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Homework Resources From National Geographic

Homework Resources From National Geographic

Fitness Advice, Workout Videos, Health & Fitness | Hi BodyRockers, Today Freddy and I are starting to pack for our move and we are crazy busy. With everything that we have to do today, I didn’t have time for a full workout, but don’t worry because I put together this savage little 6 minute full body routine that will rock you out. Freddy & I will be back this weekend with new BodyRockers, a new diet challenge and possibly a life post if we actually do anything interesting besides packing! Enjoy your training! Zuzana & Freddy Jump Squatmax. reps during 10 secondsSide Pike Jumpmax. reps during 20 secondsMountaing Climbermax. reps during 20 seconds Get your gear for this workout here: Interval TimerGet your equipment here Instructions: This workout is 6 minutes long Super Intense Interval Training. There are 3 exercises that you will be going through until you complete all 12 rounds. 10 seconds of Jump Squats 20 seconds of Side Pike Jumps 20 seconds of Mountain Climber … and repeat until your timer tells you that the 6 minutes are over. Jump Squat
