to the U-2's secret test site at Area 51 in Nevada, but documents posted today by the National Security Archive ( show that Area 51 played an even more central role in the development of the U.S. Air Force's top secret stealth programs in the 1970s and 1980s, and hosted secretly obtained Soviet MiG fighters during the Cold War. Compiled and edited by Archive senior fellow Jeffrey T. Richelson, today's e-book posting includes more than 60 declassified documents. Bird of Prey. Other documents focus on the aircraft tested at the facility (and their operational use) — particularly the stealth F-117. In addition to documents on F-117 operations, a number of documents focus on the development of stealth capability. Area 51, Secret Aircraft and Soviet MiGs Edited by Jeffrey T. TACIT BLUE. Area 51 Stealth Fundamentals F-117.

Technological singularity The technological singularity is the hypothesis that accelerating progress in technologies will cause a runaway effect wherein artificial intelligence will exceed human intellectual capacity and control, thus radically changing civilization in an event called the singularity.[1] Because the capabilities of such an intelligence may be impossible for a human to comprehend, the technological singularity is an occurrence beyond which events may become unpredictable, unfavorable, or even unfathomable.[2] The first use of the term "singularity" in this context was by mathematician John von Neumann. Proponents of the singularity typically postulate an "intelligence explosion",[5][6] where superintelligences design successive generations of increasingly powerful minds, that might occur very quickly and might not stop until the agent's cognitive abilities greatly surpass that of any human. Basic concepts Superintelligence Non-AI singularity Intelligence explosion Exponential growth Plausibility
