Letting Go the Old
Well, it's happened. You have taken the first step in making a change. Whether your change came unexpectedly or was carefully planned, the figured-out flow of your daily life has been disrupted. Unless you manage the change instead of simply being carried along in its wake, you might end up in a less-than-desirable place wondering how the heck you got there. Change is the 800-pound gorilla that you can try to ignore, but, eventually, it will come and sit on your chest, look you in the eye, and thump your head loudly to get your attention. Consider that no matter the circumstances, you are not at the mercy of change. The change process has three steps: letting go the old, attracting the new, and determining next steps. Emotional range is the ability to appropriately engage the emotions on the contracting side of the emotional scale (fear, anger, frustration, etc.) as well as the expanding side (happiness, love, well-being, trust, etc.). Think of a heart monitor. Express your feelings.
TOPICS | Practical Survivor
PracticalSurvivor.com by Robert Munilla is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.Based on a work at www.practicalsurvivor.com Navigation Home Hand Drill Fire Starting Click title or picture for full article. Read more Survival Saws Read more Urban Winter Emergency Shelters Read more Basic Cold Weather Survival Read more Snow Cave Read more Basic Desert Survival Read more Flint and Steel Fire Starting Read more Bow Drill Fire Starting Read more Magnesium Block Fire starter Read more Mission Team 21 Knife by TOPS Read more 12345next ›last »
14 natural items for your alternative first aid kit
Cloves. Photo by Elenadan Find out which multitasking natural remedies merit a spot in your backpack. IF YOU’VE COME TO trust in herbal and alternative medicine at home, it can be a hard decision to go back to Pepto-Bismol and Dayquil when you’re getting ready to go abroad. With these 14 items it’s easy to keep up that alternative health kick you’ve been on, even when you’re 5000 miles from home. 1. This is top of the list because it’s just so damn useful. Echinacea. 2. A powerful antibacterial, antibiotic, and antiparasitical potion. 3. Few things can kill a travel buzz like bad menstrual cramps. 4. All-Heal, Self- Heal and Heal-All are all common names of a plant which has many uses: antibiotic, antiseptic, astringent. Ginger root. 5. Stomach troubles are one of the most common issues among travelers. 6. Arnica is commonly found in two forms, either as a gel( look for Boiron brand) or in homeopathic pellets. 7. Native to Australia, the tea tree plant produces a powerful astringent oil.
Workaway.info the site for free work exchange. Gap year volunteer for food and accommodation whilst travelling abroad.
Find Your Strengths, Understand Your Weaknesses
We all know intuitively that people have different personalities. Some people are extremely social, while others like spending long periods of time alone. Some people seem like counselors, so good are they at listening to their friends' travails, while others talk incessantly about themselves with no curiosity as to how someone else might be feeling. One of the ways you can find the kind of work you are meant for is by figuring out what your personality type is through an objective measure. I did this recently using an internet test based on the Myers-Briggs typing system, and while it was a free online test and not guaranteed to be accurate, I have to say I was fairly impressed with how closely it matched my own strengths and weaknesses. For example, I am an introvert, which means I draw energy from being alone, whereas an extrovert draws energy from being around people. You say you already know your personality? I'm an INFP.
The Four Temperaments
David Keirsey's temperament theory extends the scheme laid down by Hippocrates, Galen, and Kretschmer. The 16 temperament and personality types described in PTypes are classified in groups of four under Ernst Kretschmer's hyperesthetic, anesthetic, depressive, and hypomanic temperaments. According to the Encyclop�dia Britannica, in psychology, temperament is the aspect of personality concerned with emotional dispositions and reactions and their speed and intensity; the term often is used to refer to the prevailing mood or mood pattern of a person. The notion of temperament in this sense originated with Galen who developed it from an earlier physiological theory of four basic body fluids (humours): blood, phlegm, black bile, and yellow bile. Adapted and modified from table in David Keirsey. (1995). Portraits of Temperament. 3rd. ed. * Adapted from Crown Financial Ministries. * Adapted from: Littauer, Florence. (1995).
How to Explore and Study Intention: 10 steps
Edit Article Edited by George AP, Teresa, Flickety, Daniel and 10 others Intention is a surprisingly important, but rarely explored part of the mind, as its significance is only important after the fact. Only once you've spent time observing it can you find just how it fits in to day-to-day living. Intention is a main stepping stone or foundation of the mind that is important to understand - start exploring it today. Ad Steps 1Find out the ways you can best view intention as it happens. 10Continue to evaluate intention. Tips Consider studying how intention is treated within different disciplines in order to broaden your understanding of it. Warnings Take things a step at a time, this is understanding a major part of how the mind works and reacts.
End a Codependent Relationship the Healthy Way | Mindful Construct
It’s not a good idea to label yourself codependent, unless you plan to do something constructive about it. Because labels don’t empower you; they reinforce the undesired effect. Codependency is, however, a label of our time. So many facets of society are codependent. It’s usually synonymous with romance, too. Codependency is so ubiquitous that first of all, it’s hard to recognize. How to determine if a relationship is codependent You need to do three things to determine if a relationship you’re in is codependent: 1. It’s natural to go back and forth between self-education and self-honesty; each informs the other. 3. You need to use the label wisely to ensure that you’re being constructive with it. Hints for determining if a relationship is codependent Codependent relationships are virtually everywhere. Here are twelve signs that you’re relating to someone in your life codependently: You feel like you cannot live without the other person. What it takes to end a codependent relationship ShareThis
The Magic Formula for Expressing Hurt Feelings
If we could all just be more emotionally honest with ourselves and others, the world would be a much different place. Sounds easy, right? Then why is it so hard?!? Well, being straightforward about your feelings is a challenge when you grow up in a culture that polarizes emotions as out to get you and paints them as the take-down of your logical, rational mind (which is an irrational fear). But no matter how dysfunctional your cultural programming is, you can still reprogram your beliefs about emotions and their role in your life. This formula is good for you You’ve probably already learned from elementary school about the easy way to express your feelings without putting anyone else on the defensive in a mean way. It’s a magic formula helps you put your feelings back into perspective by reminding you that: The formula is: I feel this when you do that. Or, for when you need to try extra hard to get the other person’s attention: When you do that, I feel this. Change the world with magic ShareThis