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Simple Green Smoothies - Drink your veggies and feel incredible!

Simple Green Smoothies - Drink your veggies and feel incredible!

Lauren's Latest Food & Drink Infographics | Infographic Journal Which Countries Wine Down The Most? Wine drinking isn’t a contest, at least not a close one. In fact, wine has been a dietary staple since the beginning of recorded human history. A Bottle of Red, A Bottle of White: Europe’s Wine Regions Once you’ve made it to Southern Europe you’ll find that there is an incredible variety of wines produced in a wide variety of wine regions. Beginner’s Guide To Homebrewing You might think that brewing your own beer is a big hassle, but once you learn the basic technique, your craft will pay off. 5 Best Herbs for Energy Everyone has those days when they just can’t seem to find enough energy. The Truth About Superfoods This infographic offers an insight into the world of superfoods and questions some of many claims that are made about them. Snack Stash – What Snack Personality Are You? We all love a good snack! Australia – Put Takeaway On Your Bucket List Australians are some of the most time poor individuals in the 35 OECD countries / economies.

Edward Goldman: The Artist as Magician and Trickster Have you ever watched a magician perform an amazing trick and then, with confidence and even bravado, reveal the mechanisms behind his trick? If that is not enough, he gives a repeat performance and, though now you know the secret, you still find yourself buying -- wholeheartedly -- into his magic once more. Over the last weekend, I saw and admired the work of three artists, whom I would describe as magicians and tricksters. Let me start with Israeli artist Zadok Ben-David (now living in London), whose work is currently on display at Santa Monica's Shoshana Wayne Gallery. A few years ago, he covered the gallery floor there with a thick layer of sand and plunged into it 12,000 flat metal sculptures in the shape of various plants. Seen from one side, the installation appeared as a colorful, blossoming field. Upon entrance to Gagosian Gallery in Beverly Hills, you are confronted by two very large tour de force sculptures by Jeff Koons.

Sprinkles of Parsley Living Homegrown — Exploring how to live homegrown, local and fresh from the garden Enlightened Ambiguity Thanks for this gift of music from a spiritual healer "Man will begin to recover the moment he takes art as seriously as physics, chemistry, or money." ~Ernst Levy .In this place remains dreams. Dreams to Believe, If you Believe you will SEE you will be set Free o In your subconscious mind. Truth will reveal itself. Alice: How do you know I'm mad? Cat: You must be , or you wouldn't of come here. Winter Warlock Refresh your mind Jungle Dancing Elephant Swimming Skirt Stunning Allusions Blue Green Fish Feather Foot Good Friends. Use your head. Trigger Fish Costume Hey. Fix it. . . o . . Stick a Fork in It Asian Pickles: Sweet, Sour, Salty, Cured, and Fermented Preserves from Korea, Japan, China, India, and Beyond - Karen Solomon - Food Writer/Cookbook Author

Real Life Spirituality Blog Le plaisir des mets© - blog culinaire - Food & Photography Home Canning and Preserving, Meat, Vegetables, Fruits, Jam or Jelly. Усилвател за имунната система. | Силата на подсъзнанието В своята книга „Промени живота си за 7 дни“, световноизвестният хипнотизатор Пол Маккена споделя за един експеримент, проведен от професор Карън Олнес в педиатричната болница „Рейнбоу“ към Университетските болници в Кливланд. Експериментът се състоял в това, че на група деца е показано видео на куклено шоу. Едната кукла представлявала вируса, а другата, която изглеждала като полицай, играела ролята на имунната система. След като свършило видеото, децата били помолени да затворят очи, да се отпуснат и да си представят много кукли полицаи, които тичат из тялото им. Науката, изучаваща този тип лечение се казва психоневроимунология. Ако изпробвате гореописаната практика, то знайте, че е желателно продължителността на визуализацията да е поне 10 минути. Приятно оздравяване! снимка Човек, радващ се на живота.

