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6 Expert Tips for Flipping the Classroom

6 Expert Tips for Flipping the Classroom
Tech-Enabled Learning | Feature 6 Expert Tips for Flipping the Classroom Three leaders in flipped classroom instruction share their best practices for creating a classroom experience guaranteed to inspire lifelong learning. By Jennifer Demski01/23/13 "If you were to step into one of my classrooms, you'd think I was teaching a kindergarten class, not a physics class," laughs Harvard University (MA) professor Eric Mazur. Such pandemonium is a good thing, insists Mazur, an early adopter of the flipped classroom model that has become all the rage at colleges and universities across the country. In a flipped classroom, professors assign pre-class homework consisting of brief, recorded lectures and presentations, digital readings with collaborative annotation capabilities, and discussion board participation. While technology facilitates flipped instruction, it takes both planning and experimentation to perfect the model. 2) Be up front with your expectations. Related:  TraAM

The Flipped Classroom Guide for Teachers As technology becomes increasingly common in instruction at all levels of education from kindergarten to college, the modern classroom is changing. The traditional teacher-centered classroom is falling away to give students a student-centered classroom where collaborative learning is stressed. One way educators are effectively utilizing online learning and changing the way they teach is by flipping their classrooms. What is a Flipped Classroom? High school teachers Aaron Sanns and Jonathan Bergman were the first to flip their classrooms. While a traditional classroom is teacher-centered, a Fipped Classroom is student-centered. The Flipped Classroom model might sound like new-age mumbo jumbo to you, but it has been proven to be effective even in the most difficult classrooms. Unlike the traditional classroom model, a Flipped Classroom puts students in charge of their own learning. This means all students are not working on the same area at the same time in and out of the classroom.

Reverse Instruction: Dan Pink and Karl’s “Fisch Flip” As the internet revolution continues to build and increasingly influence everything under the sun, so too it is going to have a massive impact on teaching and learning in K-12 schools. Educators who don’t anticipate this change and work to ride the wave will be subsumed by it, I fear. Quality instructional delivery for grades 5-12– lecturing, skill training, and modeling– is especially vulnerable in our schools. To deliver true value in this environment demands we invert the norm, and one of the best developing models for this is called, I have learned recently, “reverse instruction.” I first learned of the term, reverse instruction, right here at Connected Principals, in a comment John Sowash provided on my blog post about Khan Academy. If kids can get the lectures, can get the content delivery and skill modeling as well (or often better) by computer lecture than in person, why do we have use precious class-time for this purpose? Hold students accountable to the lectures.

The Flipped Class as a Way TO the Answers One common criticism of the the Flipped Class is that it really isn’t that big of a change. A recorded lecture is still just a lecture. Instead of students sitting in a room and hearing a “boring” lecture we bore them at home. If all the flipped classroom is lectures at home and homework in class, then yes–I agree with the pundits: The Flipped Class is just window dressing on a broken system. I believe that the flipped class is NOT the answer to today’s educational problems. However: I do believe that: The Flipped Class is a way TO the answers. I have seen countless teachers who have STARTED with the traditional flipped class. Aaron Sams and I only spent one year flipping our class in a traditional manner. For those teachers who are already using one or more of these deeper teaching pedagogies, you should not flip your class. I think most of the teachers reading educational blogs are amazing teachers who are trying to get the most out of their students. I hope all is well. class now.

Faire la classe mais à l’envers : la «flipped classroom»: Service de soutien à la formation - Université de Sherbrooke Jusqu’où l’intégration des technologies changera-t-elle l’enseignement? À en croire les partisans de cette tendance d’origine américaine, jusqu’à renverser l’ordre habituel de fonctionnement quant à ce qui est appris à l’intérieur et à l’extérieur de la classe… Les sources que nous avons consultées définissent la flipped classroom comme une approche pédagogique consistant à inverser et à adapter les activités d’apprentissage traditionnellement proposées aux étudiantes et étudiants en utilisant en alternance la formation à distance et la formation en classe pour prendre avantage des forces de chacune. Dans ce modèle, les contenus de cours sont livrés au moyen de ressources consultables en ligne – le plus souvent des capsules vidéo – et le temps de classe est exclusivement consacré à des projets d’équipe, à des échanges avec l’enseignant et entre pairs, à des exercices pratiques et autres activités de collaboration. Le slogan des concepteurs : Class is for conversation, not dissemination.

Flipped Classroom 2.0: Competency Learning With Videos The flipped classroom model generated a lot of excitement initially, but more recently some educators — even those who were initial advocates — have expressed disillusionment with the idea of assigning students to watch instructional videos at home and work on problem solving and practice in class. Biggest criticisms: watching videos of lectures wasn’t all that revolutionary, that it perpetuated bad teaching and raised questions about equal access to digital technology. Now flipped classroom may have reached equilibrium, neither loved nor hated, just another potential tool for teachers — if done well. “You never want to get stuck in a rut and keep doing the same thing over and over,” said Aaron Sams, a former high school chemistry teacher turned consultant who helped pioneer flipped classroom learning in an edWeb webinar. “The flipped classroom is not about the video,” said Jonathan Bergmann, Sams’ fellow teacher who helped fine tune and improve a flipped classroom strategy.

Clase invertida para el desarrollo de la competencia: uso de la tecnología en estudiantes de preparatoria Introducción Una educación de calidad requiere de un compromiso por parte de los diversos agentes que participan en el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje, siendo los principales el profesorado y el estudiantado, en este caso, el profesorado debe adquirir responsabilidad y actitud de desaprender y reaprender, debido a los constantes cambios tecnológicos, educativos y requerimientos sociales, por lo tanto, es necesario contar con actitud innovadora, para lograr transformaciones que favorezcan y mejoren su actividad docente. En el caso del estudiantado, requiere de una actitud más participativa, activa y responsable en su proceso de aprendizaje, pues le implica el desarrollo de competencias sociales, tecnológicas y laborales las cuales le favorezcan en sus actividades futuras. Estado de la cuestión Se desarrolló una investigación en libros y artículos, empleando el buscador Google Académico, y las bases de datos: Scielo, Redalyc y Latindex. Referentes conceptuales o marco teórico Conclusiones

EdCan-2006-v46-n1-Gauthier.pdf The "Flipped" Classroom and Transforming Education Recently, I wrote a post regarding some ideas that I did not believe that would transform school culture. Although most agreed on two of the ideas that I shared, there was a large contingent of educators that argued regarding the “flip” and are very passionate about what it can do for the classroom (one even referred to me as a “nut” for even suggesting this!). Also, Forbes magazine talked about the Khan Academy and the “flipped classroom” being one of the most important stories of 2012. Whether it was inspired by Salman Khan or by educators, it has certainly stirred a movement: Entire school districts are now reworking their curriculum, pedagogy, classroom structure and technology around Khan Academy videos. As I see how passionate educators are regarding this idea, I can definitely see why it has merit. The Year of the Learner Will Richardson wrote a powerful comment on my own blog talking about 2013 being the “year of the learner”, and it has deeply resonated with me:

Mark Frydenberg: The Flipped Classroom: It's Got to Be Done Right As screen-savvy, digital-native Millenials reach college, a dynamic new teaching method is rising across America: the flipped classroom. The premise of a flipped classroom is simple: Instead of lecturing in class and giving homework at home, flip it: give the lectures at home, and do the homework in class. Lectures have been recorded for years, of course. But in 2007, high school teachers Jonathan Bergmann and Aaron Sams pioneered a new movement when they recorded their PowerPoint presentations for students who missed class to watch on their portable music players. With help from the Internet, word grew of the flipped classroom. What's the flap about the flip? Technology plays a big part in a successful flipped learning experience: while the majority of Bentley students have a smart phone or a laptop for at-home lecture listening, that is not the case at all universities, let alone public high schools. Traditional lecture hall = students bored and distracted.

Blog de M@rcel : des technologies et des pédagogies qui travaillent ensemble Introduction : répondre ou débattre Ce billet portera sur la contribution de deux collègues, Alain Beitone et Margaux Osenda, qui ont publié « La pédagogie inversée : une pédagogie archaïque » (des extraits de cet article seront proposés en bleu ci-dessous) Il ne s’agit pas pour moi de « répondre » à leurs arguments ou de les démonter en tentant de démontrer combien le propos serait incorrect, inapproprié, fallacieux … Je l’ai souvent dit : en matière d’innovation (gardons ce concept pour le moment), il me paraît important de considérer tous les points de vue même ceux envers lesquels, personnellement et subjectivement, on ne peut d’emblée marquer son accord. En effet, les propos des thuriféraires et autres évangélistes doivent être considérés avec circonspection voire méfiance, ceux des « grognons » (comme je les appelle chaleureusement) avec attention en ce qui concerne les alarmes qu’ils nous envoient. La classe inversée n’a rien d’innovant ! Introduction I.1. I.2. I.3. Introduction
