6 Startup Lessons From Designers At Pinterest, Fuseproject, And Behance
In 2011, over 60 designers started the Designer Fund, to give angel funding, mentorship, and connections to designers creating businesses with positive social impact. We believe that designers should be part of the DNA of companies from the beginning and partner with business and technology cofounders to build great products, user experiences, and a culture of innovation for the long run. That core principle has informed our Designer Founders book series, which includes interviews with designers about the path they took to create tech startups. Our goal with this project is for designers around the world to find inspiration in role models who have successfully taken the journey from designer to founder. The first edition features conversations with Evan Sharp of Pinterest, Rashmi Sinha of SlideShare, Yves Béhar of fuseproject, Christina Brodbeck of theicebreak, and Scott Belsky and Matias Corea of Behance. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. [Image: Illustration via Shutterstock]
ANALYSIS | Explode_BReps @ UVa
To learn more about using Grasshopper as an analytic tool in conjunction with other forms of data, please visit our sister site DATA ANIMAL Like this: Like Loading...
L'imprimante 3D qui transforme n'importe quelle matière en support mp3
On s’écoute le dernier Daft Punk sur un morceau de bois ? Je ne sais pas si vous vous intéressez à l’ impression 3D mais je vous le dis tout de suite : cette technologie va révolutionner notre monde (rien que ça) . Et si vous ne me croyez pas, imaginez juste un monde où tout ce que l’on veut créer, d’une simple coque de téléphone à une maison en passant par des armes , se fait automatiquement en appuyant sur un simple bouton . Bref, c’est assez incroyable et ça va se démocratiser pour bientôt. Si je vous parle d’ impression 3D , c’est que je suis tombé sur l’invention d’une femme de génie et qui se passionne pour cette technologie : Amanda Ghassaei . Imaginez que vous voulez écouter un son dont vous avez le fichier mp3 . J’entends déjà les mauvaises langues dire : « Ben quelle différence avec un vinyle normal ». Elle a donc commencé par produire des premiers vinyles à partir de musiques qu’elle aime bien. La vidéo ci-dessous vous permettra de juger par vous même de la qualité du son :
Numéro 5, mai 2013 — Avec Estelle Hanania, Codex Manesse , Playnight , Tanja Ostojic, Vols de sexe , Les derniers nudistes , Sasha Kurmaz, Kink , William Higgins, Oïkema , Chester Brown, Thomas Hauser, Elvifrance , Christy Hartburg, Zombie Love , Mathieu Gargam Commander
Pre Rationalisation of Free form Facades
Do you think a model or methodology flowchart for pre-rationalization of free-form facades could be a great help for designing architectural envelopes and facades? This Model would include a series of decisions you can make while forming a facade and it would give you an overall limits in manufacturing industry to prevent over optimism of building technology. The model would lay out different types of glass and their manufacturing limitations, initial idea of connections and performance. The visual chart would give a good idea of what you want, what can be achieved and what will be their outcomes. The chart will provide the architect the knowledge of "questions" to answer and incorporate the solutions in the design to decrease post rationalization done by Facade Engineers. Any comments to improve it will be much appreciated. Tags: Design , Facade , Freeform , generative , organic ▶ Reply to This
DUS Architects Amsterdam - HyperMud
"Combine the real with the virtual in pop-up buildings." Hypercrafting the modern landscape was a three-day-long experimental workshop in which architects, designers and craftsmen bring together historical crafts and digital fabrication through collaborative prototyping. Combining ancient earth building techniques with computer generated design and CNC fabrication creates life-size architectural structures. Digital fabrication in architecture makes it possible to transfer designs made on a computer to computer-controlled machinery that creates actual building components. The impact of digital fabrication and new co-creation methodologies on architectural design and the changing roles of the designers, contractors and users is greatly discussed during these sessions.
Geometry Daily
The League of Moveable Type
✐ Practice Foundry
Responsive Skins | An exploration of Paratonic Surfaces in Architecture
As a way to explore the potential of Rhino Grasshopper, I started working on a series of milled panels. Each panel varies through the use of a few simple variables (grasshopper uses slider bars). These values are fed to a random number generator so the behavior is somewhat unpredictable. The surface is then contoured to approximate a milled pattern. As a variation of the simple surface, it gets slightly submerged into the stocck material, leaving a flat surface on the top with the remaining surface being milled.
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Grasshopper | Quotidien
Quotidien Grasshopper Diffusion Limited Aggregation Auxin Flux CanalisationANALYSIS: Mesh Solar Incidence Slope AnalysisDISCRETIZATION: Hybrid PQROTATION: Quaternion Rotation BRep UnfoldSUBDIVISION: Medial Axis Half-Edge Mesh HEM Functions Straight SkeletonDATA IMPORT: OSM import Like this: Like Loading... Comments One Response to “Grasshopper” Trackbacks Check out what others are saying... Leave a Reply Links p55Anar+ Parametric libraryGHGrasshopper Scripting ForumRVBRhinoscript wiki Quotidien · a collection of Computational Geometry for Architecture Blog at WordPress.com. Follow Get every new post delivered to your Inbox. Powered by WordPress.com %d bloggers like this: