The Flipped Classroom Guide for Teachers As technology becomes increasingly common in instruction at all levels of education from kindergarten to college, the modern classroom is changing. The traditional teacher-centered classroom is falling away to give students a student-centered classroom where collaborative learning is stressed. One way educators are effectively utilizing online learning and changing the way they teach is by flipping their classrooms. What is a Flipped Classroom? High school teachers Aaron Sanns and Jonathan Bergman were the first to flip their classrooms. While a traditional classroom is teacher-centered, a Fipped Classroom is student-centered. The Flipped Classroom model might sound like new-age mumbo jumbo to you, but it has been proven to be effective even in the most difficult classrooms. Unlike the traditional classroom model, a Flipped Classroom puts students in charge of their own learning. This means all students are not working on the same area at the same time in and out of the classroom.
The Flipped Class as a Way TO the Answers One common criticism of the the Flipped Class is that it really isn’t that big of a change. A recorded lecture is still just a lecture. Instead of students sitting in a room and hearing a “boring” lecture we bore them at home. If all the flipped classroom is lectures at home and homework in class, then yes–I agree with the pundits: The Flipped Class is just window dressing on a broken system. I believe that the flipped class is NOT the answer to today’s educational problems. However: I do believe that: The Flipped Class is a way TO the answers. I have seen countless teachers who have STARTED with the traditional flipped class. Aaron Sams and I only spent one year flipping our class in a traditional manner. For those teachers who are already using one or more of these deeper teaching pedagogies, you should not flip your class. I think most of the teachers reading educational blogs are amazing teachers who are trying to get the most out of their students. I hope all is well. class now.
7 Ways to Increase Your Creativity Let’s get this out of the way to begin with: you are creative! Creativity is a governing force in humanity – an innate function of the mind. It is, at its essence, your outward expression of an inward thought or emotion. This means that there are two hindrances that can limit your creativity: an internal barrier that limits your imagination and inspiration, and an external barrier that limits your expression or presentation of your creativity. (Image Source: In either or these instances, there are simple but very effective techniques you can use to get your creativity flowing. Recommended Reading: Ways To Motivate Yourself When You’re Running Low Find Your Source Finding your source of inspiration (or "muse") is the doorway to your creativity. (Image Source: Fotolia) Your muse can be found in nature, in people, in music, in a memory, or in a particular situation. Search out and take note of anything that makes you say, "I want to do that!" What’s your source?
RU= So what’s all the fuss about “flipping”? Flipping the classroom means using Web-enabled instructional strategies that allow educators to spend class time interacting with students rather than lecturing. Most often, this involves assigning students an instructional video to watch online as homework, while problem-solving or other hands-on work occurs class time. The motivation behind flipping is that students can receive more one-on-one attention from the classroom teacher if they are actively working on an assignment in class. In addition to watching videos, students (if the school has arranged a platform ahead of time) can do practice exercises and complete assessments from any computer with Web access. To explore the concept in depth, read Flip Your Classroom: Reach Every Student in Every Class Every Day, by classroom-flipping pioneers Aaron Sams and Jonathan Bergmann. Benefits of a flipped classroom include: Students experience less frustration.
5 Reasons Why the Flipped Classroom Works in Higher Education Education research expert David Miller reveals 5 benefits flipped classrooms provide higher education. By David Miller February 10, 2015 The concept of “flipped classroom” is popular nowadays, and most people have learned that despite its name, the idea behind it is not very aerodynamic. However, it’s turning into a great movement. Instructors turn to flipped classrooms in several different combinations. Others begin a lesson by asking questions about the material students previously watched, and have students answer those questions via clicker technology. Flipped classroom also provides other benefits: 1. Although there are no studies to prove student engagement level in flipped classrooms, there’s plenty of other data that show students are more willing to use classroom time in a discussion-focused manner. Most professors who have already turned to flipping classes state that students are more willing to learn thanks to this new concept. 2. Page 1 of 2 12Next » Comments
Faire la classe mais à l’envers : la «flipped classroom»: Service de soutien à la formation - Université de Sherbrooke Jusqu’où l’intégration des technologies changera-t-elle l’enseignement? À en croire les partisans de cette tendance d’origine américaine, jusqu’à renverser l’ordre habituel de fonctionnement quant à ce qui est appris à l’intérieur et à l’extérieur de la classe… Les sources que nous avons consultées définissent la flipped classroom comme une approche pédagogique consistant à inverser et à adapter les activités d’apprentissage traditionnellement proposées aux étudiantes et étudiants en utilisant en alternance la formation à distance et la formation en classe pour prendre avantage des forces de chacune. Dans ce modèle, les contenus de cours sont livrés au moyen de ressources consultables en ligne – le plus souvent des capsules vidéo – et le temps de classe est exclusivement consacré à des projets d’équipe, à des échanges avec l’enseignant et entre pairs, à des exercices pratiques et autres activités de collaboration. Le slogan des concepteurs : Class is for conversation, not dissemination.
Clase invertida para el desarrollo de la competencia: uso de la tecnología en estudiantes de preparatoria Introducción Una educación de calidad requiere de un compromiso por parte de los diversos agentes que participan en el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje, siendo los principales el profesorado y el estudiantado, en este caso, el profesorado debe adquirir responsabilidad y actitud de desaprender y reaprender, debido a los constantes cambios tecnológicos, educativos y requerimientos sociales, por lo tanto, es necesario contar con actitud innovadora, para lograr transformaciones que favorezcan y mejoren su actividad docente. En el caso del estudiantado, requiere de una actitud más participativa, activa y responsable en su proceso de aprendizaje, pues le implica el desarrollo de competencias sociales, tecnológicas y laborales las cuales le favorezcan en sus actividades futuras. Estado de la cuestión Se desarrolló una investigación en libros y artículos, empleando el buscador Google Académico, y las bases de datos: Scielo, Redalyc y Latindex. Referentes conceptuales o marco teórico Conclusiones
Freelancers: 3 Ways to Motivate Yourself When You’re Running Low As freelance designers, self-discipline is one essential characteristic to cultivate. Granted that you have the benefits of a flexible timetable, it is highly critical for you to be firm in your daily dealings to keep your business going well. Maintaining high motivation for your work is hence a topmost priority. (Image Source: Fotolia) But hey, who doesn’t have the downtime? As a part-time freelance blogger myself, I could relate to a few common issues regarding the lack of motivation. 1. When you remind yourself what was it that drew you into the circle of freelancers, you would be grateful that you got into where you are now even if things are going really tight. (Image Source: Fotolia) That said, it’s easy to fall into the trap of not following up with the client on time. Not only does that affect your income, it also affects your reputation among the other freelancers. 2. It’s easy to lose your creative sense when you’re kept busy by deadlines. (Image Source: Fotolia) 3.
RU= Ok, I'll be honest. I get very nervous when I hear education reformists and politicians tout how "incredible" the flipped-classroom model, or how it will "solve" many of the problems of education. It doesn't solve anything. It is a great first step in reframing the role of the teacher in the classroom. It fosters the "guide on the side" mentality and role, rather than that of the "sage of the stage." It also creates the opportunity for differentiated roles to meet the needs of students through a variety of instructional activities. 1) Need to Know How are you creating a need to know the content that is recorded? 2) Engaging Models One of the best way to create the "need to know" is to use a pedagogical model that demands this. 3) Technology What technology do you have to support the flipped classroom? 4) Reflection 5) Time and Place Do you have structures to support this? I know I may have "upset the apple cart" for those who love the flipped classroom.
FLIPPED" Classroom Is All About The Relationships - Edwords Blog - BAM! Radio Network Most educators who consider flipping develop angst beginning with the fear of making videos. The concerns typically center on the time necessary to make the videos, the technological skills to produce the videos or the where with all to put voice and/or face on public display. And of course there is the option to use the million or so videos that are already available through, YouTube, Vimeo, Teacher Tube, etc… But I shout from the highest blog post, IT IS NOT ABOUT THE VIDEO!!! While videos do play a roll in most “Flipped” classrooms, the videos are simply a tool that can be employed for delivery of content. Articles, documentaries, textbooks, websites are also valuable tools to disseminate content. The success of any classroom but specially a “Flipped” classroom is in the building of relationships. The Student to Subject Relationship Just because I now flip my class, I still get the occasional, “When am I going to use this in real life?” The Student to Student Relationship In 1981 Dr.