Quote: technology hasnt changed students AfL: Golden Rules Assessment for Learning: My Golden Rules Evaluation and assessment are not the same. My husband worked with a colleague who 'assessed' final exam art-work based on the standard of the class. He was gobsmacked when, during his first 'standardisation' meeting for IGCSE art, she laid out all the pieces across the room. She had decided, subjectively and without consultation of the criteria, that 'Sue' had produced the 'best' work, therefore she got an 'A', whilst 'Peter' was the 'worst', so he got the 'U' grade. Since then, I have continued to think carefully about the purpose of assessment and how we assess with particular focus on Assessment for Learning (AfL). Comment OR grade. The advice of my Principal is to choose one or the other - feedback or grade - but not both. The feedback is part of the journey, the grade is the destination. Summative before formative. I believe we should, as Dylan Wiliam asserts, embed formative assessment into our everyday practice. Assessment is a dialogue.
How To Use Google Drive and Evernote To Create Digital Portfolios The following post is written by Greg Kulowiec & Beth Holland from EdTechTeacher. You can hear them both present at the April 10-12 EdTechTeacher iPad Summit in Atlanta! As iPads proliferate in schools around the world, and students as well as teachers create more and more content, questions about what to do with all of those learning objects have arisen. In other words, how can we curate this content into portfolios for assessment as well as reflection. Portfolio Curation with Google Drive Source: The Verge With recent upgrades to the Google Drive app on the iPad, it is now a viable solution for student portfolios that can be created in their entirety on iPad. The Google Drive app now allows for the creation of Documents, Spreadsheets, and Folders. The video tutorial below explains the process of creating, uploading and sharing within the Google Drive app on an iPad. Using Portfolios to Make Connections with Evernote Evernote provides one possible solution to the challenge.
10 Great Tools to Integrate with your Google Docs Since Google officially changed Google Docs name to Google Drive and a number of updates have been introduced to improve its overall performance. One very recent update is an increase of cloud storage capacity to 15GB usable across Gmail, Drive, and Google Plus. It is quite obvious that Google is trying to outsmart its immediate competitor Dropbox and I think Google is successful in its strategy so far. To make Google Drive stand out from the crowd, Google opened it to apps developers and allowed users to select from a wide variety of web apps to integrate into their Google Drive accounts. With the integration of these apps, users can now handle their files and documents ways not affordable by any other cloud storage tool out there. I have curated for you some interesting apps that are integrated into Google Drive and which you can install right from your Google Drive interface. Here is a list of some great apps to use with your Google Drive : 1- WeVideo 2- PicMonkey 3- Google Forms app
TES article: edu needs to plug into to Web 2.0 Reflection and revision opportunities: Check! PBL Guidance states that learners should be allowed two formative assessments for each summative assessment. The final product for The Octopus's Garden Project is a presentation to the Principal of the school with design ideas for a 21st century classroom that will enhance teaching and learning in the school (post on this coming soon). Learners will also have to recount their learning in a report following the presentation. To prepare for these assessments, we worked on:- - note-taking skills - writing instructions - persuasive language - organisation - effective slide-making - recount writing - report writingCheck Points: Presentations Formative 1: team presentations on areas of expertise Formative 2: draft final presentation to soundboard Summative: final presentation to SLT Every team completed a peer assessment form (on a Google Form) created from the co-constructed presentation rubric when watching the films.
Miten teen verkkokyselyn tai -lomakkeen Googlessa? - Sosiaalisen median hyvät käytännöt Ennen kuin voit tehdä kyselyjä ja lomakkeita Google Drivessa (ent. Google Docs), sinulla pitää olla Google-tili. Verkkokyselyn vastaukset kerääntyvät automaattisesti tietueiksi laskentataulukkoon. Palvelussa on käytössä kaikki yleisimmät kysymystyypit. Lisäksi voit määrittää kyselyyn osioita ja sivunvaihtoja. Voit jakaa muokkaus- tai katseluoikeudet myös muille, joilla on Google-tili. Lomakkeen kysymystyypit Kyselyn tekeminen Kirjaudu Google Driveen (tai luo ensin Google-tili, mikäli sinulla ei sitä vielä ole). 4. 5. 6. Mikäli haluat kysymykset pakollisiksi, valitse "Tee tästä vaadittu kysymys". 8. 7. Voit upottaa lomakkeen nettisivulle ja jakaa linkin esimerkiksi sähköpostilla: Lisää toimintoja > Upotus. Kysymysten muokkaus jälkeenpäin Mikäli jostakin syystä joudut muokkaamaan kyselyä: 1. 4. Vastaukset omaan sähköpostiin Mikäli haluat käyttää lomaketta esimerkiksi tilauslomakkeena, muuta lomakkeen asetuksia laskentataulukkonäkymässä: Työkalut > Ilmoitussäännöt. Vastausten tarkastelu
Check out if You Correctly Integrate Technology Using This Awesome Rubric One of the questions you might be asking yourself as a teacher using technology in his/her classroom is whether you are using it the right way or not. First , questions such as these are healthy signs of your ongoing learning and the more you question your learning and teaching practices the more improved your overall teaching becomes. This is an important part of our lifelong learning process , and as I said before in one of my previous posts, teachers are or should be on a constant hunt for new knowledge. Now that you have started thinking critically about the technology you use in your classroom, you will need s answers to some questions you have in your mind ( like the one above ). So what is Technology Integration Matrix ? The Technology Integration Matrix (TIM) illustrates how teachers can use technology The Technology Integration Matrix (TIM) illustrates how teachers can use technology to enhance learning for K-12 students.
Top 10 Videos on 21st Century Learning 1- Expanded Learning Opportunities 2- What is 21st Century Education 3- Educate The Heart 4- Learn to Change, Change to Learn 5- Teachers Inspire Us ( this is really an amazing video I love it ) 6- The Art of Teaching ( Sir Ken Robinson ) 7- Make your Voice Heard: Discover Democratic Education 8- An Introduction to Technology Integration 9- Project Based Learning Explained 10- The Future Starts Now New Reasons to Dislike Multi-Choice Testing The multiple-choice problem is becoming a bit of an issue. While it has been derided by educators for decades as incapable of truly measuring understanding, and while performance on such exams can be noticeably improved simply by learning a few tricks, the multiple choice question may have a larger, less obvious flaw that disrupts the tone of learning itself. This is a tone that is becoming increasingly important in the 21st century as access to information increases, as the updating of information happens more naturally, and as blended and mobile learning environments become more common. Tone Learning depends on a rather eccentric mix of procedural and declarative knowledge -- on the process as much as the end product. The process of mastering mathematics, for example, is served as much by a consistent process of practice as it is the practice itself. This all emphasizes the value of uncertainty in learning. Uncertainty There is nothing wrong with being uncertain. Beyond Either/Or
Google: first MOOP (Massive Online Open Pedagogy) Seek and you will find As a kid I never imagined, when watching Star Trek, that I really would have a little device on which I could ask any question, and it would almost certainly give me a meaningful answer. Science fiction came true and I have one next to me now and its main tool is Google search. Montessori kids Brin was born in Russia and educated in the US, Page is from Michigan. They only met in 1995, at Stanford, yet their business, Google, famously based on a spelling error (Google should have been Googol), has become one of the most significant global businesses of our times. Most potent, pedagogic, productivity tool ever As the world’s most successful search engine it has become an indispensable tool for learning and research. Google – game changer in learning Google's mission is to ‘organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful’. Their mathematical approach to search problems at Stanford led to a search engine that ranked sites by popularity.