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The Advanced Guide To SEO

Indexation & Accessibility You could have the best content in the world, the most amazing audience and even traffic coming from all kinds of places like social media and referrals. But if the search engines can’t properly access, crawl and index your site none of that matters for SEO. That is why in this section you’re going to learn how to look at your website from the search engine’s point of view. You’re going to be able to do a full crawl of your own site, handle migrations, redesigns and much more. Site Speed & Performance It is well known by now that Google has said site speed is a small ranking factor (about 1%). This is tiny, but it’s rare for Google to say that anything has a definite effect on rankings.

50 Traffic Tips for Content Marketers [INTERACTIVE] » Informly - Informly Set your systems up to automate the syndication of your content. This was one of a few tips from Brian Massey the conversion scientist. He covers automation in his Blog Volcano strategy here. Neil Patel has just released an amazing new guide to advanced SEO, check it out here. Work out who has your audience (ideally a similar size) and partner on some content. Blog listing sites can be a useful traffic source. Guest posting is my most effective source of traffic and conversions but only since I started doing it effectively. Joe Pulizzi from the Content Marketing Institute says “Take current PowerPoint presentations and promote them on SlideShare. Doing a list post is a very well accepted way of generating traffic. Sometimes it helps to just email people cold. Webinars can be a great way to build your authority and get your name out there. Services like Help a Reporter Out (HARO) and Source Bottle allow content creators to find experts for articles.

Does SEO Boil Down to Site Crawlability and Content Quality? We all know that keywords and links alone no longer cut it as a holistic SEO strategy. But there's still plenty outside our field who try to "boil SEO down" to a naively simplistic practice - one that isn't representative of what SEOs need to do to succeed. In today's Whiteboard Friday, Rand champions the art and science of SEO and offers insight into how very broad the field really is. Howdy Moz fans, and welcome to another edition of Whiteboard Friday. This week I'm going to try and tackle a question that, if you're in the SEO world, you probably have heard many, many times from those outside of the SEO world. I thought a recent question on Quora phrased it perfectly. Oh, well, yeah, that's basically all there is to it. In all seriousness, this is a fair question, and I can empathize with the people asking it, because when I look at a new practice, I think when all of us do, we try and boil it down to its basic parts. Well, yes and no. These things are never true.

The beginner's guide to Google Adwords » Informly - Informly This is a (freaken awesome) guest post by Alex Fredheim. Dan’s intro: Adwords is such a huge part of small business marketing that I really wanted to help people out with it. However I know very little about it and what I do know is that I suck at it. This is a very long guide but as someone who has been burnt by ‘investing’ in Adwords without really understanding it I can 100% guarantee you that it’s worth reading and worth referring back to as you build your campaign. Goals and expectations Before getting started with Adwords, there are a few questions that you need to ask: Is Adwords right for my business? Despite Adwords’ many advantages over other advertising mediums, it’s not the best way of acquiring customers for all businesses. Conversely Adwords can work exceptionally well when everything is right. What are my goals? It sounds simple, but so many businesses start advertising without taking the time beforehand to determine what their goals are. Can I commit to Adwords advertising?

Quick SEO Wins: 31 Ideas From The Experts | Matter Solutions When was the last time you started a new SEO campaign? New projects are often exciting, but there’s one thing many SEOs don’t look forward to. The mismatch between expectations and actual progress of many search campaigns. Even when clients are well informed about the long-term nature of most search strategies, secretly they hope this new agency will beat its own forecasts. This creates a gap between expectations and reality: Managing expectations is crucial, but smart SEOs have learned how to bridge that gap in a different way. We asked 31 experienced SEOs about quick wins they like to use at the start of a new campaign. 1. “What I love to do, aside from the obvious title tags, meta descriptions, and page content, is to look at 404 Not Found pages that have inbound links. I do this by using a tool like MajesticSEO to get a list of all the pages on the client site that have one or more incoming links, and then crawling this list with a tool like Screaming Frog. Barry Adams 2. Matthew Barby

Small Business Content Strategy Infographic - Informly Small business content strategy [INFOGRAPHIC] This infographic was inspired by the content marketing strategy I’m using at Informly. Feel free to share it or embed it on your site (link under the image). Direct link to download image (right click save as) or you can embed it using the code below. If you have any questions about the infographic or our content marketing / promotion process please feel free to comment below. Embed This Image On Your Site (copy code below): <div style="clear:both"><a href=" src=" title="Small Business Content Strategy" width="640" height="2472" border="0" /></a></div><div>Courtesy of: <a href=" Curve</a></div> About Dan Norris Dan Norris is a co-founder at WP Curve and a passionate entrepreneur with an obsession for content marketing.

6 Technical SEO Skills an SEO Professional Should Have Ask any number of kids what they want to be when they grow up, and at least one will point out an obvious answer: astronaut. Actually, it’s pretty likely at some point most kids wanted to be astronauts. And yet we don’t see many roaming around. Why? Because becoming one is notoriously difficult. First, you need a degree in engineering, math, or science. But the idea of a generalist background extends to more than the exotic job of being an astronaut. Job specialization has been the default framework for the past few decades, but today you can also notice a subtle shift towards a combination of general and specialized knowledge. So what is expected of you in order to be considered a true SEO “expert”? 1. The most fundamental requirement is actually not a technical one. You don’t necessarily need to switch jobs or focus entirely on programming, or assume that there’s no such thing as a marketer anymore. And only analytical thinking skills can give you that. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Conclusion

Méthode pour lancer un site dans les règles de l'art Le début de la vie d’un site est une étape cruciale. On dirait même que toute sa vie sera conditionnée par la manière dont il sera lancé, par rapport à certains principes fondamentaux du référencement. Voici comment s’y prendre pour donner naissance à un site Web dans les meilleures conditions. Tout part du triptyque : technique, contenu et popularité. Un déséquilibre dans un volet aura forcément des répercussions sur les autres. Aussi, quelque chose de vital à considérer se rapporte à l’influence de chaque volet. Technique Aujourd’hui, il faut vraiment être un gland pour construire un site qui possède des facteurs bloquants au référencement. La quasi-totalité des CMS n’ont aucun problème à se faire bouffer par les crawlers. Par contre, sur un deuxième niveau, les facteurs ralentissants pullulent. Les audits référencement ont encore de beaux jours devant eux pour affiner l’accessibilité pour les moteurs. Faire une préconisation est facile. Contenu Popularité Volume des liens Variété de liens

The Future Of SEO Is Personalized Search: Interview with Warren Lee As part of our coverage from last week’s sold-out Searchmetrics x Search Engine Journal conference in San Francisco on SEO, Content Marketing and Analytics, I recently caught up with SEO professional Warren Lee after he gave a presentation on “Bringing Sexy Back for SEO” which covered increasing relevance and influence of SEO in overall marketing strategy. Warren believes the future of SEO is in personalization, and that SEOs could be doing a better job of taking advantage of how search can be personalized in a strategic way. Warren also describes Hummingbird as a big game changer that SEOs aren’t taking notice of as much as they should. So I asked Warren, “What are the key things people should be doing in regards to search personalization and Hummingbird?” Hear his response in the video below: Here are some key takeaways from the video: One of the major changes that came with Hummingbird was the personalization of search results based on an individual’s search history.

Les outils pour le référencement, compte rendu du SMX Paris 11 juin 2012 Le choix a été difficile pour entamer l’après-midi de jeudi (ce qui était le cas pratiquement à chaque fois, mais particulièrement à ce moment-là puisqu’avait lieu en même temps la conférence de François Sutter). J’ai finalement opté pour la conférence sur la toolbox SEO idéale tenue par Marie Pourreyron et Olivier de Segonzac. Si je m’attendais à connaître beaucoup de ces outils, je m’attendais tout de même à en découvrir pas mal et c’est bel et bien ce qui s’est passé. Recherche de mots-clés Plusieurs outils nous permettent de trouver des mots-clés, s’ils sont recherchés, s’ils sont soumis à une saisonnalité, s’ils sont de plus en plus recherchés, etc. Google InsightGoogle TrendsGoogle Adwords Keyword ToolAdvanced Web Ranking (qui intègre maintenant Google Suggest) Analyse de la concurrence Majestic SEOOpen Site ExplorerAhrefsSEM RushScrapeboxSearch Status Nettoyer son site Google Webmaster ToolsXenuIntegrityCopyscapePlagium Positionnement RanksAllorankMyposeoPositeo Et le reste

7 Ways to Maximize SEO on Your WordPress Site | SEJ One of the first decisions you’ll face when building a new website is figuring out which content management system (CMS) to use. There are quite a few CMS options available, but there’s one particular platform that reigns supreme, regardless of what type of project, budget or technical experience you may have. That platform is none other than WordPress. Currently over 74 million websites depend on WordPress, including CNN, Mashable, New York Times, Samsung, Forbes, and eBay, to name just a few. But is WordPress a good solution if you’re concerned about SEO? Well going by Rand Fishkin’s criteria for what makes a good CMS from an SEO perspective, I think it’s safe to say that the answer is a resounding yes. After several years of experience working as an SEO and web design consultant on quite a few different WordPress sites, I put together some actionable tips to help WordPress site owners improve their on-page SEO strategy and get a leg up on the competition. Using vs.

Combien coûte un site internet ? Avec les multiples offres de création de site web à des tarifs aussi bas que le PIB de la Grèce disponibles sur internet, il peut sembler normal que les clients se posent des questions quant aux tarifs plus élevés des agences web. C’est pourquoi j’enfile aujourd’hui mon costume de dramaturge et metteur en scène pour vous proposer une petite scène permettant de comprendre un peu mieux pourquoi la création d’un site web par une agence coûte plus cher que les offres basiques que l’on peut trouver un peu partout sur le net. Petit scénario : “je ne comprends pas le prix du site” Il y a des entités sérieuses qui proposent de créer des sites vraiment pas chers, comme 1and1 My Website ou MEEL, pourquoi vous me proposez un site aussi cher ? Alors par où commencer ? Vous partez sur une base WordPress/Joomla/Prestahop qui existe déjà, en fait vous ne faites rien c’est ça ? Pas tout à fait, ce serait si simple ! Honnêtement, c’est très risqué ce que vous nous demandez là. Situation finale

The Ultimate List of Rank Checkers LAST UPDATED: April 2, 2014 Rank checking it seems is still one of those sore spots among SEOs – where there are some tools that work great certain things but not others. I’m doing some heavy keyword research (1000′s of keywords) for an ecommerce site and need something that can process rankings quickly. So earlier today I went on over to Google Plus, where I’ve been having more luck at getting some interaction lately, and asked for people’s recommendations on rank checkers for SEO. WOW! Features I Look For In A Rank Checker “On-demand” vs Campaign This is the biggest categorical difference to me, in all rank checkers – that is, whether they allow on-demand rank checking (you can run one-off’s) or campaign based rank checkers. Volume The ability to run hundreds if not thousand of keywords is important, especially if you’re working on larger sites. Exportable To Excel / CSV Goes without saying! Cost SEO Book Rank Checker Plugin Volume: 100 at a time Export: Yes to CSV Price: Free Via: Dan Shure
