Patswerk Grafisch ontwerp & illustratie Cudasteam home - Objectives: The h-node project aims at the construction of a hardware database in order to identify what devices work with a fully free operating system. The website is structured like a wiki in which all the users can modify or insert new contents. The h-node project is developed in collaboration and as an activity of the FSF. Contribute: You can contribute by creating an account at and editing its user-generated contents. Free software: In order to add a device to the h-node database, you must verify that it works using only free software. 1) A GNU/Linux distribution that is on the FSF's list of endorsed distributions 2) Debian GNU/Linux, with only the main archive area enabled. h-node lists only hardware that works with free drivers and without non-free firmware. License: Any text submitted by you will be put in the Public Domain (see the CC0 page for detailed information). Other resources on the net: About the website:
Thaeger The Men's Way of Fashion - Fashion, Menswear, Lifestyle, More does CPU Supports Windows 8 ? Windows 8 RP has officially been released with new features and improvements. Users who are planning to upgrade from Windows 7 or Windows 8 CP to Windows 8 RP shouldn’t go by the system requirements given in the official page as many users are receiving “Your PC’s CPU isn’t compatible with Windows 8” error while upgrading to Windows 8. The error occurs when a user tries to upgrade to Windows 8 on a machine that doesn’t support PAE, NX, and SSE2 features. Even though most processors support these features, it makes sense to check if your PC’s CPU supports PAE, NX, and SSE2 features before starting the installation procedure. Follow the given below instructions to know how to use the Coreinfo tool to verify if your PC’s processor supports PAE, NX, and SSE2 features. Step 1: Download Coreinfo tool zip file from here and extract the file to get coreinfo.exe file. Step 2: Open Command Prompt by entering CMD in Start menu search box and pressing enter key.
OpenStreetMap : pourquoi vous devriez l'utiliser OpenStreetMap (OSM), souvent appelé « la Wikipédia des cartes », gagnerait à être plus connu parmi les libristes. Je suis moi-même un contributeur récent, puisque j'ai appris à contribuer à OpenStreetMap grâce à une sympathique personne qui animait le stand OSM au FOSDEM 2013… et je suis devenu, depuis cette date, un contributeur assidu. Nous vous laissons découvrir ce retour d'expérience dans la suite de la dépêche. NdM : merci à Alexis de Lattre pour son journal. Base de données et moteurs de rendu Tout d'abord, il faut bien comprendre qu'OpenStreetMap en lui-même n'est que la base de données d'informations géographique (330 Gio sans compression et 20 Gio avec une compression PBF) et non un moteur de rendu ou de navigation. OpenStreetMap, l'Île de Mann OpenPisteMap, Chamonix OpenCycleMap, La Haie Hors ligne et points d'intérêt la possibilité de télécharger la carte en local sur son téléphone au format vectoriel et de pouvoir l'utiliser hors ligne. Applications mobiles OsmAnd Contribution
-::[robot:mafia]::- .ılılı. electronic beats ★ visual art .ılılı. The Evolution Of Icon Design From 1981-2013 December 4, 2013 • By Joe Howard • In Design With the GUI having now been around for over 40 years, today we are taking a look back in time at the evolution of an integral feature – the icon. Since the early 70’s, when bitmapped screens were first developed with GUI’s, the humble icon has come a long way. The following is a collection of icon design in OS’s through history. 1981 – Xerox Star Surprisingly, the icons are actually pretty good. 1983 – Apple Lisa Once Apple had seen the Xerox Star, they decided to build their own GUI based system – The Lisa. 1984 Apple Macintosh 1.0 1985 Atari TOS Although mainly considered to be a gaming system, the Atari ST did still have a GUI which shared the desktop metaphor. 1985 Amiga Workbench 1.0 1985 Microsoft Windows 1.0x Windows 1.0 was a highly criticized OS, most notably for it’s high system requirements, and heavy resource usage. 1986 GEOS for Commodore 64 and Apple II 19989 Amiga OS Amiga OS was the successor to Workbench 3.0. 1989 NeXTSTEP / OPENSTEP
Fubiz Architecture Illustrations Posters Focus sur le travail d’André Chiote, un architecte et illustrateur vivant au Portugal. Ce dernier s’est inspiré de grandes références de l’architecture dans le monde telles que « Zaha Hadid » ou « Oscar Niemeyer », pour concevoir une série de posters très réussie. L’ensemble est à découvrir dans la suite de l’article. 40 publicités choquantes, qui vous feront sans aucun doute changer votre façon de penser et de voir les choses ! On est de plus en plus déçus par la qualité des campagnes publicitaires. Soit elles sont creuses et sans portée sociale, soit elles sont purement commerciales... Du coup, voici les affiches publicitaires les plus efficaces et dont le caractère social n'est pas à redire ! 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13 Les victimes sont les personnes comme vous et moi par Acat 14. 15. 16.Ne lui parlez pas pendant qu'il conduit par Prévention routière de Bangalore, Inde. 17. 18. 19.Votre couleur de peau ne devrait pas dicter votre futur par LICRA 20.La déforestation et l'air que nous respirons : avant qu'il ne soit trop tard par Wwf 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41.
Clever and Creative Bench Advertisements Creative uses of benches in advertising campaigns by various companies. Becherovka “Get Closer” Bench Becherovka is a traditional Czech liquor enjoyed my men and women. Long-term commucation stategy of Becherovka is captured is a slogan: Get closes. That’s why our Becherovka bench is specially designed to help people do just that. [link] Calgary Zoo Bench Advertisement “The baby giraffe is here.” Erasco Bench Advertisement “Heisse Tasse” means hot cup. KitKat Bench Advertisement Creative outdoor advertising by Nestle. IKEA Bench Advertisement Creative park bench advertisement for IKEA. Emirates Today Bench Advertisement Melbourne Citymission Height Chart Ad “Kids shouldn’t grow up on the street.” Book Bench Advertisement The city of Istanbul is promoting reading with book benches. Slim Fast Bench Advertisement “Donated by Slim-Fast.” Travel Alberta Bench Advertisement Creative campaign to promote skiing in Alberta, Canada. Energy Fitness Unlimited Bench Ad Clever gym advertisement in India.