List of cognitive biases Systematic patterns of deviation from norm or rationality in judgment Cognitive biases are systematic patterns of deviation from norm and/or rationality in judgment. They are often studied in psychology, sociology and behavioral economics.[1] Although the reality of most of these biases is confirmed by reproducible research,[2][3] there are often controversies about how to classify these biases or how to explain them.[4] Several theoretical causes are known for some cognitive biases, which provides a classification of biases by their common generative mechanism (such as noisy information-processing[5]). Explanations include information-processing rules (i.e., mental shortcuts), called heuristics, that the brain uses to produce decisions or judgments. There are also controversies over some of these biases as to whether they count as useless or irrational, or whether they result in useful attitudes or behavior. Belief, decision-making and behavioral[edit] Anchoring bias[edit] Apophenia[edit]
Outils du Manager | Tout ce que vous avez toujours voulu savoir sur le management sans jamais oser le demander ! Diagramme causes-effet Le diagramme causes-effet est également connu sous le nom de diagramme d’Ishikawa ou encore diagramme en arrêtes de poisson. Ce diagramme est un outil multi usages qui peut être utilisé pour : structurer une recherche de causes, quelles causes engendrent cet effet ? comprendre un phénomène, un processus, par exemple les étapes de recherche de panne sur un équipement, en fonction d’un ou plusieurs symptômes ;analyser un défaut en remontant l’arborescence des causes probables pour identifier la cause racine ;identifier l’ensemble des causes d’un problème et sélectionner celles qui feront l’objet d’une analyse poussée, afin de trouver des solutions ;servir de support de communication et de formation. Enfin, il peut être vu comme une base de gestion des connaissances. Le but du diagramme est de constituer un outil d’analyse et/ou une "base de données" listant de manière exhaustive les causes d'un effet ou des connaissances. Etapes de construction du diagramme causes-effet Recherche de causes
Planification stratégique · Communagir Qu’est-ce que planifier de façon stratégique? La planification stratégique se comprend comme un cadre définissant la vision, de même que les principaux objectifs, étapes et moyens permettant d’atteindre le changement souhaité dans un certain laps de temps déterminé. Sans planification stratégique, il est probable que le changement souhaité ne puisse survenir naturellement. Dans le cas du développement d’une communauté, la planification stratégique s’inscrit dans une longue portée temporelle, ce qui rend d’autant nécessaire l’identification d’une ligne directrice, d’une orientation globale. Planifier : Organiser selon un plan. Stratégie : Art de diriger et de coordonner des actions pour atteindre un objectif. Position stratégique : Qui permet d’agir dans les meilleures conditions. (Source: Lintern@ute – Encyclopédie) Pourquoi faire une planification stratégique? L’identification de menaces et d’opportunités peut toutefois avoir certaines limites. En résumé…. La planification stratégique :
Become a Productivity Monster by Eliminating These 5 Time-Wasting Habits The amount of time we have available every day is limited. Not every entrepreneur can put in 18-hour days -- personal obligations and family life take up time, making it important that we maximize the time we do have allocated for business. Here are five time-wasting habits that many entrepreneurs are guilty of. Eliminate these and watch your productivity increase. 1. You have to learn to delegate if you are ever going to be productive. Related: 5 Ways to Build Your Business Instead of Being Trapped By All Those Freakin' Distractions One of the best things I did for my company was admitting to myself that there were some things I wasn’t the best at. 2. One of the hardest things to do is say no. Looking back, all those little requests were time sucks. 3. Perfection doesn’t exist, and if you sit around waiting for it you’re going to miss the boat. It’s important that you understand perfection is a unicorn you most likely aren’t going to encounter. 4. 5.
Gestion des flux - Taux de charge 4 pièces passent sur deux machines M1 et M2, M1 est un poste manuel et M2 une machine automatisée. La capacité moyenne des deux postes est de 100 ch pour réaliser une pièce, elle varie de façon aléatoire (habileté, fatigue de l'opérateur, pannes, nettoyages....). schéma Considérons la production de ces quatre pièces sur les deux postes de travail : tableau Si l'on considère la machine M1 la différence entre le prévu et le réalisé pour les quatre pièces est de 0, pourtant il existe bien un retard global à la sortie de M2 de la pièce 4 bien que la machine M2 ait respecté scrupuleusement les prévisions. Les retards dus à ces aléas se répercutent sur toute la chaîne de production aval, d'autres aléas surviennent et viennent augmenter les retards. Il est donc illusoire de parler de chaîne équilibrée en capacité.
Introduction to Excel Financial Modeling - What is a Financial Model and how to build one? Posted on July 21st, 2010 in Featured , Financial Modeling , Learn Excel - 43 comments This is a guest post written by Paramdeep from Pristine. is partnering with Pristine to bring an excel financial modeling online training program for you. This is Part 1 of 6 on Financial Modeling using Excel In this and next 5 posts, we are going to learn how to build a financial model to do project evaluation using Excel. What is financial modeling? Financial modeling is creating a complete program/ structure, which helps you in coming to a decision regarding investment in a project/ company. Who does Financial Modeling? Anybody dealing with any decision related to money (wish there was somebody who did not require that!). What are the steps in building a financial model? Data collection – This is where the real front end banker works. One Advice for Aspiring Financial Modelers Speed is the Key: Finally when you are dealing with tons of information, you can easily get bored. What Next?
MITx Opens for Enrollment (and Certification - For Now - Is Free) MIT opens registration today for the first of its online courses offered as part of its new MITx initiative. The university announced MITx late last year as the next step not just in informal online learning but in alternative certification. Registration for MITx is free and open to anyone, and for this first "prototype" class, there is no additional charge to receive the certification upon successful completion of the class. This first class is "6.002x: Circuits and Electronics." According to the course website, the class will demand approximately 10 hours a week from those enrolled. Circuits and Electronics, as the name of the course suggests, is meant to be an introduction for electrical engineering and computer science majors. But the connection to MIT OCW is important here, and it's something that makes MITx quite distinct from some of its online learning competitors.